View Full Version : anxiety feels like flu/virus

28-09-10, 15:22
so I'm on my 4th week of bad anxiety, although the anxiety is getting better.
I thought I'd post my symptoms.

lack of appetite
muscle pains
aches and pains
tiredness even after a good nights sleep
heart palpitations
period pain and light period
feeling dizzy
just general feeling unwell

do have a doc's appointment tomorrow so will be asking for a full blood test to be done.

evil monkey
28-09-10, 16:07
do you ever gets pins and needles ?

i think during stress cortisol gets released, which can cause the muscle pain & weakness

28-09-10, 17:12
only pins n needles if I'm sitting funny or having a panic attack.

I can now add vomiting and diarrhea to the list.

thing is all are symptoms of anxiety, just feel so unwell it's frustrating,
hoping my doctor will sort me out tomorrow, but the health anxiety has now kicked in :-(

28-09-10, 20:59
maybe I am run down due to anxiety lol.

28-09-10, 21:32
hey , just to say hi and i no exactly how you feel .. i feel exact same .. most days all day for the last 8 years .. infact today is particulary bad .. keep your chin up .. things can only get better hun x

29-09-10, 10:19
I now how exactly how you feel ive felt like this for the past 2 weeks.

29-09-10, 19:07
well my heart rate is a bit high, have to get it checked out again in two days time by my doctor.

the nausea is starting to ease off and so is the other yucky symptom.

it;s awful as if feels like your really are ill, with all these physical symptoms and then the symptoms make the anxiety worse so it's like one big cycle.

29-09-10, 20:04
I get all the symptoms you have mishel and more, i have done for years. I still question whether its all anxiety. I feel that im anxious because of the symptoms now.
Im not worried that ive go some deadly illness because if i did im sure that i wouldn't be around now.
Ive always been an anxious person but however much help i get and whatever i do to relax, the symptoms never go.

29-09-10, 20:38
yeah I see it as a cycle, symptoms >anxiety>more symptoms>more anxiety

24-09-15, 00:28
Also posting to an old thread as I have similar issues. Did you all reach some sort of resolution?

I've had anxiety for the last 10 years or so and it only seems that recently that this sort of thing has been happening to me. The frequency seems to change but it's been as often as every two weeks or so for me here lately. It always starts the same way...I start to feel really anxious like something is off. By the next day, I can only describe it as feeling sick...like a bad cold or the start of the flu. I don't really seem to have external cold symptoms other than being told I "look sick" in my eyes. I feel run down, extremely tired, internally shaky like I have a fever even though I don't, aches/pains especially in my wrists and ankles, headache, mental fog, dry eyes...the whole deal. It legit feels like I'm sick. It usually lasts for me like 3-4 days like a cold would, so I can't help but wonder "am I really just sick or is this caused by anxiety?" This sort of thing seems to happen more in recent years even though my anxiety has gotten significantly better. The inner hypochondriac in me assumes I'm dying of cancer and I absolutely hate going to the doctors so I avoid it. When my anxiety first started I had a really bad experience with my doctor and being dismissed for feeling the way I do. I get really bad white coat hypertension too so getting my blood pressure taken is always a treat. Times I have gone during this "illness" they do bloodwork and everything always comes back fine. Once again my inner hypochondriac assumes they missed the one blood test that would pinpoint what's wrong with me. Lol. I have noticed this whole deal is more likely to happen after I drink over the weekend, but not always. When I feel sick it seems to be "physically deeper" than just the anxiety I usually experience if that makes any sense.

Long story short I sympathize with you all because I know how terrible it is to feel sick all the time.