View Full Version : Bad Day

Silly Blonde
06-03-06, 09:52
Feel rotten today. Have got mega bad heartburn. I've just started taking a new form of Mirtazapine which dissolves on the tongue. My GP has always said that my tablets don't help my heartburn, and I think these new ones are even worse!

What really worries me is that on the information leaflet, there is no mention of heartburn, so it doesn't seem logical to me that it can be a side effect.

Since having the ultrasound last week, my mind is off ovarian cancer and now I am convinced I have something wrong with my digestive system (gullet cancer, bowel cancer etc).

Why oh why can I not just live with these symptoms - why does everything worry me so much.

I am seeing a psychologist but don't really feel like I'm getting anywhere. Maybe its just because its Monday :(

06-03-06, 09:57
Hi Silly Blonde,

I find that my meds give my incredibly bad heartburn also so that with the sickness in the morning I feel as if I’m pregnant. One thing I would say no matter how bad I am I don’t think I could convince myself that I’m pregnant that just isn’t going to happen so I put it down to the meds. Remember just because it isn’t on the information leaflet it doesn’t mean to say it isn’t a side effect the ones on the leaflet are only the ones reported in clinical trials. Everybody responds differently to medication even aspirin can cause side effects in some people so try not to worry too much.

Now if I’m not pregnant you don’t have anything serious wrong with you.


Silly Blonde
06-03-06, 10:00
Thank you Robert!

I guess that makes sense! I just keep telling myself that I have had heartburn for over a year, I'm still eating way too much, haven't lost any weight - and the last time I looked I haven't died yet!

Thanks for the support

SB x

06-03-06, 10:03
No problem it is a pleasure I would say avoid spicy food and try eat pasta dishes etc and avoid junk food it doesn’t really help either. I would also say try asking you doctor for gaviscon or something like that if he hasn’t already prescribed it for you.

Silly Blonde
06-03-06, 10:06
Hmmm - so the large amounts of chocolate I am eating probably doesn't help either - along with the bag of cheese and onion crisps I have just munched!!!

I have been taking a low maintenance dose of Nexium (esomeprazole) but didn't find that they did a great deal, other than give me stomach ache and caused my hair to thin, so I have stopped taking them. Will get myself some more of the thick Gaviscon to take instead!

06-03-06, 10:10
That’s a good idea it is absolutely sickening gaviscon but it has to be done I tried loads of stuff but it soon passed after I started eating different foods. I also realised that chocolate etc made my anxiety worse because it was stimulant.

06-03-06, 12:01
hi there.sorry to here of your discomfort,hope this helps.I have had the same synptoms 4 years and years and have been given every ant acid on the dr's list[i too now take nexium when it is really bad] i have had a gastroscopy in the last few months and all they found was a sore gullet due to the acid.i dont take any meds so cant be that .i do think that we who have panic disorders get digestive problems ,ibs etc.Hope you fel better soon,and yes lay off spicey and fatty food 4 a while give your tum a rest.Take care.Mary-Rose.xxxx

Silly Blonde
06-03-06, 13:00
Thank you so much for that. I used to go to a group therapy session for anxiety management - and that helped in the same way, in that I found that nearly everyone there was on some sort of antacid/stomach tablet!! My suspicious mind was concerned that they were all "actors" put there to convince me that it was due to the anxiety, but I realise now that it was all very real!!

I, like you, have had this for some time now (since my anxiety kicked off about a year ago) and so if I reason with that horrible bully in my head, I guess I'd be dead by now if it was something horrible!

My psychiatrist tells me that adrenalin has a lot to do with the ways we suffer - too much can cause all sorts of problems, including the production of too much stomach acid etc. I suppose it does make sense, but I just want to feel normal and "symptom free" again.

I am trying to accept this, but when I get a bad day, I slip back into the "oh god what if its serious" mode. I have an aromatherapy massage every Saturday, and lo and behold, I felt great all day Saturday!! I should listen to myself a little more I guess.

Thanks again and take care.


06-03-06, 13:09
silly blonde i sent u a pm that i thought might help but just take care and no we are all in this together

Silly Blonde
06-03-06, 14:21
Thanks for that. Its just taken me 10 minutes to work out what a PM is!!! Looks like today is going to get any better!! Roll on Tuesday!