View Full Version : Great site, already helping me!

Man Up Idiot!
28-09-10, 15:56

What a great site, so glad I found it!

I had been searching for my symptoms on Google, probably about to convince myself I had some evil deadly disease for the two hundredth time! Now things make a lot more sense and I think I appreciate the help I've had from my GP a little more.

I guess I've had health anxiety to an extent for as long as I can remember, but this year since around March has been awful. I started off with a few symptoms which I convinced myself were cancer and it snowballed. I got to the stage two or three months ago where I wasn't sleeping and stopped eating. I really felt like I was going to pass out at work and got myself in a real panic.

My doctor sent me for blood tests and I stupidly had the test not long after a drinking session and needless to say my liver profile came back slightly elevated. This sent me into severe panic and anxiety until the follow up test came back normal.

Over the last few years I've had unexplained chest pains leading to me seeing a cardiologist, a lump in my neck which apparently only I could feel and lead to me seeing an ENT, having an MRI and larynoscopy (not fun), then IBS which I was convinced was bowel cancer and had ultrasounds and a very unpleasant examination to prove it wasn't.

I felt like my Doctor didn't know what was wrong and wasn't being that helpful, but now I realise he was right and has actually done a lot to try and help me. I have tried medication (sertraline) and that made me feel worse (I didn't really want to go down that route anyway) and I'm starting therapy, which I hope will do the trick!

Now I'm still going through the vicious cycle of insomnia and feeling dizzy and woozy a lot of the time, having a stressful job and working shifts doesn't help much (I'm a Cop!). But having read through this great forum I feel some relief in the idea that I'm not alone and that my irrational fears and feelings are just that.

Here's hoping we'll all be normal again soon!


28-09-10, 15:58
Hi Man Up Idiot!

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-09-10, 16:06
Welcome Dan,

You will find this site a real help, you are not alone and your not going mad. Anxiety is real and not pleasant at all.

Hope we've cheered you up already!!

Man Up Idiot!
28-09-10, 16:26
It's awful but feel better knowing it's not just me! Thanks!

tracey c
28-09-10, 16:47
Welcome Dan, you'll find lots of support here:) - I be interested in how you go on at work - do they know and are they supportive. I work for the emergency services and at the moment can't do my job properly.

28-09-10, 17:07
Hi Dan - your username gave me a chuckle! I seem to be saying that to myself a lot recently! When do you get your dizzy spells out of interest? I seem to get a lot of them driving - although i find a blast of air con and singing (much to who-evers in the car at the times displeasure) helps.

Fly away Katie
28-09-10, 18:17
Hello, and welcome to NMP x x x

28-09-10, 18:31
Welcome to nmp dan

Check out the list on the left hand side to get the information, it sometimes helps reading it.

We'll help you out all we can.

di xx

Man Up Idiot!
28-09-10, 19:10
Welcome Dan, you'll find lots of support here:) - I be interested in how you go on at work - do they know and are they supportive. I work for the emergency services and at the moment can't do my job properly.

Hey, thanks! I haven't told work, I don't think they will be all that supportive to be honest. I have mentioned to a couple of guys on my shift I am suffering with stress and they have been good, but it seems most people in my job just have a breakdown, take time off with stress then come back!

In a way it's probably the best job for handling it because you don't really have much time to dwell on things, it's quite reactive. I went to a bunch of RTC's the other day one after the other and had been feeling a bit off, but it went away while I was busy. On the other hand the stress caused by the job is quite high.

Man Up Idiot!
28-09-10, 19:13
Thanks everyone else too!

Guiness - I seem to get them pretty much all day sometimes. It definitely helps to do stuff to take your mind off of it. I'm currently belting out the Rocky soundtrack on my way to work, but at 5.30am there's not many people about on the road to notice me being mental!

29-09-10, 09:47
Haha - if they do - you should just give them a mad stare and shout 'AAAADDDDRRRRRIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN'


29-09-10, 12:21
Hello Man U Idiot,

I only joined here last week and have already found comfort in the place, i've not been too active in posting but have been reading and thats helped a lot and like you say it makes you feel better knowing that your not alone in feeling how you do, i've always watched peoples experessions and reactions on there faces when i'm saying how I am feeling at the time and its as if they don't believe you if they have'nt suffered panic/anxiety themselves and because we look physically well they brush it off with the words 'aaaah its ONLY a panic attack' it really gets on my wick and I could throttle people that say it!, My doctor has always been helpful with me, I can talk to him and he understands so thats a bonus.

Finding this forum has been a godsend!

Hope your feeling well soon anyway and Welcome!