View Full Version : Heart Tests

29-09-10, 13:38
OMG im terrified :weep::weep: Ive seen the doc today, she is lovely and comes out to see me as i have Agoraphobia, anyway my blood pressure is quite high and my pulse raises alot to, I'm 18 and over weight well size 20! I also take 225mg of Venlafaxine and these are know to put your blood pressure up! I have to have bloods taken my worst fear in its self as i always feel like im gonna faint :weep: and a 24 ECG and a 24 Hour blood pressure test done, thankfully the district nurse will come out and fit them for me!

What if I'm so anxious and i make the readings go wrong? arrrgghhh help me am I dyeing of Heart disease? what if i have something wrong and have to go to hospital OMG im gonna vomit :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

29-09-10, 13:49
Ok for a start they will take in to consideration your anxiety and they know what they are looking for when it comes to heart problems so if your heart is fine I'm sure your readings will be fine. ( Now why can't I listen to my own advice) anyway I'm sure you will be fine. Take care xx

29-09-10, 14:02
I know i wish i could listen to my own advice to but i cant :( xx

29-09-10, 16:53
Anxiety won't change the reading on your tests. The worst it will do is make your heart go faster and they will see on the readings that it's anxiety as it will come up Sinus Tachy (Fast normal regular rhythm) You need to relax you'll be just fine. Have you ever had any other tests before? An ECG or anything like that?

Please try not to stress, you're very young to be affected by heart disease so I doubt that will be the outcome, please try and relax, I know it's easier said than done but try atleast.


29-09-10, 18:22
Did they discuss diet and salt intake to help with the high blood pressure?

Losing weight will certainly help it.

29-09-10, 19:15
deep relaxation and meditation helps lower blood pressure x

29-09-10, 20:41
the worrying isn't helping :-(
you'll be fine, at the most you'll be put on blood pressure meds x
it seems that it might just be caused by your anxiety :-)

29-09-10, 22:46
Hi there, I know exactly what you're going through, I feared for my heart a lot over the past few weeks and the doctors kept telling me I was fine untill my doctor said have an ECG just in case and to put your mind at rest, just before the nurse did my ECG she took my blood pressure and it was too high which made me worry and she then said it's understandable and then basically calmed me down when she took it for a third time, it went back to normal at 130 :) but my pulse was still high and she said it was only nerves!
My ECG came back fine and the doctor said it's DEFINATELY anxiety and that has definately helped my anxiety.

During you heart exam if you do get anxious just try and calm yourself and ignore the heart monitor, that will only make it worse. The doctors will take into account that you have anxiety when looking at the results.

hope this helped, good luck and take care :)

29-09-10, 22:59
Thanks everyone for your kind help :) I'm feeling a bit better now about it all, and once I'm hooked up il calm down then and just go with it, at least it don't hurt and can be done at home :) xx