View Full Version : In need off a little help and reassurance

29-09-10, 18:54
First of all i'll tell you a little about me i'm 31 and have been suffering with anxiety and depression for about 5years now:weep:i was doing really well intill about march this year when i started having headaches/pains on the right side of my head,i was also having face pain and pressure felling behind my eye i saw various drs who put it down to muscle tenson in my neck/shoulder which was causing these headaches i was not convinced so asked for a brain mri which they did
My mri turned out to be fine but since then i have been having major health anxieties,my doctor put me on 20mg citlopram to start off but upped it too 40mg two weeks ago due to my anxieties getting out off control.
I have had a list of symptoms going on but the main causes of my worries now are pins and needles/tingling which i seem to get all over my body i'm also getting twitcheswhich can also be anywhere but mainly in my arms hands legs and feet i mainly feel them when i'm relaxing or when i'm in bed which is when they can be much worse.
I don't get numbness but my muscles do get tight and achy also i have noticed all my joints seem to make clicking noises now,i had a baby 4 months ago so don't know if that could have anything to do with it.
I'm also getting alot of short term memory loss and hot flushes which worry me.
I'm now thinking i have ms or mnd its scaring me sooooo much and is taking over my life i have a 4 month baby and can't seem to concentrte on him as i'm so scared i'm going to die.
I have seen the dr who dos'nt seem to think its anything to worryabout but can't give me any particular reason for these things happening to me,she has referred me to a neuroligist as i'm so worried but thats not till nov!!!!!!
I forgot one of my other major symptoms is lightheadiness sometimes it feels like the floor is being dragged from under my feet .
I have had bloodtests done which where all fine apart from being slightly anemic.
Can anyone help as i can't seem to function anymore and need to for the sake of my baby:weep:

29-09-10, 18:55
Hi cozza

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-09-10, 19:52
Hi Cozza

Welcome to the site. I am new here too and I have found lots of help and support from nice friendly folk.

I suffer with anxiety too. Some years ago, my doc prescribed several different SSRI drugs similar to citilopram (I tried fluoxetine, paroxetine and venlafaxine) but the pins and needles/tingles side effects freaked me out...the more I worried about them, the worse they got too :weep:
However, my doctor put me on some new SSRI drug this week and I am not tingling (well, not much anyway)
How about having another word with your doctor and seeing if you could maybe adjust the dosage or maybe even change to another SSRI that would suit you better.

Thinking about you and hope you begin to feel much better very soon

Best wishes

Jan x

29-09-10, 19:56
ps...my new drug is called escitalopram and I think it has fewer side effects

paula lynne
29-09-10, 20:13
Hi and welcome to a supportive and understanding site x:welcome:

29-09-10, 20:15
Thanks Jada i just worry because tingling is not my only symptom and i have been on my meds for a couple of weeks now so would have thought this would have calmed down if it was them that where causing it.

29-09-10, 20:15
I was on escitalopram for 6 months, up to 15mg a day at one point... Apart from headaches and a tiny tiny bit of nausea i never had any real side effects, the headaches are were bad but only lasted a week or so...

I ended up changing to mirtazapine as i wasnt getting any real response on that ssri, and all i can say is mirtazapine is excellent, only side effect is a bit of drowsiness which helps you sleep and a wee bit of weight gain, it's basically cured my panic attacks...

Stick in there, these things dont get better overnight, and there is no magic cure (apart from benzos, but we wont go down that road!!) Try propranolol, it can help take the edge off and relax you a bit, getting at least some symptom relief makes the world of difference...

Take care! Hope you feel better soon! We are all in it together here!
