View Full Version : propranolol help!!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-06, 10:17
Wonder if anyone could help ma as i am so worried.
My doctor put me on properanolol-beta blockers ..and its my third day of taking them,and to be honest im not sure weather they are working because i still have eptopic beats lotes and lotes and lotes throughout the day,im still anixous and panicky- and when i do take one i feel well giddy,dizzy and sluggish-im not sure why the doctor put me on these, my pulse before could either be fast or slow... mostly felt slow.
I only take 10mg 3 times a day, he did tell me to take 20mg 3 times a day... but actually im quite brave to even take what i am...
im worried there not working because i really have a medical problem.
im worried .. so scared

ash xx

06-03-06, 10:20
Hi Ashley,

First of all you are very brave for taking your medication it is a step in the right direction. I took beta blockers many years ago but I stopped them as I didn’t find that they helped my condition but what I would say is that is probably your anxiety creeping in. Do you feel any benefit of taking your meds as of yet?


06-03-06, 10:26
I guess i have longer periods without anxiety, but its still really really bad and the eptopic beats are just so worrying to me, i did have 3 ecg's and nothink ,it was like taking a child to the doctor i tell ya, coz my heart acting fine when i had them done but i have only developed these awful eptopic beats 6 days ago, never had the min the whole of my 15 years of anxiety , had everything else,trust ,me .. but not these, i can have up to 100 a day on a bad day. They just wont leave me alone, of course they are making me freak.

Had enuff

scared , so so much .. i just want to be myself, worried that these eptopic beats are something else, lotesofpeople have told me they too suffer with them day in and day out real bad ... but i still need to hear that other people are, its a nightmare... i just cant except they cant hurt me-of course i have read up on this... mostly they cant hurt you,,, but some can..

here i go... sorry

ash x

06-03-06, 10:30
Hi Ashley,

I don’t think they can hurt you but I’m not a expert on this subject but the thing is you are still alive, which tells me the probably aren’t. I would say you should note down your concerns and take them to your Gp this is what I do as I find I always forgot something and leave without the answers.

I can see why you are worried I think I would be too, your meds should start working straight away so it may be best to check with your GP.

Sorry I can’t be a real help


06-03-06, 10:52
Hi, I was taking propanonol 140mg evey day, but due to taking other meds i really didn't see the benifit. I no longer take any meds but occasionally take the odd propanonol if i get a bit wobbily. They work fine for me but as with all meds they don't work with everyone. Have a chat with your doc and see what he/she suggests. Tara

06-03-06, 11:13
Think they take the edge of,like i havnt had a panic attack apart from last night --- but i used to get them lotes and lotes TRUST ME.

But i am still getting them nasty eptoic beats lotes and lote.

Im scared and lonley, its only me and the kids here and i just wish someone was with me all the time untili get better a bit.

ash x

06-03-06, 11:58
Hi Ashley,

when I was on beta blockers I found the exact same. They take the edge off. But as I said before, they will not stop panic breaking through all the time.
If you can use the time while the edge is being taken off to try and look at ways of relaxing and gaining more knowledge.

Remind yourself constantly of the facts, not the thoughts. Write them down if needs be.

1) You are on a very low dose of beta blockers. Millions of people take them with no problem.
2) You have been tested and have found to be in perfect working order.
3) You are still here! This is a good one :D
4) You know you are in a high anxiety state.

Do you have a time slot where you can try and fit in a relaxtion cd or do some relaxation yoga? It will be beneficial if you can do a relaxation session with breathing control at least once a day at this stage. I know it's hard to even lie still in this state. I once had a panic attack in the relaxation stage of a yoga session I went to! However, keep at it and TRY to relax, even if you don't feel it. Gradually it will become easier.

Remember also that you are in a highly sensitised state at the moment. In this state you will find it near impossible to concentrate and your body will be firing off with everything, ectopics, pains, dizziness, tightness etc etc. The more you can relax body and mind the less they will come, but remeber it will take time. Also, remember you can relax by doing things. Doing something you like will occupy your mind and relax it as it's not worrying about your health all the time. I started trying to play the guitar, but even if you can read a lighthearted book or find something that you like to do.

Again, something to remember that was one of Claire Weekes lines : "The way out is simple, but it's not easy!" This one hits the nail on the head for me.

Take it easy,
Trev :D

06-03-06, 12:22

Try these other posts as well...

Propranolol ?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4447)
Propranolol (Inderal) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=172)
Propranolol help please (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2271)
new to propranolol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6891)
Doc just prescribed Propranolol to start new job (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6629)
Propranolol and Alcohol? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3756)
Changing Medication to Propranolol ? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2163)
propranolol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7215)


06-03-06, 12:31
Hi trev how ya doing, of course you are so right in all you say ..but again it isnt easy.
I waslet down by a so called mate today who was going to take me to a shop where they have a libary full of cd's and tapes all about anxiety/panic/depression.. its a sprirtual healing centre and they do all kinds of relaxtion , and self help.. so i was going to go there, but like i said my mate let me down... thats mates for ya.
So if muhammed cant come to the mountain, the mountain shall go to muhammed.
Dont want to go to town on the bus meself, but i cant stand the way i feel and i cant give up without trying trev, so i will go there shortly.

Trev thanx for the posting , you do really help mate,

i am just so scared of the constant eptopic beats all day..but like nic try not to concentrate on them,thats not good... i know.

thax to nic to for her posting and anyone that replys , it all helps.

ash x

06-03-06, 15:24
Hope the mountain got to Mohammed ok and that you found some useful stuff.

The other thing that I found VERY useful was to do some exercise. It started off with walks in the park. I did this every day and built up the time and speed. At first, I was like a 300 year old!!! I was shuffling along at snails pace scared to raise my heartbeat in case I did any damage! I can laugh about it now but at the time it was hell, as you know. I would have panic attacks around the park and generally felt rubbish at first. Make it part of your daily routine to get a good walk in and I think you'll notice the difference fairly quickly. In fact Claire Weekes mentions exercise as a cure for ectopics in her books.

The body is reacting in a "fight or flight" way at the moment and so it is a great way of using the chemicals that are being released. Get the big muscle groups working (legs and arms/shoulders) and it will "burn off" the adrenaline etc that is in your system. I read a study that showed that people who suffered from depression showed a better recovery response by purely doing exercise alone than a group who did no exercise and used anti depressant medication.

Trev :D

06-03-06, 18:22
Trev you are top johnny .. i will start doing that tomorrow ..theres a nice big playing field near me... i will try and do what you said,no i wont try i will do it... but i know i am going to be just like you snail steps... how pathetic hay .. but i know that i am going to do that.
I ran today fro my cab and do you know though i felt terrible, chest pain and could hardley breath.. wot a reck i am.
Just need these eptopic beats to naf of, and they are really holding me back... and they scare me trev xxx

hope you are alright xxx

07-03-06, 20:23
Good for you.
It's because they scare you that they are there. :D They scared me and I'm sure they scare most people. They scare you so your body responds with more adrenaline which leads to ectopics. It's one big circle.
Try to now change your thoughts while you walk. Don't spend all the time thinking about how you feel. The more we start looking for all the symptoms, waiting for them to come, the more we keep ourselves constantly on edge and the more our horizons become smaller. Before long we spend every waking minute of the day just thinking about how we feel. It's no wonder we feel so exhausted!! Imagine if you spent every minute of the day studying one subject without a break........you'd be knackered at the end of it!!
Try to find things to take your mind off of you while you walk. You may even feel like you are pretending at first but this is enough. Just stick with it and try and think of as many positve things as possible as much of the time as you can manage.
Remember, it can take a couple of months to get the body back from being so sensitised to reacting in a "normal" way again.

Trev :D

07-03-06, 22:26
Bloody hell trev a couple of months did ya say till i get meself back to a normal way of thinking... i want it now-- lol... i do though so deearly.
Today was the worse day ever with my anxiety if ya read my posting despartley seeking ashley, it was horrendous.. and ya know trev i have had anxiety 15 years poss longer and everything yous say, i do belive and i have practiced this all before , but do you think i can do it--this timei have found it extremley hard love, like climbing the tallest mountain that is covered in snow, with only my hands and feet,graping for my life as i pull myself up every inch of the mountain, i want to reach the top , but every time i go forward i then fall back, this has got me by the bo**o*ks (excuse the french).
tell ya why it has thrown me this time unlike no other, because i have never felt my heart like this in my chest and throat over 80 times or more a day, oh we as normalpeople have had the odd onein a blue moon and you kinda think wow, blimey what was that, and its over and you go and wash up, or go for a bike ride, but to have it non-stop for a week ... is it going to stop i ask my self... trev would say yes it will if you stop feeding it, and you are right.... but my mind is being thick and wont listen, to anything its being told.

trev mate, i am such a bubbly, funny,kinda nutty girl in a good way and ive lost meself, i know last year and what i went through has got me to this state now, i just am so down .. and im tired and weak of fighting ,, so weak love.

im a 34 year old girl , who is weak and frightened ... and of course my anxiety just got great pleasure in hearing that, as it loves a weak person.

i have never wanted my mum so much, but my nan /dad/ and little brother all have her .. they always bloddy have.

ash x

08-03-06, 12:23
Hiya Ashley,

I know what you mean about feeling like you have no solid base to grip to.
Your mind is not being thick, it is reacting in a normal way that all of us have experienced.
The fact is that it won't change overnight. Believe me, I know how much you want it to but it won't. It takes time to get back. This is the horrible trick it plays. We all want it to go in an instant and would do anything for that to happen so we get more and more upset and worried about it when it doesn't. You have to try and do the things suggested. Mental relaxation is the aim but it takes time. But you have to do the things and do them over a long time, regardless of how you feel.

I used to listen to a tape all the time which really helped me. I haven't listened to it in a while but I did yesterday in the car because I was thinking about the state you are in. The tape would be perfect for you in my opinion.
It's "Hope and Help For Your Nerves" on Thorsons Audio read by Claire Weekes. It costs about 8 quid I think. I think I got it from Amazon.
I would highly recommend that you get a copy and listen to it as much as you can. It explains perfectly the process of what is happening to you and how to deal with it. It used to give me much needed confidence to tackle the next day.

You will be ok.

Trev :D

10-03-06, 12:36
I was also prescribed this med but was told by nuroligist not to take them but that was me.

As far as i know they work on the physical symptoms rather than the mental side of it all.

Give it a good go you never no they may just take time to kick in.

Good Luck

Kalrie xxx


22-03-06, 14:16
I have given propanolol too some time ago, i was told by the doc that it stops eratic heartbeats and calms you body down a bit.. I have been on seroxat for 4 years and found myself getting bad a while back an dthe night i took the 1st tablet i was on like a high, was weird... took them for 3 days then stopped and been ok-ish since, always there if i need them..