View Full Version : does this sound like ms

30-09-10, 11:35
I have been having tingling all over my body head
face,neck,legs,arms everywhere really i have also been having little muscle twitches which can also be anywhere in my body but mainly legs/feet arms/hands
Does anyone get this and when they do is it daily or does it just last for short periods of time,i'm really worried it could be ms i have had a brain mri about 8 weeks ago and that normal.
I've also been upped from 20mg to 40mg citalopram about 10 days ago but would have thought any of the side effects would have passed by now.
Any help would br grateful:scared15: xx

30-09-10, 11:48
Could be side effects of the tablets. I would have thought that the MRI would certainly have shown something up so you have to be thankful that that was all clear, that is such a huge relief for you.

30-09-10, 11:53
Yeah but a brain mri dos'nt always show up ms and when they did the mri they where not looking for ms so i'm wondering if they would have checked for that:weep:

30-09-10, 12:21
I would have thought they would have been trained sufficiently to be able to immediately notice any irregularity, even if it wasn't what they were looking for in the first place. But I do know what you mean about the wondering what if. We've all been there.

30-09-10, 12:28
I always get numbness and tingling in a lot of places on my body, i never seem to be free from it.. Im always tense so my muscles are never relaxed and im sure that this is what causes it.
Theres a lot more to MS than just tingling and im sure that if the docs thought that it was a possibility then they would do more tests.
I know how frustrating it can be with the docs though.

30-09-10, 12:43
Do you get any numbness and tingling in your face baileys? I presume yours is all benign?

30-09-10, 12:54
Do you get any numbness and tingling in your face baileys? I presume yours is all benign?

I have had it in my face but i dont think i do now. I dont really take much notice of it anymore.
Ive had brain scans over the years, been to neurologists, theyve never found anything to be concerned about.
I dont always have great faith in docs but MS is something that they see quite a lot of and they are usually good at picking up the signs.
Ive got a couple of friends with MS, they have had it years and live a normal life apart from when they are having a bad attack.

30-09-10, 13:02
I don't really get the numbness anywhere mine seems to just be the tingling which is all over my body at one time not in one particular area which is a little worrying.

30-09-10, 13:11
Could it just be tense muscles cozza?

I was never worried about MS tbh, a person at work has it and seems to function fairly well. Until one day someone said to me that people die from MS, well that was me in bits then. Because I never thought that happened, it was just dibilitating.

30-09-10, 13:19
My muscles are tense but its a little weird i feel the tingling everywhere at one time,i don't think ms kills you it can make your life expectancy a little shorter but only by 5-10 years is what i read and not in all cases.

30-09-10, 13:29
I heard I think on the tele the other day, they said specifically that someone died of MS and I never thought it actually killed you, just made your life bad in the worser cases. I saw so many cases of tumours, and cancer yesterday on just normal tele programmes. Think I'm going to switch off the tele altogether when it starts creeping into tele which I watch to relax, grrrr.

30-09-10, 13:37
It can cause other health issues that could reduce your life expectancy but so can drinking smoking etc.