View Full Version : gastro fear over but worried about husbands cough

28-09-10, 15:22
Hello, I've read the forum many times after years of HA but never posted before. I've recently had lots of stomach problems which were causing me huge anxiety but reading the posts helped a lot and a recent gastostrophy showed there was nothing wrong and probably just anxiety(so please take heart all of you with gastro worries). But now I'm in a worse state then ever worrying about my husband. He's never ill, never worries about his health or goes to the doctor. Over the past couple of months though he has had constant minor colds and coughs and sometimes dizziness. I have become completely knocked out with worry since has he made a doctors appointment for 2 days time. I learnt along time ago not to google my symptoms but stupidly looked up his and am now convinced it's lung cancer as he is an ex smoker. I couldn't go to work today and had to feign illness as I am so anxious. What I am worried about the most is that if there is ever something wrong with him I wont be able to be supportive because I go to pieces. When I have HA about myself I can soldier on because I remind myself of all the terminal illnesses I have been wrong about and how I know I have brought on symptoms through anxiety but I can't apply this to him as he never worries and must be concerned to make an appointment without being nagged. I don't really know why I am writing this except to ask how can I disguise how I feel and not project my own fears onto him. I am more anxious than I have been about my own appointments.

28-09-10, 23:45
i understand you fear gailgwl,
your being asked to cope with something completely out of your control, & that in itself is very stressful,
have faith, as im sure everthing will be fine , some of these new bugs can linger for months & cause a cough.
please do let us know how you get on.

29-09-10, 08:49
My husband and I both had flu last march probably swine flu and he was left with a terrible cough due to post nasal drip - he coughed badly for 6 weeks! Like you husband mine will not go to Dr as he has a phobia about anything medical but he went himself and he came back and said lungs fine its coming from my nose and he had a spray - he said would not start to work for 2 weeks and he was right but I was panic stricken that he should have gone back and demanded a chest x ray - he has never smoked but has had pneumonia. Sure enough his cough cleared up bang on time with the nasal spray.

29-09-10, 19:42
Hi, thanks for the reassuring replies. Just can't believe how I go to pieces so quickly and can't be supportive -he's having to make me feel ok. I hope I will calm down after he's been to the doctors.

03-10-10, 16:59
Hello, my husband has now seen the doctor who said that he has a chest infection and probably a viral infection which would be why he ended up feeling so unwell and dizzy, especially if he has had it for 3 months without seeing a doctor. So I'm feeling relieved by shocked at how panicky I became so quickly. Need to calm down and think its the simple things first.:)

03-10-10, 17:00
[QUOTE=Gailgwl;719160]Hello, my husband has now seen the doctor who said that he has a chest infection and probably a viral infection which would be why he ended up feeling so unwell and dizzy, especially if he has had it for 3 months without seeing a doctor. So I'm feeling relieved but shocked at how panicky I became so quickly. Need to calm down and think its the simple things first.:)