View Full Version : Don't know whether to scream or cry!

29-09-10, 21:49
This week is rubbish so far. One of my friends is being a total pain and trying to make me choose between her and another friend, I'm mad busy with work and stuff, didn't sleep well last night, seem to be a bit on edge past couple of days... I really just feel like crying, but one of those where if I start, I don't think I'll stop! Screaming is also tempting but I'm tired and it takes energy. :(

Anyone got any spare hugs? My 3 year old nephew often says he's run out and got none left - hope some of you have!

29-09-10, 22:00
:hugs: coming your way hunny hope you feel better soon xx

29-09-10, 22:08
Thanks Sammi. Just replied to one of your posts and then saw you'd replied to mine - spooky!!!

29-09-10, 22:11
Oh ok ill look now. Xx