View Full Version : So scared need ultrasound of both breasts

28-09-10, 12:26
I have posted that I was waiting for results from breastscan- real mix up with healthfirm - well today I finally got the results over the phone as follows - normal mammo in both breasts but very slight abnormalities on breast scan same place in both breasts?????? In light of normal mammo the Dr only recommends an ultrasound of both areas.

I am waiting to hear if I can have the ultrasound either tomorrow or thursday as I said I wanted the results there and then before I left the hospital but if can't have it tomorrow it will def be thursday.

I know I can't change the outcome of the ultrasound and I know that as the mammo was normal then its most likely tiny cysts but also worried as the breastscan is super sensitive and it might have picked up cancer so small it is not visible on the mammo and I am having to wait at least another day for results.

I am on my own today as husband out (spoke to him and he is very reassuring but then he doens't panic) and I am reacting physically to the news - shaking crying just plain terrified.

28-09-10, 12:51
Hmm, well cancer isnt ever going to be symmetrical. It would never be in the same places on both breasts. I would imagine its just part of the way you developed.

28-09-10, 13:29
Thanks Vikki thats what I am hoping as well - I am waiting for the report to be emailed to me so I can read it for myself , you know what its like after you have listened you begin to think you heard them wrong and maybe it isn't in same place on both.

I have spoken to them again and I still don't know if I am going for an ultrasound tomorrow ( told I will get result at time of scan) but if there was something iffy then I would have to wait till next week to see consultant and have further tests. They also do a one stop clinic where they do everything while you are there including further tests on thursday and I asked if I could go to that instead so am waiting to hear if the consultant who runs that will accept me or not. I should know by end of this afternoon which day I am going to ultrasound.

28-09-10, 14:17
yea i totally know where youre coming from. Im usually in such a high state of anxiety that most of the info goes in one ear and comes out of the other, with only the scary words staying put! Ive got a doctors appointment tommorow about my blood test results, so hoping i get some good news! and that i dont forget it lol

29-09-10, 08:57
I don't believe this!!!! I cannot have an ultrasound until friday as the private hospital does not have a radiographer of breasts on Wed and thurs of this week due to hols so I am booked in friday morning BUT of course the consultant will not be there to give me the results he will see the ultrasound beg of next week and do his report. I should have it by mid week next week so another whole week to wait and worry.

The one stop clinic on thursday is on but no ultrasound available so its useless me going to that.

The other thing is that the nhs will not accept the results of the breastscan so I cannot at this stage transfer to them- they only accpet a referral on the results of a mammogram and mine was clear so will have to see it through privately.

I had a long discussion with my wonderful husband in middle of night as you do! so feel better than I did yesterday and we even discussed worse case scenario without me panicking. The hardest part of this is the waiting as like all of us on here we want to know NOW!

I know I don't get many replies to my rambles on here but hopefully I will get a few words of support and thanks again Vikki.

paula lynne
29-09-10, 09:15
Hi Country girl, its horrible waiting...I really understand your frustrations. Fortunately you seem to have a very supportive husband, thats such a bonus isnt it, being able to talk it through. Im sure its cysts or fatty lumps, as tumours of a more serious nature would never develop in the same place in both breasts. I find distraction really helpful, I waited 2 weeks recently for an important appointment with my gp. Its hard with the little voice whispering in the back of your mind, but it is possible to turn the volume down. Pamper yourself, treat yourself, enjoy quality time with your husband or friends, read a good novel, do something new....and trust that you'll deal with the results when you get them. Apparently about 98% of things we worry about never happens. Relaxation tapes are really helpful. Thinking of you x

29-09-10, 11:24
because they are in same place, that definitely signifies that it is simply the way your breasts are formed. try not to worry. Cancer is not symmetrical, its most probably enlarged breast tissue, just the way u were born hun. Good luck and keep us updated x

29-09-10, 13:30
Sorry I forgot to say in last post that the abnormalities are not in same place in both breasts it was the way the report was read to me, she said its the same in both breasts - but having got the report what it says is there is an abnormality in left breast and an abnormality in right breast - but in light of clear mammo he only recommends an ultrasound of both breasts.

I know that these scans are so sensitive that you get alot of false positives which is why nhs hasn't taken the scan up but also that the scan can pick up breast cancer many many years before a mammo would so it can be in absolute infancy - My lovely husband was saying to me even if it is very early breast cancer because it hasn't shown on mammo it must be very early or so I hope!!

Its been a nightmare dealing with this private firm from day one - so incompetant its unbelievable and this morning after I had been told my ultrasound was at my nearest bupa hospital etc etc I received a text message saying the appt was back down at the hospital which had done the scan in the midlands - when I rang the manage I am dealing with she almost started crying down the phone because she had made the mistake but thankfully she had also booked me into the right hospital as well - she said she is so conscious that I have been messed around something awful that she is almost trying too hard and made mistake. She then asked me if I had the mammo films to take with me on friday and no I have nothing other than the emailed report so she is having to get the other hospital to forward them - what a shambles.

Regardless of the outcome I think a letter of complaint is due to this company.

29-09-10, 18:02
The saga continues if would be funny if it wasn't happening to me!

Hopefully all is arranged as promised for ultrasound etc but this afternnon I got my post and credit card statement and found that this company have charged me three times! I have been overcharged by £320 so once again rang the manager who was nearly in tears on the phone saying she has never had this lot happen to anyone before. So now waiting for refund of £320 and then the next charge for the ultrasound on friday.


29-09-10, 18:14
wow... you really are having a run of bad luck. Lets hope that the over billing was the end of it and from now on youll be reaping the rewards!