View Full Version : lumpy cervix

29-09-10, 21:41
hi i have read that the cervix is supose to be smooth but i have what feel like lumps on mine right on the tip of my cervix its bumpy and uneven as anyone else got this imup to date with my smear ive also had the marina coil out 2 weeks ago after 4 months because it didnt suit me could it be somathing to do with that

29-09-10, 21:46
Can I ask why you are feeling your cervix? I am not sure I have ever felt mine to be honest. In fact I don't think I could even reach it to feel it.

29-09-10, 22:17
Nic took the words right out of my mouth! How on earth can you feel that?


Fly away Katie
29-09-10, 22:34
*shivers* I don't think you should be feeling that.. its probably meant to be lumpy lol x

29-09-10, 22:43
Very kindly, I'd say that you should try, difficult though it is, NOT to check everywhere for lumps n bumps because you'll be bound to find some. Also, poking and prodding will actually encourage lumps to become more prominent. I know health anxiety is awful, but honestly, it's so easy to wind yourself up by constantly checking. We've all got lumps n bumps (gosh, I've got my fair share!), but they are perfectly harmless. x

29-09-10, 23:19
Can I ask why you are feeling your cervix? I am not sure I have ever felt mine to be honest. In fact I don't think I could even reach it to feel it.


Sorry I don't mean to laugh hun, it's just I've never felt mine either and would be hard pushed to make it out if I could!

I was wondering if you are SURE you are feeling your cervix and not the wall of your vagina as that IS bumpy and ridged (also known as the G spot ladies!!)....

It just occured to me when you mentioned bumpy and uneven.:unsure:

29-09-10, 23:32
if you have the coil you have to feel for strings and if you cant feel them you have to feel for the opening in your cervix to feel for the strings because they can tucked away behind thats why the dr told me how and i have a low cervix and this is how i found the lumps

30-09-10, 09:39
I don't think you're odd, I understand. What I will say is that a while back I had a pimple on there and it did dissapear eventually. If you are up to date with your smears then I wouldn't worry too much. I am pretty sure when I felt mine I did a bit of google research as you shouldn't do and found an article on this very thing and there was a name for them and they were normal. If they are still there in say a month's time then go and see the Dr just to check but I recon it will probably dissapear of its own accord.

30-09-10, 09:57
thankyou dodo for your reply i felt a little bit of a freak for noticing the lumps i think your talking about a nabothian cyst i think they are called and that did cross my mind im sure i have felt this before but i had other health worries on my mind then and with me they have to get in the queue lol thanks again x

30-09-10, 10:06
Try not to poke and prod it. The skin is very delicate and you could give yourself an infection.
As for the lumps and bump. Close your eyes and run your fingers across a mole or spot on your skin. It will feel massive in comparison to its actual size. Im sure whateve youve got inside is small in comparison to what you think.

30-09-10, 10:25
I wouldn.t feel like a freak if I were you. Like you say you have to check for the strings with a coil so you're likely to know what's going on down there lol.

30-09-10, 10:36
exactly lol thanks dodo x

30-09-10, 11:01
Hi, i've been to docs about exact same thing several times and each time she has told me that they are normal and are secretion glands that come and go!

Nothing to worry about :)

30-09-10, 11:13
thankyou so much indigo x

30-09-10, 13:40
I too have had a feel about (not right this minute though!) and I can feel my cervix as it is also low and tilted. You do have to check your coil strings from time to time and my cervix is lumpy and bumpy too. I remember reading in a womens mag that a woman had googled her lumpy cervix only to find out it should be smooth. She was horrified and went to her gp only to be told everyones is differrent and we do have normal lumps and bumps. She was so glad as she said her's felt like a volcano crater!!!

30-09-10, 14:03
oh im so pleased sb001f8994 actually saying that mine feels like a volcano lol just with 1 or 2 bumps on top x

30-09-10, 19:45
I know what you mean by the lumps bronte, i get those lumps too, they come and go depending on the time of the month. You are not a freak, if you are, then i am too!

30-09-10, 21:09
thankyou baileys for your reply so i am normal after all x

30-09-10, 21:22
thankyou baileys for your reply so i am normal after all x
You are, as normal as me anyway.:D

30-09-10, 23:48
yay :D xx thats ok with me baileys x

01-10-10, 19:31
hi ive just read an article on nabothian cyst and they are smooth and round and vary in size thats is what mine feels like and they are on the cervix round the opening and you can have lots or just obne so a bvit of info thank goodness for magazines and you lot xx

17-12-14, 13:52
Iv got the same thing and iv just come bk from the womans health and she said they look like the cyst you r talkin about .she said just to get the dr next time i go to check up .