View Full Version : Being over sensitive

29-09-10, 20:55
Lately I've found I feel pretty sensitive to what my friends say. Or particularly if they don't reply to a text or email I send them.

I got upset because my friend made a typo. I was describing a task I found very difficult while volunteering and didn't manage to complete. He replied "doesn sound very difficulkt" which I read as "doesn't" as in he was implying that I'm just useless and stupid for not being able to do it.

I guess I'm really insecure. If someone doesn't reply to a text, I think I'm pestering them and they're annoyed by me so I should stop contacting them.

All of this is just adding to my isolation and I spend my time beating myself up about things. I'm sure I used to have more perspective on this before I got overwhelmed by depression and anxiety. I read too far into any messages I do receive, like if the message is short, they're not interested in talking to me. Anyone also suffer from this, or got any advice? thanks.

29-09-10, 21:18
It's because your thinking is so negative when your depressed n you feel bad about your self and you become too sensitive.
but you can't help it.
all you can do is to stop, take a few breaths and reevaluate the situation based in reality how true it may be that someone would want to upset you.

you have to be your own best friend , i know its hard and it may not feel right, but the more you are down on your self the more depressed you can get.

your judgment is not as good when your depressed sometimes its scary how hard on your self you can be but you may not realize this until your much less depressed :-(