View Full Version : meltdown today so unfair i try so hard

28-09-10, 23:31
have to get of my chest cos i can not sleep ............ thought i was doing so well.......... went on my daughters class trip today and had a really bad panic attack just wanted to run was crying so awfull .... i should take the positive i did not run i carried on i survived............ but has left me so drained i try so so so hard to live life normally but its so bloody hard so hard i dont no if i can keep trying to fight this i just wish so much i could be normal instead of so anxious all the time my poor kids have to suffer my moods i just want to be a good mum without thinking im about to die

29-09-10, 11:19
Hi Nicky

Dont be so hard on yourself, you did really well to stay while having the panic attack.

I could of written your post though because i feel exactly the same.

mandie x

29-09-10, 11:26
i too feel the same now for 4 months, i have 2 small children 1 and 5 and feel like i am not their usual happy mum, i have had panic attacks here and there but now am left with high anxiety all day, tinitus, flickery hazy vision, trembling, feeling as if i too will die soon. i cant take it i am so scared.

06-10-10, 13:52
there are many ways to beat this condision .
I have had panic attacks and anxiety for 12 years .
I tried everything but it came down to me standing up to myself in the end .
You have to belive that you are stronger than the attacks .
I know they are scary and I know that you fell like your dying , but your not and they do pass.
Try to let it pass over you like a wave , the attack will happen but the more you fight it the worse it my feel .breath deep and try to let it pass .
this may help you as well http//tinyurl.com/2w5ngap