View Full Version : Wake the hell up!

28-09-10, 19:38
If you are on this forum you may have a real health problem or you may be just fearing you have a real health problem.

One thing is for sure your worries about health are making you life worse than the actual health problem you have or fear or you would be on a cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart attack forum.

Im not being rude but WAKE THE HELL UP.

Im speaking for myself but it may apply to you. My health anxiety has caused me to miss out on things in life and do things i would not do if i did not worry so much.

Here are my examples.

missed good friends birthdays.
cried myself to sleep
been irratible and reserved to family
taken too much citalopram (not overdose) just more than presribed too early!

basically i have done things which i regret and not because im stupid but becaused when im very anxious i do stupid things then a secod later think damn.

well youve read this far your probably thinking its not that easy to wake up . trust me I KNOW.

i have not woken up yet either but ive got a wake up call and thats why are hope you learn from my mistakes.

i really do believe that my 'abuse' of ssris by taking them on and off and on one occasion too much have ruined my mind.

i think im going schizophrenic....maybe its stress/depression cuasing the symptoms but whatever it is its woken me up... a bit

take care

28-09-10, 21:18
Hi randomworry, I must say I agree with you on 99% of this...the only thing I would say is that some people here aren't realizing that recovery from panic/anxiety is a two way street. Very often the problem has been caused by years of "abuse"....too much booze, too many cigs, too many drugs, or just "unhealthy" living :( Eventually our body will no longer be able to cope. That's why I get cross when people go to the doctor's and are given ad's every time-it just continues the cycle....We all must take responsibility for our own bodies and our own recovery :) I guess there's not enough information out there re: getting healthy? Our physical and psychological health are inextricably linked, and so to become well in our mind, we MUST become well in our body :) To me it's become obvious over the last 5 years of anxiety......We live in a quick fix world, and this has made us very lazy :(