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27-09-10, 21:52
Have got myself into an absolute flap thinking aliens are coming. I sound ridiculous, yes, but after hearing on the news that they are releasing all these x files and people saying that they must have discovered that there are actually aliens, I'm so worried. I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I have the doctor tommorow and am hoping she can calm me down but urgh I'm so worried.. I've even had to shut my window and check under my bed :huh: I feel such an idiot but I'm worried

27-09-10, 21:56
Aliens could be really cool people though couldn't they?

27-09-10, 22:18
do you think aliens will come here with all the cuts back thay would be mad

28-09-10, 11:41
Babe, they couldn't be much worse than some humans here in my experience, lol.

Seriously though, if you think about how over the decades there have been countless sightings of UFO type things and people claiming to have been abducted, etc. etc. and so far, have we ACTUALLY experienced any alien landing?.....no.

Try not to worry about 'what if's' hun, as invariably those things just don't happen.

Take care.xx:winks:

28-09-10, 12:52
My son keeps frightening me (and himself!) with tales of aliens living among us. He watches all the programmes and goes on line googling anything he can about it. I think I maybe to blame for his fascination with ufo's and aliens as I have seen a ufo when I was young but nobody believed us, me and my friend where terrified and everyone made a big joke about it! Whether they exislt or not remains to be seen, I do believe if we exist then somewhere out there someone else may exist too. I think there are so many films made with aliens portrayed as baddies and wanting nothing more than destrying earth, they wouldnt be good films if we were the baddies?!!!
I wouldnt worry too much as we would never find out if they where here or not or if indeed they do exist. Instead we just speculate and carry on watching silly films and any little thing we see in the sky we swear it is a ufo, like I did thirty years ago!

28-09-10, 14:49
Some times we fear things that we cannot control, this is causing you anxiety so the looking under the bed and locking windows is your way of feeling more in control which is naturally calming.

I've had similar thoughts my self, or would hear a noise that sound a bit like a plane but wasn't a plane or I see weird lights in the sky.....

the fear will pass, sometimes we can develop odd fears when we are avoiding difficult emotions or ignoring things that need to be addressed.

28-09-10, 14:54
I get worried about this too, particularly when I get a newspaper in the morning and it has some horrifying headline about aliens / that LHC machine or something to do with the cosmos.

Theres a guy from NASA who answers questions from the public who are worried about things like aliens which is here and he can be quite rude sometimes but when he says something like 'oh what idiocy!' its quite reliving in some way? I have no idea why I feel that but here's a link if you want to ask something.


28-09-10, 19:11
Hi daisycake,

Don’t worry :winks:

Yes, there are billions of stars out there and yes, by the laws of average some of those must support life, but space is huge and the distances to those stars are vast.

You made me look up some figures because things like that fascinate me. The nearest star is a little over 4 light years away, which means that if it were possible to travel at the speed of light, it would still take about 4 years to get there. But that’s scarily fast :ohmy:

And to put that into context, I looked up a bit about the Voyager space probe. It was launched in 1977 and it took about 25 years just to reach the edge of our solar system. It’s predicted to run out of power in about 15-20 years, but if it could somehow keep going, the first star it’ll encounter is about 8 light years away, and that’ll be nearly 300,000 years from now.

Ok, so aliens might have smarter technology that us, but it’s still gonna take them a hell of a long time to get here, and it’s not really practical.

I caught the end of one of those Stephen Hawking programs the other day. He said he didn’t believe the government were covering up any stories of aliens having landed on Earth. He said judging by their record of keeping anything else secret, he considered it highly unlikely :winks:

Take care,