View Full Version : High Blood preasure ?

30-09-10, 09:36
I went to my Dr's last with with another symptom and she took my blood preasure three times i asked if it was high she said borderline she wouldn't want it any higher! but i have not been asked to return to have it checked out,so now i am worrying about it should i ring and ask for it to be re-checked?

30-09-10, 18:12
Nope - I am sure they would tell you if they wanted you to go back and get it checked.

30-09-10, 18:55
In an anxious state your blood pressure will be high - my poor GP says I am just an anxious patient. You bet I am !!!!lol

Maybe try not to worry about it(not easy - I know) and get it checked next time you go and if so ask if you can do something about it.

I am really trying to walk everyday and eat healthy. Hard but I am trying!!!!!

Good luck!

30-09-10, 21:23
Being anxious will cause a rise in blood pressure. I am sure the doc would have asked you to return had she thought that there was any cause for concern

Please try not to worry too much about it (yeah, I know it's easier said than done)

I have recently been investigated for severe high blood pressure and was asked to moniter it myself at home and to make a chart of the readings. Well, I nearly worried myself senseless!!!!
The more I worried, the worse the blood pressure was and the worse my blood pressure got, the worse my worrying got. Result? One great big vicious circle!!!!

Please don't go down that road sweetie :hugs:

On a positive note, my Dr put me on some anti anxiety meds a couple of days ago and i am feeling alot less anxious and my blood pressure has miraculously come down. Yay!:yesyes:

01-10-10, 17:13
Doh! sorry I accidentally posted an unfinished message. Hopefully I'll get it right now.

I just wanted to say I can relate to Jada's post. I'm also under investigation for a rise in BP, so far unexplained. I've been worrying about it so much that whenever I have a reading, even at home, I get so worked up that it goes sky high! I've been on anti-anxiety meds for 2 weeks and had the dose increased a few days ago, so fingers crossed, though I have terrible PMT today which is not helping anything!