View Full Version : Urine probs

28-09-10, 10:22
I noticed last night when I went to toilet what looked like little pieces of tissue in my urine. It was fine when I went first thing this morning. I think I have had it before but have never thought much of it but this time I started panicking. I have also have some pain in my lower stomach the last couple of day, like period cramps ( not due for about 10 days) but could be bladder area.

Has anyone ever had these bit in their urine before, any ideas?

28-09-10, 10:27
Hey there,

Are you sure it is coming directly from your urine, or could it be coming from elsewhere but joining your urine, so when you wipe or look in the toilet it appears it is from your urine?

Try peeing into a little pot and checking if it is coming directly from the urine. You know when you have a period, it can look like blood is coming from your urine, but it isn't at all.

It is possible that if you haven't been to the toilet for a while that "tissue-like" stuff can be emptied from your bladder, as it's had time to settle for a while.

I'm sure it's nothing - keep an eye on it, and if you are really worried i'd go and see your GP, but my hunch is that it's nothing serious. Could it be discharge?

Ellie :)

paula lynne
28-09-10, 10:31
Ask you gp for a sample bottle, they can do a dip stick test there and then xx:)

28-09-10, 10:41
Urine can have strands in it. :)

28-09-10, 15:39
bring a urine sample to your doc.
it could also just be vaginal fluid your seeing in your urine.