View Full Version : worrying about death of our sun

28-09-10, 23:44
Hi i have been on and off cypralex for various panic and axiety disorders for the last few years. For the last year or so I have been symptom free as a result. To cut to the crutch of it last week I was helping my son with his homework. He had to do a time line of the earths life. I was checking on the internet to help him and came across an article as to how the Sun is dying. It has really affected me in a way i thought not possible. I know i shouldnt worry about it as it wont happen for over a bilion years but i cant stop thinking about it and its making me ill, so much so my gp has put me back on cypralex. Its not the fact that earth will be wiped out in million million years but the fact that I cant stop thinking about how everything we know as life today will go and why continiue to live as we are now when its going to be gone (even though not in our life time) I have only been back on the meds since last week and feel so bad. I know that it will take time to kick in but will they help me stop thinking about the future all be it so far away and not in our lifetime. It seems silly but i keep thinking about how knowbody seems to be worried or talking about this? its really getting me down and its the fact that I worry about this not going away is really starting to worry me further. I even went out at the weekend with the wife to try and feel better but when the sun came out it brought out all the negative thoughts again. I cant stop living just because of what will happen a billion or so years from now and i cant stop going out when its sunny? LOL. please help I feel i am at my wits end and if it carries on i will loose everything my wife family and job etc and the thought of this is making it worse. I am not a religious man at all so I have no faith to turn to please please help.

28-09-10, 23:46

You posted about this already I believe....
