View Full Version : Left arm pain

28-09-10, 03:54
I have been suffering from pa for the last one year and had several ecg's and blood tests which the doctors are saying that its fine, since the last couple of weeks, iam having pain on my left arm and left side of my chest which makes me worry as i keep thinking if its heart related, the pain often comes and goes but is usually there most of the time, i want to know if there are any other people out there that are suffering from the same kind of situation, and what they can suggest as its terriying me.

Thank you...

28-09-10, 05:03
well if it's for a couple of weeks not it's probably not your heart, so you should take reassurance from that.
it also sounds like a muscular pain, are you left handed? or do you sleep a lot on your left side?
if it's uncomfortable maybe ask your doc :-)

28-09-10, 05:49
Thanks for the reply Mishel, Iam not sure if its muscle pain or not as the type of pain differs from time to time hoping it is muscular pain and not something else, Iam right handed and I usually sleep towards my right, I have been to the doctors which they told me that its proberly caused because of my anxiety but I am still not convinced as I keep thinking they might of missed something out, but I am going to see another doctor.

Your comment made me feel abit better.

Thank you:D