View Full Version : New symptom for me - chest pain/tingling

28-09-10, 15:38
I have been to many doctors over the past year or so - cardiologist, neurologist, rheumatologist. I have had EKGs (2 of them), an echocardiogram, Holter monitor and many blood tests. (all tests showed nothing abnormal)

I have had intermittent chest pains and skipped beats for years. Now I feel this weird chest/shoulder area pain and subsequent tingling that spreads to my head. I haven't been able to pinpoint a time or activity when it occurs, but I have ruled out it occuring when I am really relaxed. Seems to happen when I am caught up in doing something or involved in heavy conversation.

I'm not looking for any "armchair diagnoses", but I really just don't want to run back to my doctors.

I'm wondering if this is hyperventilation. Any opinions? Anyone had this? And, like most of us, the symptom itself is enough to throw me into a worse state of panic!

29-09-10, 11:42
Guess not. :frown:

29-09-10, 17:07
I too struggle with chest pains, ive have ECGs done and doc says all if fine but when it happens I find it hard not to panic.
I sometimes get tingling as well and also pains in my arm and hands but the doc just says its anxiety.Sometimes it feels as though my heart kind of flutters to or misses beats. I just try my best to ignore it but sometimes its hard.

29-09-10, 17:18
Chest pains the symptom I can't get to grips with after ecg haltor moniter trace and stress tests I still have the chest pain I still panic about it xx

29-09-10, 18:19
could be pain in the chest muscles from being tense

29-09-10, 18:45
Yeah I get this too and my doctor told me it was muscular. For me it is a dull ache in the left of my chest, under my breast and in to my armpit. I also get a heavy weight pain in the centre of my chest at times but this tends to only happen when mid-panic attack.

29-09-10, 21:03
i get the ache to over my left breast its worse comeing towards my period or if ive ben really stressed ive had ecg and echos all clear but i still worry i do hold my self very very tensely so thats problably why but i cant seem to understand that

paula lynne
29-09-10, 21:24
Same here, tingling...gp says its hyperventilating and I dont realise Im doing it. x

29-09-10, 21:56
Initially, I went to my docs about 8weeks ago because I 'felt' as though I was suffering with high BP. He suggested that i was suffering 'white coat' syndrome (silly man) and told me to come back in three weeks so the nurse could take another reading...
I had been getting chest/down-the-arm pain and a sort of pressure pain in my neck and head with tingling sensation. I felt that a heart attack or stroke was imminent! However, the nurse checked me out and immediately sent for another doctor who sent me home to moniter my own bp for a couple of weeks, saying that she felt that this was all down to anxiety (silly woman....or so I thought)
Well, I took 4 readings a day and nearly worried myself sensless :scared15: I was regularly getting readings of 185/105ish.
Anyway, I went back to see the woman doctor and she prescribed propranolol which can be used for anxiety and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, i got side effects (sickness) that I couldnt cope with so 2days ago, she started me on an anti anxiety drug (cipralex) and hey presto! my bp is down to 135/75 and the tingling has subsided greatly.

Hope you can find some answers soon hunny

luv 'n hope

Jan x

Fly away Katie
29-09-10, 22:43
Chest pain is brought on often from over-breathing. I have had it so many times. Blinking horrible x x x