View Full Version : you can get through a blip!

30-09-10, 08:25
i just want to share some of my successes i have had this week.
firstly can i say i am so much better and i can cope with my anxiety/panic on a day to day basis but i wanted to post this for those of you that are having a blip as that can be so hard.
i had a blip about a month ago had to come home from work etc i was so upset with myself and thought i had gone back to square one... and then i was faced with these ten days of work/training/and getting a new hackney license...you all know what it is like everything coming at you at once.
well i really struggled for a few days wanted to run from everything but with support from here i decided i had nothing to lose but give it a go and get through it.
well monday i had training (same place that i had to leave last time) got through it no problem at all ...tuesday i had a driving assesment followed by a theory test for my hackney license... sorted passed both.
tuesday evening i went in to work had phone call my best mate had crashed his car and needed to go to hospital...i calmly took a deep breath went to see the manager and turned up to get him sorted.
yesterday was a whole day of training ... yep 9 till 4 i had a bit of a wobble for first hour but again i have done it.
so my hackney license has arrived in the post i have compleated 2 out of 3 training sessions, the last one on monday which is the one i had to leave last time so that will be the big test but i am going to go this anxiety is not going to beat me again.
i am sorry this is bit muddled and goes on a bit but i wanted to firstly say you CAN do it ... even when you have a major blip it does pass again.
and secondly a big thank you to everyone here for all their support.