View Full Version : Hi

28-09-10, 17:15
Hi ,im jane .My problem is of an obsessive nature .When im not on medication i have an obsessive attachment to various men ,once the crush begins i cannot think about anything else other than this person .It might just start with somebody smiling at me to begin this obsession .I become trapped in a fantasy and become extremely needy .I have sometimes visited a cafe 3 times in one day because a waiter has chatted to me .I become depressed ,suicidal and have to go back on antidepressants which help ! I am married but obviously unable to discuss these problems ! Does anyone else experience anything similar ? I am just about to wean myself off escipalotram and could do with some support .

28-09-10, 17:17
Hi janethompson

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-09-10, 18:10
Hope you find the forum useful Jane.

Welcome to NMP

Fly away Katie
28-09-10, 18:15
Hello and welcome to NMP Jane x x x

28-09-10, 20:11
Hi Jane and :welcome:to NMP . hope you get plenty of help and support here .If you dont mind me asking ..Has your Dr suggested that you come off your medication or did you decide its what you want to do ? There is a Forum for meds further down the page .Im sure you will find it useful .OCD takes many forms and you are the first I have come across who admits to being obssesive with the opposiste sex .It must be extremely difficult not being able to discuss this with your husband .I hope we can be of some help to you . t/c Sue x

paula lynne
28-09-10, 21:06
Welcome Jane, youre not alone x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
28-09-10, 21:12
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

29-09-10, 21:54
I have decided to come off medication myself ,just want to see if i can do it ! what a great site ! x x

22-10-10, 18:16
I have been weaning myself of escipalotram over the last few weeks as well as seeing a fantastic counsellor .I have felt great up to yesterday but now i can feel myself starting to obsess about somebody from waking up to going to sleep ! I dont really want to go down this path again ,and hopefully i can override these feelings ! Any suggestions welcome !!Also started watching sexy programmes again think my libido must be coming back !!

22-10-10, 18:17
I have been weaning myself of escipalotram over the last few weeks as well as seeing a fantastic counsellor .I have felt great up to yesterday but now i can feel myself starting to obsess about somebody from waking up to going to sleep ! I dont really want to go down this path again ,and hopefully i can override these feelings ! Any suggestions welcome !!Also started watching sexy programmes again think my libido must be coming back !!