View Full Version : going to yoga alone

28-09-10, 18:44
i know this sounds really stupid, but i have been going to yoga for the past few months since my panic attacks and anxiety started. but i usually go with my friend, and im usually ok because i feel like i have the support throughout the class and also for the walk there and back. but she's just called and said she isnt coming this week. i really wanna go cause ive been looking forward to it all day. it isnt a long walk, 5 minutes if that. i am just so scared about walking home after because it will be dark. i live in the city centre of manchester so there are usually people about but i am just so worried i might get attacked or something. am i being pathetic? i dunno, i find it hard these days to distinguish between whether im being cautious for my own safety or if it's more to do with my anxiety.

28-09-10, 18:57
Sarah hun, I think it is a reasonable worry that is being exacerbated by your anxiety. When you are not anxious I bet that you would be a bit wary, but still do it anyway, but because you are having some anxiety at the mo it had made you more concerned than usual.

As long as the class isn't too late and it is relatively safe around the area I would say go for it girl, but if your concerns are justified in your mind in terms of safety, is there someone who can go to and fro with you?

Keep it up hun, you are doing great.x

28-09-10, 18:58
It's not an irrational fear whether you're suffering from anxiety or otherwise, however your anxiety is definitely playing a role in how your judge certain situations. There's nothing wrong with being cautious, but there's such a thing as being too cautious. You can't let it rule your life and prevent you doing the things you want to do, purely because you're thinking of the worst case scenario. Look at it this way: you could go out and on the way you might buy a winning lottery ticket, save a bunch of orphans and unwittingly find a cure for cancer.

You may choose to view this as a test to see how you are dealing with your anxiety. If you go and feel absolutely fine walking there and back, you might learn something about how far you've come in coping with the disorder. If you go and start to panic, don't be too disheartened but also know there is still work to be done. At least you tried, which is something to be proud of.

However, if you choose not to go at all, you really shouldn't feel embarrassed about it. There's absolutely no shame in admitting you're not quite ready yet.

28-09-10, 22:03
thanks for the advise guys. i went in the end. i walked home pretty sharpish, and needless to say i was fine :) xxx

28-09-10, 22:08
Good job. It might not seem a great deal to anybody else, but you should still be proud of yourself for going.