06-03-06, 11:04
HELLO ME AGAIN! i find i feel worse in the mornings like my neck is tensed my eyes feel tense i get that wierd lighheaded feeling and this has not changed in 6 months never got worse or better. im so s soi so so so scared that as much as u guys are telling me ul be fine and theres nothing more the docs can do i just dont know what to do with myself or how to help myself. the feeling in my eye is like my eyes are rolling and when they do roll they get stiff it does wear off after a while but im worried my brain isnt functioning.

do you think if i was physically ill i would gradually of got worse in 6 months?

thanks for listening hope for some replys

06-03-06, 11:30
Katy i really feel for you, because you sound like me.. and thats awful isnt it...i have woke up feeling really bad in the morning, like panicky .. so you are defintley not alone in that deparment mate.
It isnt anything abnormal, the symtoms that you are experincing darlin are that in your mind, altough it never feel like that does it katy, because mine dont either, and no on elses on heres feels normal or they
wouldnt be here, however love , you will be fine eventually..

ash x

17-03-06, 13:28
Do you mean that 'dreaded morning feeling' that Claire Weekes describes?

I have periods where I wake up in pain from the tension, feeling sick and despressed and it takes me a good couple of hours before my body starts to function properly. This prolonged winter weather hasn't helped much since I can't shake off the feeling of wanting to hibernate.

The mornings are a bad time for a lot of people who suffer with anxiety and depression. Sometimes the shock of simply gaining consciousness can make you feel weird and panicky.

I find the best thing to do is to get up and either eat something (for me a banana does the trick - naturally sweet and good for anxiety due to its potassium levels) combined with a hot drink - sweet tea is good for calming the stomach which in turn calms the rest of you down.

Don't fret too much - it won't always be like this.

19-03-06, 00:35
Mornings (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5489)
i'm crying!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6998)
MORNING FEELING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7510)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress