View Full Version : fed up now, what is wrong with me???

28-09-10, 10:42
So you will have seen my post about the numb patch on my lip which I am fearing is a brain tumour/stroke/ms.

I had a stomach bug that lasted about a week and a half recently and I was just getting better from that when last night started feeling sick to my stomach again, really nauseous. Yesterday and today when I've got up I feel all weak and like my legs and arms are like jelly, like I've got the flu. I'm just at my whits end. I never feel well and never have any energy, always tired.

When I've spoken to the Dr about it before they have just said that my bloods about a year ago were fine and that it was just having a baby to run about after. But not all mums look and feel as awful as me. They all manage to get out and about and have energy to play with their kids.

To top it off my hair is falling out. Well it started falling out as it does after I had my daughter, but it doesn't seem to be stopping over a year later!

Please someone help me work out what the matter is, I don't want it to be anything awful but can't stop thinking the worst at the moment feeling as rubbish as I do.

paula lynne
28-09-10, 10:46
I hear your frustration in your post. You dont have a brain tumour hun, we went through this following you opticians appointment. x Youve had a bug, no wonder you feel crap. Hair...could be hormonal, there are lots of vits and minerals that can help, and also some specialist shampoo you can use. Be kind to yourself, you are getting over a nasty bug which is bound to make you feel awful. Get better soon xxx:hugs:

28-09-10, 10:46
You could be feeling rough because youre body is re-establishing the good/bad bacteria balance in your gut since you had a stomach bug.
Anxiety will make you really really really rough. I often feel like ive got a cold coming on, 7 days a week come rain or shine. The cold never materialises, but I still feel rough! Its very frustrating!
The best thing you can do is to start looking after yourself. Do some research and find foods that are packed full of vitamins and minerals and really cram it in! I think we need more than most people to regain the normal balance that others take for granted :)
Dont beat yourself up over not being like hte other mums. They might be putting on a front.

28-09-10, 10:54
paula_lynne I do hear you, it's just really hard. I don't want to speak too soon but the numb thing might be wearing off a bit. Fingers crossed anyway.

I just don't seem to be able to get myself back to feeling well, ever.

Since I had my daughter I just don't feel like I've regained any of my good health :(

28-09-10, 11:00
oh dodo....i so so so hear you and i am suffering too my love....my hair seems to becoming much thinner but i know its because i am not eating...well one meal a day.

we so want ourselves to be who we are...and not this alien person that has taken over our minds and body.

we are with you dodo....you are definately not alone xxxxxxx

28-09-10, 11:03
My hair fell out in a massive patch at the back when I was about 16/17 due to stress and when I got happy again my hair grew back! You sound very stressed worrying yourself sick that you have a brain tumor, which I'm pretty sure you don't. I hate to tell you it's probably anxiety, because you've heard it more than a million times before but it CAN play these nasty little tricks on us.

I know how you feel with thinking this will never be over, but 1 day it will. I really hope you feel better soon xx

28-09-10, 19:08
It's the blooming tingling/numb lip that's making me anxious. I can cope with being ill just, but the numb lip just doesn't seem normal in any way shape or form. I can't seem to find a reason for why it would be.

28-09-10, 21:25
Mind you it comes and goes so it wouldn't do if it was ms/tumour/stroke? I'm going crazy with this now. Convinced it is a stroke or something worse. Why can't I just try and accept it's probably nothing?

29-09-10, 03:31
Same reason I can't accept theres nothing wrong with my heart and why millions of others can't accept the fact there's nothing wrong with them. You're definatley not alone in that fact so don't feel bad :). I'm sure if it was a stroke you'd definatley know by now, you've been checked out for a tumor so it's not that, MS I'm not too sure about the symptoms cuz my Grandmas had it since she was in her 30's and we don't really talk about it that much cuz she's a very proud woman, but I'm sure it's probably not MS either.

Have you been to the doctor specifically about the numb patch on your lip? Maybe try to get him to talk you through it all? If he's a mean doctor maybe try to see a different one. I went to my doc coupla weeks ago and had a conversation about my heart and how what I was worried about was pretty much physically impossible and he explained anxiety to me, it put my mind at ease somewhat. The rest I have to do for myself which is very hard when we get these horrible symptoms.

I know it's hard to ignore and accept when every inch of us is screaming that there's something very wrong but you will get there and so will I! xx

29-09-10, 09:21
Well I had pretty much decided the lip tingling thing was due to a stiff/crick neck because every time I move my neck and shoulders it gets worse. But read something (I know I know) in the meantime which said that wasn't possible hence why I'm still worried. Got my Dr app on Friday but I'm going mad till then. And in the meantime I'm still ill with some strange nausea thing which I'm hoping is separate....

paula lynne
29-09-10, 09:30
Hi Dodo, I know you think that nerves in the neck are nothing to do with the face, but this is not true, its all connected and related in some wat. I had a stiff neck yesterday, and I couldnt believe it when my lips, to the left side started tingling, like a vibration, went on for an hour! You mention your stiff neck etc, sounds like trapped nerv and bit of inflammation to me. Im sure its going to be fine hun ok x sorry bt spelling x

29-09-10, 09:34
If I put my arm above my head I can feel it pulling all the way down my neck on that side and into my shoulder and top of arm.

I can convince myself that it is all connected and that's why my lip is tingling as it does go away for a bit. But then for some reason irrationaility takes over. God I hate this because I had been doing tremendously with this anxiety thing.

It's almost like I've tempted fate by saying to my pysch last week how well I was, and then bam, I'm back to square one. Perhaps I won't talk about it in future ;)

paula lynne
29-09-10, 09:59
To me, it definately souns like muscle/tapped nerve problem, especially as its causing probs on your shoulder and neck too. I KNOW its hard, but until you actually see your gp, focus on something else. Its a blip ok. Your having a famous nmp BLIP!, and you will get back on track really soon Im sure. x:)

29-09-10, 10:52
Hey dodo,
Can I just ask have you had your thyroid checked? I went for 2 years after having my youngest feeling really poorly, weak, emotional, hormonal, my hair fell out, my nails were brittle and my mental state was all over the place. They discovered after deciding to recheck my bloods that I had developed an underactive thyroid which by the time they found it had made me extreamly poorly. I'm now on medication an I feel so much better but not only that my anxiety is no where near as bad as thyroid problems can also make it worse!
Hope this helps


29-09-10, 12:19
I had my thyroid checked about a year ago and it was ok. I am going to ask for some tests on FRiday as I just feel so tired all the time apart from this latest disaster.

I have done the worse as well and read something which said someone could have a series of mini strokes which they hardly notice before having a major one that could kill them. So now I'm freakin out even more.

paula lynne
29-09-10, 13:57
You must know hunny the worst thing to do when youre already in a serious panic is read up on symptoms. I had 8 years to live thanks to google. I heared it all from my gp yesterday face to face. It is not the case.
I hope that you get the reassurance you need soon. Im sure you'll be ok x