View Full Version : Hi

Aaron B
28-09-10, 10:17
Hi i just stumbled upon your site...thank god im not alone in going through this. I myself suffer from panic disorder. I have done for the last few months i cant seem to pinpoint what exactly has brought this on....I do live in a stressful home, im getting divorced and im going thorugh court proceedings for access to my daughter. But....this said.....This has been going on for the last 2 years. Why am i only getting this now...that is if it is at all related...I also suffer tremorsjust before i fall asleep it feels like a fit or a state of paralysis just for a few seconds then i jump up out of bed....I googled what that might me and thats how i found your forum.

28-09-10, 10:18
Hi Aaron B

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-09-10, 10:18
Hi Aaron B

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Aaron B
28-09-10, 10:21
Thank you, iam reading the articles. I cant believe i never knew bout this site

28-09-10, 13:03
Hi and :welcome:ABOARD Aaron .. luv Sue x

28-09-10, 13:21
Hi Aaron, welcome, from a fellow noob! Hope all works out for the best for you!

28-09-10, 13:29
Hi Aaron,

Sorry you are having a hard time right now, and many of us can relate.

I know exactly what you mean when you question why you are getting panic symptoms now.

Mine was brought on by depression stemming from a health problem, but my GP at the time said it was not that sole problem that caused it. It was like a snowball effect of months, if not years of stress and problems including pressure at work and relationship issues and my health problem was the icing on the cake. The panic symptoms appear to just spring up, but are actually due to stress we often don't even realise is taking its toll on us, so maybe this is why you are having problems now hun.

This is a really great site, with lovely supportive people and any time you need to talk everyone is here for you.
