View Full Version : help...left sided rib pain, really worried

28-09-10, 19:36
Im having a really bad night tonight this is the second post ive put on and really need some reassurance.
ive got a dull sensation in my left rib, sometimes just below, its not painful just annoying, but i also have pain in my right shoulder and upper arm. could this be anxiety aches as ive convinced myself ive got lung cancer cause i smoke:weep:

Hazel B
28-09-10, 19:39
Please ask the doc for that chest XRay to ease your mind. I am sure it's health anxiety as I have it myself. I get a fast pulse and headache but other people gets pains all over the place.

28-09-10, 20:04
Hi Nikki,

I have had exactly this... the pain under ribs, arm and shoulder. I went and had a deep tissue massage and it helped no end.

Initially I thought the ribs and arm /shoulder couldnt be related, but as the lady touched different parts of my back the pain was more intense in each of thise areas.

She told me it was all due to stress (and actually she said I had the most stressed back of someone my age she had ever seen) she also told me that something like anxiety could absolutley bring it on!

Please dont panic!


28-09-10, 20:06
Thankyou, I do have a bulging lower disc which caused intense siatica. I should have been operated on last year but it is so much better now so didnt go ahead with op. Do think a pain in left rib and pain in right shoulder could be anything to do with my back

28-09-10, 20:11
yes - the back is definitley related.

Why not go and see a chiropractor?? I promise you'll feel better!


Fly away Katie
28-09-10, 20:34
Ive had this... i had a rennie and it went? x x x

29-09-10, 01:19
it happend to me all the time... it sucks to feel like that to feel like you have no control of you life, body, mind!!! yoga really helps i do it everyday to clear my head from bad thoughts. remember that u are not alone and we all are going through it with you!!! ppl tell me to go see a doc and im terrified!! im a hypochondriac but i do not go to doc for tests i avoid them to the max :weep:...

hope u feel better

29-09-10, 15:30
Thanks everyone for your comments. I saw my councellor this morning and have decided on her advise that I am going to take the bull by the horns and go in to my drs appt on friday and tell him exactly what all the aches and pains are. Then im going to ask him straight......is it lung cancer. feeling a bit more level headed today and I am determined I am going to conquer this. Ive got a gorgeous husband and kids and we have a really good life.....apart from my neurotic behaviour...lol.................so here goes, positivity and life back, here we come x:)