View Full Version : Panicking- away from home

27-09-10, 23:57
Hi - I am currently in my first year of uni and am hundreds of miles away from home and, although having suffered attacks previously, they are more intense than any other I have experienced (other than those when on holiday, coincidentally). I fear that alcohol has brought these on even though I didn't drink at all yesterday or today.
Help or advice or just somebody to talk to would be really appreciated.

28-09-10, 00:14
Hi, I had my attacks when I was at uni. Often as you well know, it can be down to stress or for me as well life changes. Uni is a big change, your system has to adjust to a lot of new things, it's understandable to be anxious. However try not to let the attacks overcome you, you know the cannot harm you in any way. Alcohol always brings mine on, so I tend to steer clear. If they continue don't delay on going to you uni doctor, mine was brilliant and I saw the counsellor there too, brilliant when your miles from home and your usual support. Hope this helps a little. :)

28-09-10, 00:25
Yes, I tend to find that loads of 'stupid' things build up to really stress my out and that general feeling of isolation and being away from people you can really trust. I find I end up drinking usually to try and 'self-medicate' the attacks and help me socialise as I am not that outgoing. I'll definately try to cut it down though! I should really see a doctor but I always find that when I no longer feel as panicked or anxious that I'm just making a deal out of nothing and that how I felt previously was just like a bad dream. That sounds really good having a counsellor and somebody to talk to rather than relying on medication or something like that! Thank you for replying- I really appreciate it! :)