View Full Version : Churning scared of collapse

30-09-10, 11:13
Hi peeps I started with dizzy spells 7 months ago, over time not so dizzy but get churning in the whole body, weak twitchy knees and weak legs, the feeling of this is it, I am going to collapse this time. Even when I go to bed feel like I am churning. Its horrid. Its like it all the time when standing. nightmare!:shades:

Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks ChrisB

paula lynne
30-09-10, 11:28
Hiya Chris x I get constant churning sensations in my tum, it kinda flips over. Im getting it now, and all Im doing is sitting calmly at home not feeling stressed! Its part of the anxity make-up, adrenaline pumping out....not a nice sensation, but harmless really. x:wacko:

jaded jean
30-09-10, 11:48
Hi Chris .
Have you been offered any short term meds to help you calm down like Diazepam ??
I had it short term and it really worked for me.It was a low dose and you cant take it for more than a month I believe so it could help.
Stay strong. Jean

30-09-10, 12:09
Hi Paula and Jean Thanks for that. I wish I knew for sure that it is all anxiety and not cancer liver disease etc. I am paranoid thats for sure but you can still be paranoid and have a horrid disease. x:shades:Will ask for diazepam, got refused that 4 months ago but have changed Dr since.x

Hazel B
30-09-10, 12:32
Hi, I Had Diazepam temporarily and it helped to "zone me out" for a few days. I now have Propranolol and that has calmed my pulse which had been racing with a feeling like my heart was jumping out. It helps to stop the adrenalin panic mode.
Have you had medical tests to help reassure you that you're not ill?

30-09-10, 12:53
Hi Hazel had blood tests ecg chest x ray thats it. The Drs are not good where I live.They want you out of the surgery as quick as pos. I am depressed all the time. What does adrenaline do can you feel it. x :shades:

Hazel B
30-09-10, 14:21
It's the "fight or flight" response, in the old days, if we saw a lion running towards us, our bodies would release adrenalin to help us to cope: stay and fight or run away to protect ourselves. These days, we don't have such immediate threats but we do have "perceived" threats and stress, so our bodies still release adrenalin to help us cope. If we are constantly in a state of "alert" or "emergency", prolonged adrenalin gives symtoms of anxiety, some of which below:

Trembling, twitching
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty breathing
Sweating, hot flashes
Change in appetite
Frequent need to use bathroom
Startled easily
Lump in throat, difficulty swallowing
Muscle tension
I'm sorry your GP seems unsympathetic, though it is good that you've had those tests. Some people find counselling helps as well as medication, I've had a few session and it's really helped me to clear some poison out of my head. Could you consider doing that? You can get it on the NHS (though there seems to be a wait). I pay for my sessions as I was so desperate I wanted to try it quick.
My heart goes out to you and I hope today improves.

30-09-10, 19:09
Thanks again Hazel. I have got to see a Psychological wellbeing practitioner next week its part of iapt if anyone has heard of that. :shades:x

Hazel B
01-10-10, 12:15
Haven't heard of it but I hope it goes well. When I was due to see my counsellor for the first time, I sent her an e-mail in advance with a summary of what had happened to me in the past 3 years and why I needed help. Could you write things down before you go, so that you have a focus? Just a suggestion.

Hope you're OK.

01-10-10, 13:42
Hi went out and done shopping this morning, just had a tv dinner, always feel more pants after eating, have felt dizzy for the last hour or so, trying not to be scared. Yes thanks Hazel will try and make a list.x:shades:

01-10-10, 14:01
I can sympathise with this as well. I don't so much get the chursning, "butterflies" feeling, but when I'm anxious my stomach ties itself in knots and I'm just aware that it goes rigid with stress. It's realy unpleasant.