View Full Version : Could i have this?

30-09-10, 12:58
Sorry to go on but as you know i've been having trouble swallowing recently, Also my lips and tongue feel numb and i seem to have problems chewing and occasionally problems swallowing food, It's like my mouth muscles feel weak.

For some reason i am now worrying about Motor Neurone Disease, I know i'm only 29 but it can affect anyone at any age, This is something that popped into my head today when i was eating and having a bit of trouble.

I have twitches and tingling in the face as well.

30-09-10, 13:09
Is it possible that you're so worried when you eat that you're not doing it properly/swallowling that you're actually making yourself have these problems.

What I mean is if we over annalise simple functions we take for granted i.e. breathing for eg then we actually struggle doing them. And then we make ourself anxious every time we have to do them.

Like a while ago I had a bug and felt sick whenever I thought of eating. After a while I started to think about eating even before I needed to and therefore had to force myself to eat the meal because I'd worked myself up to think I was going to feel sick.

Does that make any sense?

30-09-10, 13:14
I have read on a mnd website that tingling is not a symptom :flowers:

30-09-10, 13:20
Apparently there are 3 types of MND and one type which accounts for 20% of cases start with problems with speech and swallowing, My speech isn't slurred and that's usually the first sign of the PBP type of MND but my numb tongue and lips and trouble eating/swallowing are driving me mad and making me worry more and more.

I know MND is quite a rare disease and it is rarer in people under 40 but i'm still worried about it, I get a lot of leg cramps as well.

30-09-10, 13:27
Oh dear you sound like you've done far too much research on this. If you really are concerned then I would go and see your GP as they will know straight away. I know that's easier said than done when you're frightened though. I think the legs stuff is normal. I get twitches all the time, especially when I'm more stressed out.

The swallowing I really do stand by what I said first. But best to go and have a word and let us know how you get on.

30-09-10, 13:27
Mnd is a very rare disease also if this particular type you are talking off only accounts for 20% of cases there little chance of you having it,i have heard of 3 cases of people with it and they where all in there 60's.
If you are really worried go to your dr for some reassurance.

30-09-10, 13:37
Oh dear you sound like you've done far too much research on this. If you really are concerned then I would go and see your GP as they will know straight away. I know that's easier said than done when you're frightened though. I think the legs stuff is normal. I get twitches all the time, especially when I'm more stressed out.

The swallowing I really do stand by what I said first. But best to go and have a word and let us know how you get on.

Your right, I have been a victim of Dr Google today :wacko:

I think i had some sort of Neurological Exam from my GP last week when i had to walk as if i was walking a tightrope and i had to put one foot in front of the other and had to do things like put my arms out with my eyes closed and turn them over and touch my nose with my finger and have my knees, arms and feet hit with a rubber hammer, It's my mouth/throat problems that worry me though.

30-09-10, 13:43
Well that all sounds most positive. Did you not mention your other problems and that is perhaps why you're still focusing on them? I think if you tried to forget them they might just go away? And yes I know that's easier said than done. I am a victim of that too at the moment.

paula lynne
30-09-10, 13:45
Eggy, I have been reading all of your threads. In the last 4 weeks youve convinced yourself youre suffering from:
1.Brain Tumour
3.Heart problems
4.Stomach cancer
5.Throat cancer
6.Oesophagus cancer
7.Eye problems
8.Sinus problems
9.Eye problems
10.Sinus problems
11.Tooth problems
12.Mouth cancer
and today...14.Motor Neurone Disease.

Your threads say in the past few weeks tests youve had include:
1.Multiple blood tests
2.Chest X-Ray
3.Mouth X-Ray
5.Neurological tests
6. Multiple blood pressure tests

All of your tests were negative
You seem to have a lot of knowledge about the conditions, giving statistics and numbers etc. I suggest to you, YOU ARE READING UP ON THE CONDITIONS AND CONVINCING YOURSELF YOU HAVE THEM.
It must be horrendous Eggy to be trapped by these imagined illnesses 24/7, and Im suggesting to you that it may be time to ask your gp for a referral to your local Mental Health Team. You need help Eggy, and since you wont accept its all panic and anxiety, (EVEN THOUGH YOU TAKE MEDICATION FOR PANIC AND ANXIETY), its really time now to face up to the fact this is anxiety and deal with it, or ask for a MHT refferal.

30-09-10, 13:53
If that is the case I do sympathise as I have been there a few years back. It really is hell on earth, but the thing is you can't have ALL of those things and that's the key thing. If I started searching my body right now then I could pick up sooooo many things that are abnormal and I'm not particularly happy about but most of them I ignore.

I think paula_lynne is right (yet again ;) and you should have a word with your GP because it really is best to nip it in the bud before it takes over your life if it hasn't done already.

paula lynne
30-09-10, 16:21
Hi Eggy, I see you are online as you are viewing threads, so do you mind replying to my post?

30-09-10, 16:43
Hi Eggy, I see you are online as you are viewing threads, so do you mind replying to my post?

I think i have a good reason to worry about Motor Neurone Disease after i read the following earlier:-

Progressive bulbar palsy, also called progressive bulbar atrophy, involves the bulb-shaped brain stem —the region that controls lower motor neurons needed for swallowing, speaking, chewing, and other functions. Symptoms include pharyngeal muscle weakness (involved with swallowing), weak jaw and facial muscles, progressive loss of speech, and tongue muscle atrophy. Limb weakness with both lower and upper motor neuron signs is almost always evident but less prominent.

I have been complaining a lot recently that my facial muscles seem weak and that i am having problems chewing food and swallowing plus a numb tongue.

paula lynne
30-09-10, 16:52
You still havent replied to my post! :doh:

30-09-10, 17:46
Eggy, I have been reading all of your threads. In the last 4 weeks youve convinced yourself youre suffering from:
1.Brain Tumour
3.Heart problems
4.Stomach cancer
5.Throat cancer
6.Oesophagus cancer
7.Eye problems
8.Sinus problems
9.Eye problems
10.Sinus problems
11.Tooth problems
12.Mouth cancer
and today...14.Motor Neurone Disease.

Your threads say in the past few weeks tests youve had include:
1.Multiple blood tests
2.Chest X-Ray
3.Mouth X-Ray
5.Neurological tests
6. Multiple blood pressure tests

All of your tests were negative
You seem to have a lot of knowledge about the conditions, giving statistics and numbers etc. I suggest to you, YOU ARE READING UP ON THE CONDITIONS AND CONVINCING YOURSELF YOU HAVE THEM.
It must be horrendous Eggy to be trapped by these imagined illnesses 24/7, and Im suggesting to you that it may be time to ask your gp for a referral to your local Mental Health Team. You need help Eggy, and since you wont accept its all panic and anxiety, (EVEN THOUGH YOU TAKE MEDICATION FOR PANIC AND ANXIETY), its really time now to face up to the fact this is anxiety and deal with it, or ask for a MHT refferal.

Out of all them i am convinced that i have Motor Neurone Disease and the reason for that is my body is getting weaker and weaker, I am getting a lot more twitching and muscle pains plus my facial muscles feel weak and i am having difficulty chewing and swallowing, I am getting tingling & pins and needles a lot in different places and my body feels weak especially my arms and legs.

Yes i have been reading up on conditions and been a victim of Dr Google.

30-09-10, 17:46
You really need to stop googling eggy i know its hard as i'm a victim myself and have been through the same as you i have had a brain tumor,throat cancer,breast cancer,mnd and now worries over ms all in the last 6 months we can not diagnose ourselves other than anxiety there is loads of medical reasons for these things we get which are not life threatening.
Please try not to look on google anymore,maybe go back to your dr tell him your concerns get some reassurance and then don't look on google anymore.

30-09-10, 17:54
Well Id definately go to the Dr Eggy .Tell him Dr google says you have MND AND YOU THINK HES RIGHT ..Its better to know if you have something after all .Otherwise you will worrying and getting even more symptoms with all the stress it causes you . sue

30-09-10, 17:59
Well Id definately go to the Dr Eggy .Tell him Dr google says you have MND AND YOU THINK HES RIGHT ..Its better to know if you have something after all .Otherwise you will worrying and getting even more symptoms with all the stress it causes you . sue

I agree with you suzy-sue, Only problem is the GP probably wouldn't know.

30-09-10, 18:09
Im sure if he thinks you have something like that hed refer you .There are basic tests he will do .He must have come across it before ,ask him ..You can always ask for a second opinion if your not happy .Its your right . Sue

30-09-10, 19:29
Hi eggy.
The mind is a very very powerful thing. If you concentrate on your big toe right now, and concentrate hard youll start to feel it tingle.
You are looking for symptoms in your mouth, therefore you are making them appear.

The only way past this is to accept that theres nothing wrong and to stop looking for it. By the sounds of it you body scan (looking for new symptoms in your body) and then blow up whatever feedback you get into massive proportions.

You have severe health anxiety. Each day you scan and you see a new symptom and you add it to a list and decide that it fits the pattern of whichever illness you think it is. It has to stop. Youre just driving yourself into high levels of stress that will be making the symptoms worse!

I think CBT would be very useful for you. It has stopped me from body scanning!
Another thing you could do is to take yourself out of the problem. By this I mean you read back your original post and reply to it as if you were giving advice to another member on this forum. Would you tell them they had XX disease? Or could you be more logical and look at the REAL facts?
Id also like you to answer this question.
If you were told that you only have 1 year to live what would you do? Live life to the full? Sit at home worrying you might have XX? At the moment youre wasting your life worrying about stuff thats not there.

30-09-10, 19:36
Hi eggy.
The mind is a very very powerful thing. If you concentrate on your big toe right now, and concentrate hard youll start to feel it tingle.
You are looking for symptoms in your mouth, therefore you are making them appear.

The only way past this is to accept that theres nothing wrong and to stop looking for it. By the sounds of it you body scan (looking for new symptoms in your body) and then blow up whatever feedback you get into massive proportions.

You have severe health anxiety. Each day you scan and you see a new symptom and you add it to a list and decide that it fits the pattern of whichever illness you think it is. It has to stop. Youre just driving yourself into high levels of stress that will be making the symptoms worse!

I think CBT would be very useful for you. It has stopped me from body scanning!
Another thing you could do is to take yourself out of the problem. By this I mean you read back your original post and reply to it as if you were giving advice to another member on this forum. Would you tell them they had XX disease? Or could you be more logical and look at the REAL facts?
Id also like you to answer this question.
If you were told that you only have 1 year to live what would you do? Live life to the full? Sit at home worrying you might have XX? At the moment youre wasting your life worrying about stuff thats not there.

Hi Vixxy,

I'm not looking for symptoms in my mouth, I have been complaining about this for weeks even a family member knows i have been moaning about this and problems with chewing and swallowing for quite some time and feeling like my fascial muscles are weak, I am getting twitches in my face, arms and legs and arm and leg weakness.

If i had MND i could only have 1-5 years to live if that depending on what form i had so it's a big worry for me.

Regarding what you asked me, I wouldn't like to suggest that anyone has such and such a disease because that wouldn't be right but also i wouldn't automatically assume that someone's problem/problems were down to anxiety.

paula lynne
30-09-10, 19:38
Eggy..I want you to prove me wrong...I will post your illnesses and diseases every time you add a new one. Today we are at number 14 I think? I will write out the list.....so go your gp and prove to me that you have motor neurone disease this week. and i will appologise to you, everyone on this forum, then leave the forum for good. Deal?? x

30-09-10, 19:55
Regarding what you asked me, I wouldn't like to suggest that anyone has such and such a disease because that wouldn't be right but also i wouldn't automatically assume that someone's problem/problems were down to anxiety.

Then you are contradicting yourself by posting on this site Eggy, as you don't acknowledge that ANY of your symptoms are anxiety driven. If you genuinely believe that you have valid concerns and tangible health problems I do wonder what you are seeking on a forum for mental health sufferers, as you will not believe from anyone, even the many of us here who have suffered the same, and are currently suffering the same as you, when we try to help you recognise at least some of your concerns as anxiety.

30-09-10, 20:01


No disrespect but if you are going to continue to constantly fall into the hands of 'Dr Google' then you will continue to 'suffer' with every disease A-Z in the medical dictionary.

Sometimes it serves us better hearing the cold hard truth rather than be pampered. Call it being cruel to be kind BUT if you are convinced you have a serious illness then it's not us you have to convince but your GP.

My personal opinion is that you are a Hypochondriac and that in itself is and illness that is treatable.

Good luck to you


30-09-10, 20:03
If I honestly thought I had something life threatning. I would go to the Dr and demand tests .I would not be posting on here .We are not Drs ..all we can do is tell you our own experiences and what we,ve suffered with ourselves .If you would rather believe Google then PLEASE go back and see your GP . sue

30-09-10, 20:11
Eggy..I want you to prove me wrong...I will post your illnesses and diseases every time you add a new one. Today we are at number 14 I think? I will write out the list.....so go your gp and prove to me that you have motor neurone disease this week. and i will appologise to you, everyone on this forum, then leave the forum for good. Deal?? x

I don't want to prove you wrong because i'd never want something like MND especially the type my symptoms point to which means i would die within 6 month-3 years.

I will go to my GP about it but no GP will say you haven't got Motor Neurone Disease, I'd either be turned away by the GP because "i'm too young" to develop it or i might be referred to a Neurologist.

Stephen Hawking developed MND at 21 but unlike 99.9% of other MND sufferers who usually die within 1-5 years depending on what form of MND they have he has somehow managed to live much longer.

30-09-10, 20:14


No disrespect but if you are going to continue to constantly fall into the hands of 'Dr Google' then you will continue to 'suffer' with every disease A-Z in the medical dictionary.

Sometimes it serves us better hearing the cold hard truth rather than be pampered. Call it being cruel to be kind BUT if you are convinced you have a serious illness then it's not us you have to convince but your GP.

My personal opinion is that you are a Hypochondriac and that in itself is and illness that is treatable.

Good luck to you


Lisa, I have no problem with your opinion, Everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's fine, If you think i am just a Hypochondriac then fair enough, I would much rather be a Hypochondriac than have a serious or deadly illness or disease but then again i don't enjoy worrying about different things i hate thinking about all these things especially this MND disease, It has scared the living daylights out of me today because i am having almost the exact symptoms of a form of MND.

30-09-10, 20:15
Then you are contradicting yourself by posting on this site Eggy, as you don't acknowledge that ANY of your symptoms are anxiety driven. If you genuinely believe that you have valid concerns and tangible health problems I do wonder what you are seeking on a forum for mental health sufferers, as you will not believe from anyone, even the many of us here who have suffered the same, and are currently suffering the same as you, when we try to help you recognise at least some of your concerns as anxiety.

Hi Vixxy,

I'm not looking for symptoms in my mouth, I have been complaining about this for weeks even a family member knows i have been moaning about this and problems with chewing and swallowing for quite some time and feeling like my fascial muscles are weak, I am getting twitches in my face, arms and legs and arm and leg weakness.

If i had MND i could only have 1-5 years to live if that depending on what form i had so it's a big worry for me.

Regarding what you asked me, I wouldn't like to suggest that anyone has such and such a disease because that wouldn't be right but also i wouldn't automatically assume that someone's problem/problems were down to anxiety.

You might not be looking for symptoms in your mouth, but youre noticing them each and every day. You are choosing to pay attention to it. I was convinced that every time I ate I was going to be sick because my throat was so tight. Was I sick? No. As soon as my CBT therapist told me the tight throat wasnt really a problem I stopped noticing it. So from that day to now, I still have that feeling, but I choose to not give it any head space. And Ive still not been sick or choked!

So youre saying you might have 5 years to live. My question still stands, unless an illness is curable, what would you do with your remaining days? Sit at home and worry about something new? Or go out there and LIVE?!

You say you wouldnt assume someone had MND, but would also not assume it was anxiety. Even though there are hardly any posts on here where people come back and say "well it turns out it wasnt anxiety, it was a health problem". In fact Ive yet to see a post saying that! So what does that tell us? It tells us that the majority of cases the problem always stems from anxiety.

Im not discrediting your physical symptoms, but Im also not going to say you have MND. None of us can. We're not doctors, and even if we were we wouldnt be giving a diagnosis over the internet. Which begs the question what do you want from us? All we can do is give you info on how anxiety has effected us and try to relate it to your current problem.

30-09-10, 20:18
You are not Stephen Hawking fella ;)

Eggy, you need to start accepting that it is your mind that's keeping you ill. I do sympathise, I had a period of health anxiety and was exactly like you, jumping from illness to illness, but you really do need to bite the bullet fella and seek more specialised help in the form of therapy.

You are frustrating people on the forum mate, they are falling over to help you, but your illness can't accept thier comments and the help you need cannot be delivered on an internet forum.

Do yourself a big favour eggy, speak to the GP, and tell them you have extreme health anxiety.



30-09-10, 20:21
Sorry to go on but as you know i've been having trouble swallowing recently, Also my lips and tongue feel numb and i seem to have problems chewing and occasionally problems swallowing food, It's like my mouth muscles feel weak.

For some reason i am now worrying about Motor Neurone Disease, I know i'm only 29 but it can affect anyone at any age, This is something that popped into my head today when i was eating and having a bit of trouble.

I have twitches and tingling in the face as well.

Have you considered the possibility that youre tensing or grinding your jaw at night time. This can lead to very weak jaw muscles as theyre so tense.

Ive had a numb cheek before. Ive had numb hands, a numb scalp, numb feet. Its because your nervous system is under so much pressure with all the stress youre putting on yourself. The nerves are incorrectly sending signals to your brain, thats all it is. As soon as you calm down this will pass.

30-09-10, 20:25
hardly a supportive thread to eggy when hes just like the rest of us. no need to keep track of his threads and make him feel uncomfortable like that. HA is blimmin hard to live with and its natural not to want to listen to ne1 coz it makes u think u have all the symptoms of whatever it is you;ve read bout. we've all been there. start showing him sujm words of support, not having a pop at him because hes not listening!

eggy, i can understand how ur feeling, ive been as bad as u are in the past, many many symptoms, ive had loads of tests. still got couple more to go lol. u sound very down, and even if u have got MND which i doubt highly, its deffomworth doing what paula said and ask for a referral to Mental Health Team in ur area. They helped me alot, but ive completely relapsed, which is common after finishing treatment. Counselling could be useful too. But regardless, U need to get urself to ur doctor and say you want a referral to a Neuro, explain ur symptoms, if he refuses, u keep going back and making appointments, eventually he will give in. A neuro will tell u exactly what tests will show whether u have anything wrong with ur brain or nervous system, and will do these tests and they will show whether u have anything wrong. Yes it will take a while to get appt, gosh mine is guna take ages, and i get ALOT worse than u get, trust me lol, so just try n hang on in there hun, once u get that much-needed referral, try n relax, dont count down the days, and just try n think 'right, even if i have, theres nuffin i can do, i gotta fight this and fight on, and im guna get checked to prove everything once and for all!" :) Smile and keep ur chin up, i get all your symptoms plus more, i feel like im guna die everyday and i have a 2 year old son and live alone with him. I have to carry on no matter how hard it is. Rubbish i know lol. Anyway, tke cre and get urself to docs to get two referrals:

* Mental Health Team
* Neurologist

3rd one...

*Counselling (if they do referrals for counselling) if not u can seek ur own :)

Keep me updated :)

30-09-10, 20:33
Are you serious? :ohmy:

How many of Eggy's posts have you responded to?

People here suffer from all things not just HA and many have spent their time offering advice and help over and over again..they have not even been acknowledged.

He has been offered tons of support on all his threads and I think you need to check your facts before you criticise. :lac:

30-09-10, 20:36
Eggy..I want you to prove me wrong...I will post your illnesses and diseases every time you add a new one. Today we are at number 14 I think? I will write out the list.....so go your gp and prove to me that you have motor neurone disease this week. and i will appologise to you, everyone on this forum, then leave the forum for good. Deal?? x

You sound 110% confident that i don't have Motor Neuron Disease?!! :scared15:

paula lynne
30-09-10, 20:42
I WILL continue to add eggys illness/disease list when he adds a new one, after all, HE WROTE IT! Im trying to help him, get him to understand that hes OK. No-one wants him to get better more than me, believe me!!
Sometimes, the softly softly approach jusy doesnt work, in fact, you enable the person with H.A to continue with their neurosis,, and after a hundred sympathetic texts, and being constantly ignored, I refuse to do that anymore. Im concerned for eggy, as I am everyone here. I WONT GIVE UP ON HIM...so you help the way you want to, and I'll help the way Ive been trained too.
We both agreed that he should see a gp/counsellor/MHT though didnt we, so ultimately, one of us/both of us/neither of us could be the one to make it "click" one day.
I refuse to give up on him. I'll do it my way. Thank you. x:winks:

30-09-10, 20:45
[QUOTE=crazyhayz;717935]hardly a supportive thread to eggy when hes just like the rest of us. no need to keep track of his threads and make him feel uncomfortable like that. HA is blimmin hard to live with and its natural not to want to listen to ne1 coz it makes u think u have all the symptoms of whatever it is you;ve read bout. we've all been there. start showing him sujm words of support, not having a pop at him because hes not listening!/QUOTE]

How rude and unecessary .:lac:..I see you havnt posted anything that hasnt been said a hundred times already ..Read the whole of the THREAD AGAIN ..then judge everyone whos been trying to help .Crikes there definately something in the air ,,,and its not good manners thats for sure .Sue

30-09-10, 20:47
120% Eggy.

Nicola (nomorepanic) said something quite interesting the other day if you wish to search for it: of all the thousands of posts of members with HA thinking they have some terrible neurological disease (MND, MS etc) not ONE has come back to say they had it or developed it.

That says something ey?

You DO not have MND Eggy. You have severe HA and you're in denial mate.

30-09-10, 20:47
Hmm as much as I agree with you crazyhayz about stopping this from turning into a gang up on Eggy. I also have to disagree about demanding tests and to see a neurologist. All this does is enable the illness to take hold. Just from the fact that Eggy has had numerous tests and all have come back negative, he still believes he is ill.
There is no magic test that will take away that doubt. The doubt is a HUGE part of HA.
The way to get through HA is to put trust that your doctor is doing exactly what is needed in each appointment. And to stop seeking reassurance over every single niggle. It works! I no longer suffer with HA.

paula lynne
30-09-10, 20:48
No eggy love, Im not 110%, but Im asking you to prove that you HAVE IT!x See your gp agian, and ask for a neuro exam ...but youve already had one.,,all your test have been negative...you are physically ok.....you ARE OK EGGY!! This is BRILLIANT! please please....take a step back and dont google anymore. promise???

30-09-10, 20:49
A hundred texts? I hope you are not "pay as you go"

Eggy needs help that will not be solved by words here. If you think you will get through to him you are fooling yourself.

What should be happening is we urge Eggy to seek more professional help (sorry to speak about you in the third person Eggy bud), but he is so engulfed with health anxiety, he will not accept anything until such a time that he has the properl help.

If you have ever been where he is now, you will understand.

30-09-10, 20:51
Crazy is not being rude, just concerned. Lady and suzy, you should know better

30-09-10, 20:53
You sound 110% confident that i don't have Motor Neuron Disease?!! :scared15:

I know you said earlier that you didnt really believe you had any of the other 14 illnesses you posted, but you were sure you had MND and this one was a real worry.
Think back to when you posted about one of the previous worries. Looking back now you might think that you never truely believed it, but try to remember the moment you believed it enough to make a post about it on these forums. I bet you were very very worried at the time and very anxious that you were about to die from whatever the illness was.
Now, have you died from any of those illnesses since you posted? Well youre still posting, so thats a no.
Have you been diagnosed with one of them? unless youve kept it very quiet, again its a no.
Do you think that in 2 weeks time you'll have found something that makes you worry less about MND? probably, and youll probably have found a new illness to take its place.
This is how HA works. Each time you work out that youre actually not suffering from XXX you find a new disease thats equally as crappy and decide you have that. This can go on for infinity, until you say "no".
As its said somewhere on these forums, instead of asking
"What if?"
"So What?!!!"

I can promise you that within 2 weeks you'll be past this and on to your next worry. I hope in those 2 weeks that you get a miracle cure though :)

30-09-10, 20:53
Counselling could be useful too. But regardless, U need to get urself to ur doctor and say you want a referral to a Neuro, explain ur symptoms, if he refuses, u keep going back and making appointments, eventually he will give in. A neuro will tell u exactly what tests will show whether u have anything wrong with ur brain or nervous system, and will do these tests and they will show whether u have anything wrong. Yes it will take a while to get appt, gosh mine is guna take ages, and i get ALOT worse than u get, trust me lol, so just try n hang on in there hunmatter how hard it is.........and get urself to docs to get two referrals:

* Mental Health Team
* Neurologist

3rd one...

*Counselling (if they do referrals for counselling) if not u can seek ur own :)

Keep me updated :)

I find your post staggering and very selfish frankly. You make seeking a referral by your GP sound like getting on a bus. It is simply not meant to be a free-for-all, piece of mind service for hypochondriacs. I am very, very sorry for anyone suffering a horrendous HA but I am becoming gradually incensed by this kind of NHS money wasting attitude that some people are showing. A referral should be dictated by your GP alone, NOT BY YOU. You can't just drop in and say 'give me one' because you want to get some reassurance. Unless your GP sees clear indications that there is something he or she is unable to get to the bottom of, and requires specialist advice and a second opinion, there is absolutely no justification for abusing the service in this fashion.

If you had worked on a ward during wintertime and had been running from cot to cot with one solitary saturation monitor because there is not enough funds for new equipment maybe your attitude would be different and less me, me, me.

30-09-10, 20:57
I can totally relate to what hes going through its very hard to believe what people say when its in your head its oh so real and nothing anyone says makes a difference.
You need to get whatever tests you feel you need to prove you hav'nt got it then come to terms its anxiety causing these symptoms get help and enjoy life as we only get one shot.
Much Hugs xx

30-09-10, 20:58
Debs I completely agree with you. not just because of the strain it puts on the service, you could be taking an appointment away from someone who genuinally needs it.

30-09-10, 20:58
I don't need to be chastised by you thanks Jaco!

You may not think it was rude but I did, particularly when so many people have spent so much time trying to advise him to seek the help that will hopefully make him feel better.

I have seen you come down with your sharply answers before so I certainly don't think I said anything out of order..I don't like unfair accusations levelled at those who care.

Perhaps you could tell exactly what you think the perceived problem is?

Also maybe we should continue this by PM, I think that is the normal way of dealing with things isn't it?

30-09-10, 20:59
The trouble is Cozza (and this goes for others who suffers with HA) unless you believe what the results tell you, you'll never be happy and always wanting more and more tests to prove something thats not there.
Its reassurance and it will never get rid of the anxiety. That needs to come from within with a change of how you think.

30-09-10, 21:05
I agree but perhaps once he gets the all clear with this he will realise he has a problem and its only him that can acknowledge and do something about changing this and getting the help he needs.

30-09-10, 21:06
No eggy love, Im not 110%, but Im asking you to prove that you HAVE IT!x See your gp agian, and ask for a neuro exam ...but youve already had one.,,all your test have been negative...you are physically ok.....you ARE OK EGGY!! This is BRILLIANT! please please....take a step back and dont google anymore. promise???

Was what i had an actual neuro exam?

It consisted of the following:-

Following the doctors finger.
The doctor looking into my eyes.
The doctor making me walk like i was on a tightrope putting one foot forward then putting the other one in front of that.
Standing up with my eyes open then standing up with my eyes shut and my arms held out infront of me then turning my arms over then putting my finger on my nose.
Then having my knees, arms and feet hit with a rubber hammer.
Then being asked to grab the doctors two fingers and pull the doctor towards me.
And having the doctor touching me and tickling my feet asking if i could feel it.
Also, I was asked to bend my knee whilst keeping the other leg straight.

No tests were performed to do with my mouth or face.

30-09-10, 21:10
Yes, THAT IS an actual neurological exam.

paula lynne
30-09-10, 21:14
yes eggy luv, YOU said in a thread youd had a neuro exam!!
Jacko...ive suffered with H>A for over ten years, I may be wasting my time, but what am I supposed to do if someone is suffering? I want to help. everyone here who has fought their way up from the abyss of H>A and come out the other side has bravely done that by accepting......I want the same for Eggy.
If everyone ignored his posts...what kind of support is that!! x

30-09-10, 21:15
Hi eggy, what you describe is a neuro exam I run thru the same test every time I have an appointment with my neuro I have serious nerve damage in my back which causes various weaknesses in my body! There arnt any other tests they do Hun! Xxxx

paula lynne
30-09-10, 21:16
ps...I was a neurosurgical nurse Eggy...but like your doctor and the many health professionals who youve seen, I guess you dont believe anything Im saying do you?? Let me help you please

30-09-10, 21:17
I think we're all in agreement HA is an evil evil curse. It can be beaten though :)

30-09-10, 21:41
Yes, THAT IS an actual neurological exam.

OK, Thank you for clarifying that.

30-09-10, 21:42
yes eggy luv, YOU said in a thread youd had a neuro exam!!
Jacko...ive suffered with H>A for over ten years, I may be wasting my time, but what am I supposed to do if someone is suffering? I want to help. everyone here who has fought their way up from the abyss of H>A and come out the other side has bravely done that by accepting......I want the same for Eggy.
If everyone ignored his posts...what kind of support is that!! x

I thought it might have been but i wasn't sure as the GP never said it was a Neurological Exam.

paula lynne
30-09-10, 21:45
ok eggy. good. now you have to promise never to google ok?

30-09-10, 21:45
Hi eggy, what you describe is a neuro exam I run thru the same test every time I have an appointment with my neuro I have serious nerve damage in my back which causes various weaknesses in my body! There arnt any other tests they do Hun! Xxxx

Thanks! It's good to know what it was because it was never explained to me what it was for!

Also, There isn't any other tests they do? Surely there would be? The reason i ask is if i had for example the PBP form of MND it starts as fascial weakness, problems with speech and problems with swallowing, I have the fasical weakness and problem with swallowing but how would they have tested that during that exam?

Also do GP's usually do Neurological Exams? I thought only a Neurologist done that?

30-09-10, 21:46
I don't need to be chastised by you thanks Jaco!

You may not think it was rude but I did, particularly when so many people have spent so much time trying to advise him to seek the help that will hopefully make him feel better.

I have seen you come down with your sharply answers before so I certainly don't think I said anything out of order..I don't like unfair accusations levelled at those who care.

Perhaps you could tell exactly what you think the perceived problem is?

Also maybe we should continue this by PM, I think that is the normal way of dealing with things isn't it?

Couldnt have put it better myself ..Seems some here can say whatever they like to those who have been trying to help all week .But on the otherhand they arent allowed to have an opinion they are expected to take it .As far a im concerned I AM NOT THE SLIGHTEST BIT bothered by your Remark Jaco .Its like water off a ducks back .You seem to revel in trying to score points where certain members are concerned .Excuse me but i wont bother pming you .Its all been said . Sue

30-09-10, 21:48
I think we're all in agreement HA is an evil evil curse. It can be beaten though :)

Definitely, it's awful. It's hell as your mind tells you constantly you are ill, you are ill, you are ill. And whatever your doctor/friends/people here tell you, you can't believe them. So, your thoughts make you anxious, and your anxiety causes symptoms, which make you feel ill, do you see where I'm going Eggy?

Distraction, that's the key. Go for a walk, read a book, watch a film/telly, phone a friend, go for a nap, get creative, get cooking... My old GP gave me a book on creative/crafty things (altered journaling) and it's honestly the most fun I've had in ages and it's a way of channelling these thoughts - you can do the same with gardening, cooking, art, music, photography, writing, you name it... Get doing exercise too and burn that energy off! Going to church too can make a mahoosive difference, being part of a community, making friends, being closer to God of course - praying and just being in Church can really make a difference, I promise.

Eat properly, sleep properly, exercise and socialise - and I guarantee you'll start to feel better in yourself :yesyes:

Ask for help from your GP. Not necessarily a neuro or anyone like that - but like counselling, pyschology, that sort of thing.

Don't google :winks:. There's so much bloody information out there and not all of it's what you want. If you must, use netdoctor or nhs - they're reliable and trustworthy.

Quote from my health anxiety self help sheet:

When you worry, the worrying thoughts have certain characteristics. The thoughts overestimate the size of the danger, how likely something bad is going to happen, and underestimate our ability to cope with it...Thinking these kind of thoughts not surprisingly causes more worry, and also means that the worries become out of proportion...should you get a serious illness, you may find the resources in yourself to cope. It is important to try to get your thoughts into proportion, and to take your mind off the worries so that they do not get out of proportion in the first place (I have no details of where this came from, so not sure about copyrights and stuff :shrug:)

Eggy, this is a highly treatable and manageable problem. You can do it. I don't know you, I've never met you, but I believe you can do this. All the luck to you, you show the anxiety that YOU are stronger :yesyes:!

30-09-10, 21:49
I think all doctors can carry out neuro exams :)

30-09-10, 21:53
Oh Lord, if only I could take my own advice...:roflmao: I may print that off and read it to myself! :roflmao:

30-09-10, 23:22
Also, There isn't any other tests they do? Surely there would be? The reason i ask is if i had for example the PBP form of MND it starts as fascial weakness, problems with speech and problems with swallowing, I have the fasical weakness and problem with swallowing but how would they have tested that during that exam?

Also do GP's usually do Neurological Exams? I thought only a Neurologist done that?

Paula Lynne can correct me if I am wrong on this, but the issues that are worrying you would be checked because a neuro exam checks the sensory and motor reflexes, that being messages from the brain to other parts of the body. (facial muscles, swallowing and speech are all controlled by brain messages) If you had shown up any problems in the exam, it could indicate a neuro problem like MND and the things you are complaining of would be further investigated, therefore THEY ARE in a sense tested during that exam.

If nothing appears to be neurologcally wrong with you, then they look to another cause, i.e. anxiety.

All GP's know how to do a neuro exam. They all undergo their medical training in hospitals, just like hospital doctors, so do the same basic training, and there is nothing more basic than a neuro exam.

30-09-10, 23:38
Couldnt have put it better myself ..Seems some here can say whatever they like to those who have been trying to help all week .But on the otherhand they arent allowed to have an opinion they are expected to take it .As far a im concerned I AM NOT THE SLIGHTEST BIT bothered by your Remark Jaco .Its like water off a ducks back .You seem to revel in trying to score points where certain members are concerned .Excuse me but i wont bother pming you .Its all been said . Sue

I would expect nothing less from you Suzy

30-09-10, 23:45
Paula Lynne can correct me if I am wrong on this, but the issues that are worrying you would be checked because a neuro exam checks the sensory and motor reflexes, that being messages from the brain to other parts of the body. (facial muscles, swallowing and speech are all controlled by brain messages) If you had shown up any problems in the exam, it could indicate a neuro problem like MND and the things you are complaining of would be further investigated, therefore THEY ARE in a sense tested during that exam.

If nothing appears to be neurologcally wrong with you, then they look to another cause, i.e. anxiety.

All GP's know how to do a neuro exam. They all undergo their medical training in hospitals, just like hospital doctors, so do the same basic training, and there is nothing more basic than a neuro exam.

Thank you for clarifying that.

Well obviously when i had the Neuro Exam done i wasn't worried about MND at the time but i have more or less the same symptoms i have now apart from the fact that i have had more twitching recently and my tongue is numb, I did mention to the doctor at the time about my lips tingling, but i only had this exam done 6 days ago and i guess i wouldn't have developed something like MND over that period of time.

Thinking back i think a few other tests were done during the exam so i will go over it again, I think this was everything that was done:-

The doctor looked into my eyes.
They made me follow their finger.
I had to stand up on the spot then close my eyes and hold my arms out in front of me and then turn them over and then put my finger on my nose.
Then i had to walk as if i was on a tightrope and put one foot in front of the other.
The doctor was tapping my legs, feet and arms with a rubber hammer.
I had to bend my legs whilst keeping the other one straight.
Then they were touching my legs and seeing if i felt it and also tickled my feet.
Then i think they made me screw up my eyes and felt my head, cheek and chin.
I think they made me stick my tongue out and say aah as well if i remember correctly.

30-09-10, 23:45
I honestly think if GPs explained what they were doing more and explained what the tests and blood tests were for .It would make patients feel less anxious and reassured . I have always asked a lot of questions and feel confident in my Dr because she takes the time to answer my concerns .Your Dr would have saved you a lot of Anxiety this week Eggy if he had told you that he was doing a neuro examination .Now at least you know , if you ever you have to have another one . .I really hope you feel a bit better knowing this and have a better day tommorow .xSue

30-09-10, 23:50
I honestly think if GPs explained what they were doing more and explained what the tests and blood tests were for .It would make patients feel less anxious and reassured . I have always asked a lot of questions and feel confident in my Dr because she takes the time to answer my concerns .Your Dr would have saved you a lot of Anxiety this week Eggy if he had told you that he was doing a neuro examination .Now at least you know , if you ever you have to have another one . .I really hope you feel a bit better knowing this and have a better day tommorow .xSue

I agree with that, A lot of doctors just do things without saying what exactly they are doing or why and what they are looking for.

01-10-10, 00:07
I also found this out on a website earlier about Neuro Exams:-

"The examination is divided into cognition or higher mental function, cranial nerves, central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system. Contrary to popular belief the CNS is not just the head, and in ‘medical clerkings’ must be distinguished from the ungrammatical ‘CN’s’ for cranial nerves"

"Eye movements are important and must not be overlooked. Textbook III IV and VI palsies are the least common abnormalities. VI is usually vascular; III is urgent if painful and the pupil is widely dilated; forget about IV in primary care.
The common significant abnormalities are jerky eye movements and nystagmus which imply brainstem disease. Impairment of upgaze is always significant, though together with other disordered eye movements is often caused by cerebrovascular disease in older people and may not be clinically significant.
Test facial movement by asking patients to screw up their eyes and grin. Test facial sensation in forehead, cheek, chin (ophthalmic, maxilliary and mandibular branches of III) and perhaps corneal reflexes, but look for contact lenses first.
Look at the tongue; it should protrude centrally, and not be wasted. If you fear motor neurone disease, all active tongues may appear to fasciculate, so distract the patient by asking them to say ‘aah’ while you pretend to look at the palate, while actually inspecting the tongue"

01-10-10, 00:15

You are exploring subjects and getting involved in things you are not diagnosed with. You are "self diagnosing" my friend.

You need to realise this is all wasted energy and time.

Go to your GP on Monday, the sooner you get help for the HA the better.



01-10-10, 00:18
I would expect nothing less from you Suzy

If you would care to read the post from Crazy ... again .I think you would be able to see quite clearly from the remarks she made ,She was also refering to the ADMINS . .Since when did telling someone their remark was unecessary warrant being classed as wrong by you ? At least i had been trying to help Eggy all week on his threads ,I think I had the right to say what I did .Im pleased I didnt fail to dissapoint you Jaco .Your learning ..:winks: sue
Sleep well Buddy .

01-10-10, 00:23
And you sleep well too Suzy

01-10-10, 01:54
I also found this out on a website earlier about Neuro Exams:-

"The examination is divided into cognition or higher mental function, cranial nerves, central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system. Contrary to popular belief the CNS is not just the head, and in ‘medical clerkings’ must be distinguished from the ungrammatical ‘CN’s’ for cranial nerves"

"Eye movements are important and must not be overlooked. Textbook III IV and VI palsies are the least common abnormalities. VI is usually vascular; III is urgent if painful and the pupil is widely dilated; forget about IV in primary care.
The common significant abnormalities are jerky eye movements and nystagmus which imply brainstem disease. Impairment of upgaze is always significant, though together with other disordered eye movements is often caused by cerebrovascular disease in older people and may not be clinically significant.
Test facial movement by asking patients to screw up their eyes and grin. Test facial sensation in forehead, cheek, chin (ophthalmic, maxilliary and mandibular branches of III) and perhaps corneal reflexes, but look for contact lenses first.
Look at the tongue; it should protrude centrally, and not be wasted. If you fear motor neurone disease, all active tongues may appear to fasciculate, so distract the patient by asking them to say ‘aah’ while you pretend to look at the palate, while actually inspecting the tongue"

Not sure what you point is Eggy. You had all those tests.

01-10-10, 05:25
Would you be convinced you didn't have it if you got the blood test?

Blood Tests
A blood test will be looking to see if there is any rise in a creatine kinase. This is produced when muscle breaks down and can occasionally be found in the blood of people with MND.

also how BAD are your symptoms and do you have them all the time?

01-10-10, 05:28

I am experiencing fasciculations, (muscle twitching), does this mean I have MND?
Fasciculations (muscle twitching) are experienced by up to 70% of the general population. Sometimes the twitching can be confined to one area of the body, at other times they may be felt in several areas at once.
Fasciculations on their own can be a consequence of stress, viral infection, or general ill health. They can also be present in the body for no known reason and many people live with them on a daily basis for much of their life. Fasciculations are usually only associated with a neurological condition when other symptoms are present

I have tingling and numbness in my hands, feet and limbs, is this a symptom of MND?
Tingling and numbness are associated with some neurological conditions, but MND is not one of these. If this symptom is a constant problem see your GP who may refer you to a neurologist if he/she feels you may have a problem.

01-10-10, 05:59
Common anxiety symptoms include:

Body (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the body in general):

Allergy problems, increase in allergies (number, sensitivity, reactions, lengthier reactions)
Back pain, stiffness, tension, pressure, soreness, spasms, immobility in the back or back muscles
Blanching (looking pale, loss of color in the face or skin)
Blushing, turning red, flushed face, flushed skin, blushing, red face or skin
Body jolts, body zaps, electric jolt feeling in body, intense body tremor or “body shake”
Body temperature increase or decrease, change in body temperature
Burning skin, itchy, “crawly,” prickly or other skin sensations, skin sensitivity, numbness on the skin
Burning skin sensation on the face, neck, ears, scalp, or shoulders
Chest pain, chest tightness
Chronic Fatigue, exhaustion, super tired, worn out
Clumsiness, feeling clumsy, co-ordination problems with the limbs or body
Cold chills, feeling cold
Craving sugar, sweets, chocolate, usual craving for sugar and sweets
Difficulty speaking, moving mouth, talking, co-ordination problems with the mouth or tongue
Dizziness, feeling lightheaded
Dizzy, feeling dizzy
Electric shock feeling, body zaps
Excess of energy, you feel you can’t relax
Falling sensation, feel like your are falling or dropping even though you aren't
Feel like you are going to pass out or faint
Feeling cold or chilled
Feel wrong, different, foreign, odd, or strange
Flu-like symptoms, general malaise, feel ill, like you are coming down with a flu
Flushed face, red face, flushed skin
Head Zaps
Heart palpitations, racing heart
Hyperactivity, excess energy, nervous energy
Increased or decreased sex drive
Infection - increased infections, persistent infection
Mouth or throat clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Muscles that vibrate, jitter, tremor, or shake when used
Muscle twitching
Nausea vomiting
Neck, back, shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
Night sweats, waking up in a sweat, profusely sweating at night
No energy, feeling lethargic, tired
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Numbness and tingling, and other skin sensations on hands, feet, face, head, or any other places on the body
Persistent muscle tension, stiffness
Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard
Pulsing or throbbing muscles. Pulsing or throbbing sensation.
Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage
Sexual Dysfunction, sexual uninterest
Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face
Shooting pains in the face
Shooting pains in the scalp or head
Skipped heart beats
Sore or tight scalp or back of the neck
Startle easily
Sweating, uncontrollable profuse sweating
The floor feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason
Tightness in the ribs or rib cage area, may also feel like a tight band around the ribs or rib cage area.
Tingling sensations, anywhere on the body, including the hands, feet, legs, arms, head, mouth, chest, groin area
Throat or mouth clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Trembling or shaking
Unsteadiness, dizziness, feeling dizzy or lightheaded
Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom (similar to urinary tract or prostate infection symptoms)
Warm spells
Weak - feel weak, weakness, low energy, light, soft, like you may faint
Weak legs, arms, or muscles
Weight loss, weight gain
Chest (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the chest area):

Chest tremors, trembling in the chest, chest feels like it is vibrating
Chest pain or discomfort
Concern about the heart
Feel like you have to force yourself to breath
Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath
Frequent yawning to try and catch your breath
Heart Palpitations – beating hard or too fast, rapid heartbeat
Heart - Irregular heart rhythms, flutters or ‘skipped’ beats, tickle in the chest that makes you cough
Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard
Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage
Emotions (see mood) (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with emotions, mood, and feelings)

Fears (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with fear):

A heightened fear of what people think of you
Afraid of being trapped in a place with no exits
Constant feeling of being overwhelmed.
Fear of being in public
Fear of dying
Fear of losing control
Fear of impending doom
Fear of making mistakes or making a fool of yourself to others
Fear of passing out
Fear that you are losing your mind
Fears about irrational things, objects, circumstances, or situations
Fears of going crazy, of dying, of impending doom, of normal things, unusual feelings and emotions, unusually frightening thoughts or feelings
Heightened self awareness, or self-consciousness
Need to find nearest washrooms before you can feel comfortable
Need to seat near exits
Head (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the head):

Burning, itchy, tight scalp
Dizziness or light-headedness
Frequent headaches, migraine headaches
Feeling like there is a tight band around your head, pressure, tightness
Head, neck or shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
Head zaps, head tremors
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face
Shooting pains in the face
Shooting pains in the scalp or head
When you close your eyes you feel like are beginning to, or will, float upwards
Sore jaw that feels like a tooth ache
TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) - clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth
Hearing/Ear(s) (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with hearing):

Feel like there is something stuck in your ear, that your ear canal it plugged or blocked, that there is a pebble in your ear that you can't get out
Low rumbling sounds
Reduced hearing, frequent or intermittent reduced hearing or deafness in one or both ears
Ringing in the ears, noises in the ears, noises in the head
Pulsing in the ears, throbbing sound in the ear(s)
Tickle or itch in your ear that you can't seem to get at
Mind (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the mind and thinking):

Afraid of everything
Altered state of reality, consciousness, or universe feeling
Deja Vu, a feeling like you've done or experienced something before
Difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss
Difficulty thinking, speaking, forming thoughts, following conversations
Fear of going crazy
Fear of losing control
Fear of impending doom
Feelings of unreality
Frequent feeling of being overwhelmed, or that there is just too much to handle or do
Having difficulty concentrating
Nightmares, bad dreams
Obsession about sensations or getting better
Repetitive thinking or incessant ‘mind chatter’
Short-term learning impairment, have a hard time learning new information
Short-term memory impairment, can't remember what I did a few days, hours, or moments ago
Spaced out feelings, feeling spaced out
"Stuck" thoughts; thoughts, mental images, concepts, songs, or melodies that "stick" in your mind and replay over and over again.
Trapped in your mind feeling
Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear
You often feel you are carrying the world on your shoulders
Mood / Emotions (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with mood, emotions, and feelings):

Always feeling angry and lack of patience
Dramatic mood swings (emotional flipping)
Emotionally blunted, flat, or numb
Emotional "flipping" (dramatic mood swings)
Emotions feel wrong
Everything is scary, frightening
Feeling down in the dumps
Feeling like things are unreal or dreamlike
Frequently being on edge or 'grouchy'
Feel like crying for no apparent reason
Have no feelings about things you used to
Not feeling like yourself, detached from loved ones, emotionally numb
Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear
You feel like you are under pressure all the time
Mouth/Stomach (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the mouth and stomach):

A ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’, or unusual smell or taste
Aerophagia (swallowing too much air, stomach distention, belching)
Burning mouth, feeling like the inside of your mouth is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these together or at different times
Burning tongue, feeling like your tongue is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these, or all of these together or at different times
Constant craving for sugar or sweets
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty talking, pronouncing certain letters or sounds, mouth feels like it isn't moving right, slurred speech
Dry mouth
Feeling like you can’t swallow properly or that something will get caught in your throat
Feeling like your tongue is swollen
Lack of appetite or taste
Lump in the throat, tight throat, something stuck in your throat
Mouth muscles twitching/jumping
Mouth or throat clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Nausea vomiting
Nausea or abdominal stress
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Stomach upset, gas, belching, bloating
Teeth grinding
The thought of eating makes you nauseous
Tight throat, lump in throat
Throat or mouth clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking
Tongue symptoms - Tingly, “stretched,” numb, frozen, itchy, “crawly,” burning, twitching, “jumpy,” aching, sore, or swollen tongue (when it isn’t).
Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom
Skin (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the skin):

Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Skin problems, infections, rashes
Sleep (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sleep):

Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Frequent bad, bizarre, or crazy dreams
Hearing sounds in your head that jolt you awake
Insomnia, or waking up ill in the middle of the night
Jolting awake
Waking up in a panic attack
You feel worse in the mornings
Sight (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sight):

Distorted, foggy, or blurred vision
Dry, watery or itchy eyes
Eye tricks, seeing things our of the corner of your eye that isn’t there, stars, flashes
Eyes sensitive to light
Spots in the vision
Flashing lights when eyes are closed
Your depth perception feels wrong
Touch (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with touch):

Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity
Feeling cold or chilled
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Tingling, pins and needles feelings
Other anxiety symptoms are described as:
Being like a hypochondriac, muscle twinges, worry all the time, tingles, gagging, tightness in the chest, tongue twitches, shaky, breath lump, heart beat problems, head tingles, itchy tingling in arms and legs, and so many more.

In addition to these anxiety symptoms, you may also find yourself worrying compulsively about:
• Having a heart attack
• Having a serious undetected illness
• Dying prematurely
• Going insane or losing your mind
• Suddenly snapping
• Losing it
• Uncontrollably harming yourself or someone you love
• Losing control of your thoughts and actions
• Being embarrassed or making a fool out of yourself
• Losing control
• Fainting in public
• Not breathing properly
• Losing control of reality
• Choking or suffocating
• Being alone

01-10-10, 09:33
Michel - I think that was a very good move posting the symptoms list. :yesyes:

Eggy - if you're around later and catch up on this thread, I'd not posted on it earlier as I didn't think there was much I could add that the others haven't already said. You sound to me as though you have huge issues with anxiety at the moment; we've all been there, which is why people have tried to help.

So, what you have to do now is help yourself. Stay well away from Google; if you get the slightest temptation to look up symptoms, turn the computer off, go for a walk, have a coffee, have a smoke - anything but Google. Make an appointment with your GP, write a list of all your symptoms and take it with you when you go and see him/her. Then ask for a help at dealing with everything.

paula lynne
01-10-10, 09:45
Thats an EXCELLENT post on anxiety Mishel. Hopefully now we can help Eggy on his road to wellness. Morning all x:yesyes:

01-10-10, 12:57
Hi Eggy, I really feel for you because the mind is so incredibly powerful and we can get ourselves into a real state just by thinking about illnesses and truning minor symptoms into something huge. It's like Dodo said about thinking yourself into feeling sick. But you do need help and I agree that you should talk to a sympathetic (which I stress) GP who will be able to help you.

01-10-10, 13:46
Would you be convinced you didn't have it if you got the blood test?

Blood Tests
A blood test will be looking to see if there is any rise in a creatine kinase. This is produced when muscle breaks down and can occasionally be found in the blood of people with MND.

also how BAD are your symptoms and do you have them all the time?

Blood Tests don't always pick it up, You said above that occasionally it can be found in people with MND.

My symptoms are mainly a feeling of constant pressure/weakness in my face especially around the cheeks/cheekbone area, I also feel like i am having difficulty swallowing although i don't choke on food and my speech does seem ok, My face/mouth just seems weak.

I am particularly concerned about the PBP form of MND which is the worst and starts with the fascial muscles and cause difficulty swallowing, slurred speech, This is from the MND Website:-

Progressive bulbar palsy (PBP)

"Affects about a quarter of people diagnosed, and involves both the upper and lower motor neurones. Symptoms may include slurring of speech or difficulty swallowing. Life expectancy is between six months and three years from onset of symptoms".

I presume something would have been picked up in that examination i had last week?

01-10-10, 13:51
Yes it would have been.

As I still say yet again, and everyone else will repeat to you, your swallowing problems are because you are anxious about eating, you've worked yourself up to the point where you're focusing on them.

Will you please see your GP about some anxiety treatment as people have suggested?

01-10-10, 14:03
Well said crazyhayz. Go see your gp eggy I'm sure your fine health anxiety is so hard to live with I know but go see your gp and explain how you feel hun x

01-10-10, 14:33
:lac:Funny its taken you 78 posts to start posting Sammi ...Shame your concern wasnt earlier ,.. WELL DONE on a very thought out reply ..Im sure Eggy feels a whole lot better now ...

01-10-10, 15:11
Yeah and someting else that's funny is your comments he's hardly going to feel better with your replys is he having a go at him. Don't have a dig at me suzy sue. If your so frustrated by his posts don't read them simple as. No1 asks you for you input on his threads if u don't like don't read.

01-10-10, 15:29
For someone who comes on after 78 posts and starts having a go at the people whove been helping him I cant see the logic in your latest remarks .You obviously need to practice what you preach young lady .I am Not the slightest bit frustrated by Eggys posts ,and posted somewhere on one of his threads exactly what you have just said .Get your facts straight before you start making you false presumptions .Perhaps a pair of reading glasses wouldnt go amiss either .Dont expect members not to reply to you either when you obviously just post to try and cause trouble .Think before you type in the future .Sue

01-10-10, 15:38
I've never once caused trouble on this forum. I'm not interested in your snotty remarks. I was on about your latest post to me and if you had a problem with that then you obviously are one of the people having a go at eggy. Don't try belittle me with your "young lady" remarks either. I didnt intend to cause trouble but I will have my say. eggy obviously suffers for extreme health anxiety so he wouldn't think rationally about his symptoms he would think he had something serious that's why its called HEALTH ANXIETY.

01-10-10, 15:39
Sue, I see your point absolutely.

To be honest I HAVE been frustrated by Eggy's posts and said earlier that I didn't feel I could answer anymore as I felt up against a brick wall with all my suggestions, but I did continue to post, particularly about Eggy's medical queries as I felt I might be able to offer something there, but once again I just get the feeling NOTHING is reaching him, and he is frankly not even acknowledging - HA or not - honest, heartfelt help and personal experience from other members. I just do not see the point of his posts if he denies it is anxiety on a mental health forum.

I understand HA is terrible, debilitating, and has a grip on people, but you can only gain from a forum if you are taking at least some note of others advice IMO.

I see where you are coming from Sammi, but we have been very sympathetic here, but it appears we're going 'round in circles and not accomplishing a thing!

01-10-10, 15:45
Hi debs I understand what your saying. My point was one person tries to tell eggy that he's got a problem etc etc that he needs help that it anxiety and that's fine but then everyone else jumps on board to have a go too. xx

01-10-10, 15:53
But then you jumped in Sammi supporting (rightly or wrongly) a post that caused many members upset last night - again fanning the flames. I'm not saying people shouldn't have an opinion but we have tried over and over again to get through to Eggy without success and understandably there is a lot of frustration on our part - along with Eggy's own suffering.

There are no winners here.

01-10-10, 15:54
I've never once caused trouble on this forum. I'm not interested in your snotty remarks. I was on about your latest post to me and if you had a problem with that then you obviously are one of the people having a go at eggy. Don't try belittle me with your "young lady" remarks either. I didnt intend to cause trouble but I will have my say. eggy obviously suffers for extreme health anxiety so he wouldn't think rationally about his symptoms he would think he had something serious that's why its called HEALTH ANXIETY.

If you find my justified remarks belittling Sammi thats your problem thats how you see it not how it is necessarily .You have the option not to read them .You are are a young lady are you not ? As for health Anxiety tell me something I dont understand please .You obviously think you know more than any one else on here ,thats why I said its a pity you hadnt posted earlier .People have really been trying to help Eggy and to say everyone hasnt ,is downright offensive .Well as far as im concerned you CAN POST ALL YOU WANT .IM NOTgoing to respond any further to you .I have better things to do with my time .May I suggest you use your energy and time in writing helpful posts in the future and think before you resurrect matters that have been dealt with .As it does cause trouble because members will respond, not always in a manner you would wish . . sue

01-10-10, 16:01
ok well everyone is intilted to there opinion but I won't be spoken to like a child by some woman I don't even no. And suzy sue I never said people weren't trying to help some were. I was having my opinion sorry if that offended you. But to be honest I am intitled. I don't mean to hurt anyones feelings or cause trouble with people that wasn't my intention. But I do hope you really need help one day and you get the same treatment eggy has got. now go and belittle someone else.

01-10-10, 16:37

C'mon folks, lets not fight between ourselves!
If anyone has a problem with something that has been said in a post then please either sort it out in PM or failing that, contact an admin.



01-10-10, 16:51
Dear Eggy as someone who has had direct contact with someone with MND I really don't think that you have it. It is incredibly rare and yes difficult to diagnose. My Mum died of MND and the difficulty in swallowing was something that happened after the paralysis and loss of feeling in her legs. She had also by this time been robbed of her speech. She would not have been able to sit at a computer and type!! The difficulty in swallowing mean't that she could not swallow solid food and even drinking through a straw was difficult. Hopefully you will get some peace from your nervous suffering and I'm 99% sure it's not MND. Take care Eggy. EJ.

01-10-10, 17:39
Dear Eggy as someone who has had direct contact with someone with MND I really don't think that you have it. It is incredibly rare and yes difficult to diagnose. My Mum died of MND and the difficulty in swallowing was something that happened after the paralysis and loss of feeling in her legs. She had also by this time been robbed of her speech. She would not have been able to sit at a computer and type!! The difficulty in swallowing mean't that she could not swallow solid food and even drinking through a straw was difficult. Hopefully you will get some peace from your nervous suffering and I'm 99% sure it's not MND. Take care Eggy. EJ.

Thank you for your post and i am very sorry to hear about your mum.

I think what concerns me being honest is the PBP Form of MND.

Because in that form of MND it starts in the fascial muscles before affecting the arms and legs and other parts of the body.

However, From what i read in the PBP Form of MND it usually starts with slurring of speech which i don't have but i have difficulty swallowing and my mouth muscles feel really weak when eating/chewing food which worries me.

But what i am thinking is if i had that type of MND wouldn't my speech be affected and would i be able to eat solid food with a little bit of difficulty?

01-10-10, 17:44
This is what i am very worried/concerned about, It is a form of MND.

Progressive Bulbar Palsy: In this disorder, the nerves controlling the muscles of chewing, swallowing, and talking are affected, making these functions increasingly difficult. The voice may have a nasal tone. In some people, emotions are changeable. Because swallowing is difficult, food or saliva is often inhaled (aspirated) into the lungs, causing choking or gagging and increasing the risk of pneumonia. Death, which is often due to pneumonia, usually occurs 1 to 3 years after the disorder begins.

The reason i am really worried about this is because i feel like i am having trouble chewing, I have noticed this over the past few weeks, I am also having trouble swallowing or feel like i am, Someone who has been around me lately thinks my swallowing seems ok though.

01-10-10, 17:47
It is usually the throat muscles that are affected in MND. This is what causes the loss of speech and difficulty in swallowing. To put it graphically mum would try to eat/swallow( even pureed food) and then choke on her own saliva. MND is a progressive illness incredibly rare of someone of your age. In all probability I have a greater chance of getting it because I have a close family member who died from it and also I am in the right age group. By the time my Mum could not swallow she also could not speak or sit up unaided. I'm sure that you can do all those things can't you Eggy? Take care please stop worrying about MND.

01-10-10, 17:48
Dear Eggy she had got beyond the point of being able to chew.EJ.

01-10-10, 17:49
A friend of mine was diagnosed with that type of MND a while ago. It was her speech that was affected first, before anything else. In fact, after over two years since her symptoms started, she still has no swallowing problems.
It's quite common to have throat/swallowing problems with anxiety, I know my throat feels really tight when I'm anxious, but I don't suffer from HA so I'm able to recognise its nothing more sinister - I wish you someday are able to feel that way too. :)

Sue xxx

01-10-10, 17:58
A friend of mine was diagnosed with that type of MND a while ago. It was her speech that was affected first, before anything else. In fact, after over two years since her symptoms started, she still has no swallowing problems.
It's quite common to have throat/swallowing problems with anxiety, I know my throat feels really tight when I'm anxious, but I don't suffer from HA so I'm able to recognise its nothing more sinister - I wish you someday are able to feel that way too. :)

Sue xxx

Thanks for your post Sue :D May i ask how old your friend was?

01-10-10, 18:00
There are different types of MND. I know someone at the Cathedral who has MND and has lived with it for over twenty years. Professor Hawking has had MND for forty+++ years. My dear Mother had it for about eighteen months start to finish. Even after 22 years it is distressing to talk about. EJ.

01-10-10, 18:03
48 Eggy :)

01-10-10, 18:06
It is usually the throat muscles that are affected in MND. This is what causes the loss of speech and difficulty in swallowing. To put it graphically mum would try to eat/swallow( even pureed food) and then choke on her own saliva. MND is a progressive illness incredibly rare of someone of your age. In all probability I have a greater chance of getting it because I have a close family member who died from it and also I am in the right age group. By the time my Mum could not swallow she also could not speak or sit up unaided. I'm sure that you can do all those things can't you Eggy? Take care please stop worrying about MND.

What i'm thinking is in the PBP Form of MND the legs, arms and everything else are ok at first and it is just the difficulty chewing/swallowing and slurred speech that is affected first, My speech seems ok but i am definitely having problems chewing and swallowing so i am really worried.

Then again i had problems with chewing and swallowing before i saw the GP last week and i am sure they tested my fascial muscles, From what i have read doctors can tell sort of spot motor neurone disease by looking at the tongue, I think they looked at my tongue although i cannot remember but i know they made me screw my face up and the doctor touched my forehead, cheek and chin area to see if i could feel those sensations.

01-10-10, 18:13
There are different types of MND. I know someone at the Cathedral who has MND and has lived with it for over twenty years. Professor Hawking has had MND for forty+++ years. My dear Mother had it for about eighteen months start to finish. Even after 22 years it is distressing to talk about. EJ.

I can understand totally that is must be distressing it sounds like a truly awful illness to have and that's one of the reasons why i am worried.

I have never said this before but i have 2 kids who i see nearly all the time and i would hate to have something like MND because it is terrible and my children are quite young.

I have never heard of someone getting MND at 29 but it's not impossible, I have read about people in their early-mid 30's developing it.

If your mum passed away 22 years ago was she quite young when she developed that horrible disease?

01-10-10, 18:14
Eggy are you having any treatment for anxiety at the moment?

01-10-10, 18:16
Eggy are you having any treatment for anxiety at the moment?

Yes, I have been on Cipralex for 11 days now, My appetite has been affected since taking this pill.

01-10-10, 18:20
Thats a good start. The meds will affect you quite a bit at the start, but that wears off.
So dont worry about your appetite. :)

paula lynne
01-10-10, 20:50
Hi Eggy how are you today?
I had an idea which may help you!
When I came here I was totally focused on myself, and completely absorbed with all my illnesses, (real and imagined)

What Ive found absolutely great is actually trying to help others, even if its a friendly hello, and not a long list of do's and dont's.

Its nice getting to know others. Im suggesting you start interacting with others on this site, it really helps take the mind off your own problems, shows others you care, and you knows, you may be able to give advice that nobody else can.

What do you think???? x

01-10-10, 21:17
I'm getting more and more twitches, tingling in more areas, my face is tingling and my lips and tongue feel funny like they are sort of numb.

When i eat it seems to make my face/cheekbones ache and i feel like my muscles are struggling to chew.

01-10-10, 21:25
You might be putting too much focus on your jaw as you chew, which is making the muscles tired. Sometimes I get this if I eat alot of food thats very tough to chew.
The tingling could be caused by you not breathing correctly. A bit like hyperventilation. Or as I said earlier it could be that your nerves are over stimulated and giving false signals to your brain.
Or you could have a bad tooth or a wisdom tooth coming through. Have you been to the dentist lately?

01-10-10, 21:37
You might be putting too much focus on your jaw as you chew, which is making the muscles tired. Sometimes I get this if I eat alot of food thats very tough to chew.
The tingling could be caused by you not breathing correctly. A bit like hyperventilation. Or as I said earlier it could be that your nerves are over stimulated and giving false signals to your brain.
Or you could have a bad tooth or a wisdom tooth coming through. Have you been to the dentist lately?

Yes i went to the dentist on Monday, My teeth aren't too bad, All my top teeth are ok bar one in the top left hand corner which is decayed but i'm on a waiting list for that to be sorted out.

There is some partly decayed teeth in the bottom left hand corner but nothing major and i am on a waiting list for that as well.

I had a mouth x-ray and nothing else was said.

02-10-10, 00:48
Eggy - I said I was not going to post to help you again and I stand by that but I think a simple thanks to all the members on here that helped you would be nice occasionally.

Saying thanks costs nothing and members have gone out of their way to help you.

I see you sit on the HA forum all night and I think you need to move away from that and like Paula said read what other members have problems with and help them and not be so selfish.

Sorry to be so harsh but you have taken up a lot of time on here and caused a few arguements and yet you seem oblivious to what NMP is about.

Why not enter into the spirit of things and actually move away from the HA forum and see how many other members need help too.

02-10-10, 14:37
Eggy - I said I was not going to post to help you again and I stand by that but I think a simple thanks to all the members on here that helped you would be nice occasionally.

Saying thanks costs nothing and members have gone out of their way to help you.

I see you sit on the HA forum all night and I think you need to move away from that and like Paula said read what other members have problems with and help them and not be so selfish.

Sorry to be so harsh but you have taken up a lot of time on here and caused a few arguements and yet you seem oblivious to what NMP is about.

Why not enter into the spirit of things and actually move away from the HA forum and see how many other members need help too.

I know HA is a horrible, horrible plague of an affliction to contend with but lately I've found the level of appreciation for the kind folk here that take time to reply and help despicable.

We all suffer in our own way - whatever anyone says - and although you can't MAKE people be thankful/grateful, people can't silence me either when I feel members are being ignorant and rude.

Sorry Eggy - this isn't just aimed at you, but it offends me that Nicola's post goes unanswered like so many others on this forum.

Please can we be a community - not a me me me forum....

Thank you

02-10-10, 15:20
I am worried more than ever today that i have MND :weep:

02-10-10, 15:32
Eggy I don't normally post about the symptoms my anxiety give me as it normally feeds the fear but i thought as you hadnt listened to anyone else maybe you would listen to a fellow sufferer!
I get your exact symptoms, feel like I have no control over my jaw, I can't chew and I can't swallow my lips go numb and my face tingles. I'm under a neurologist at a specialist hospital due to spinal problems and nerve damage and he assures me it's just anxiety and you know what I believe him because as soon as I stop thinking about the problem I don't have it!!! It goes! Please stop concentrating on the problems and it will go away! They always do. We have health anxiety eggy it's time for you to realise that and deal with it!!!


02-10-10, 15:47
Eggy i think you need to re-read what members have posted to you already .All people can do is keep posting the same thing time and time again .Sitting reading about symptoms all day is not helping you whatsoever .All it does is feed off them making things seem worse .Distract yourself and do something other than log in on the Health anx forum all day and night .You will be suprised how better it will make you feel doing and thinking of something else other than your health worries .Look on the other forums for a bit hun and maybe go for a walk outside .Then on Monday please go and see your Dr and get some help for your terrible health anxiety .Take care Sue :hugs:

02-10-10, 15:51
yup you probably do have it so now we have established that can you go and get some help for it please.

02-10-10, 18:14
Hello eggy, im quite sad to reads you threads/posts as i know exactly what your going through. I was really bad with my health anxiety this time last year and i really was so gratful to all the people on nmp that took time out to reply to me and comfort me when i was in a state of panic and i also know that when your feeling that bad you can become a little selfish and jsut wanna talk about yourself and get reasurrance as that is one of the hings that makes you feel better.

Im not as bad as i was last year but i still have my bad moments but i try not to sit and google as i now know that that only feeds the fear. If you look back through my posts you will see how worried i was about evry little ache and pain. Now i try to occupy myself, exercise and try not to obsess over my health. I strongly recomend dr claire weekes books as they have been a major part to me gettingthrough this HA nightmare.

There are some fantastic people on here that have some excellent adivice and have experianced what your going through, try to let them help you hun.

I know its hard, really hard to accept what we are being told by the drs when the physical symptoms are so strong but this is a place for support and i hope you find some comfort here. xx

02-10-10, 21:08
I think everything that needs to be said, has been said. Unless one of us has magic powers, there is no way any of us can say if you do or dont have MND. That is for your doctor to decide.
Likewise there is no point going on the internet to find advice because according to that Ive had at least 5 heart attacks, a few strokes, an eating disorder, cancer and god knows what else!
If you have got MND sitting on these forums or even googling will not make it go away. Worrying will not make it better.

03-10-10, 21:46
Feeling really weak all over today :weep::weep::weep:

My mouth feel weaker like it is a big effort just to talk and eat and swallow.

03-10-10, 21:51

If you feel that bad then see your GP.


03-10-10, 23:19
Progressive bulbar palsy, also called progressive bulbar atrophy, involves the bulb-shaped brain stem —the region that controls lower motor neurons needed for swallowing, speaking, chewing, and other functions. Symptoms include pharyngeal muscle weakness (involved with swallowing), weak jaw and facial muscles, progressive loss of speech, and tongue muscle atrophy. Limb weakness with both lower and upper motor neuron signs is almost always evident but less prominent. Affected persons have outbursts of laughing or crying (called emotional lability). Individuals eventually become unable to eat or speak and are at increased risk of choking and aspiration pneumonia, which is caused by the passage of liquids and food through the vocal folds and into the lower airways and lungs. Stroke and myasthenia gravis each have certain symptoms that are similar to those of progressive bulbar palsy and must be ruled out prior to diagnosing this disorder. In about 25 percent of ALS cases early symptoms begin with bulbar involvement.
Death usually occurs within 6 months-3 years of onset of symptoms.

I have the symptoms that i have highlighted.

03-10-10, 23:23
Eggy, that is an extremely rare illness, which you probably don't have. The symptoms you have highlighted are quite common and can be caused by anxiety. As others have said, you need to speak to a doc for reassurance.

03-10-10, 23:56
if you hold your face tense that will make it weak. looking at a pc wont be helping you!

04-10-10, 01:12
Eggy, that is an extremely rare illness, which you probably don't have. The symptoms you have highlighted are quite common and can be caused by anxiety. As others have said, you need to speak to a doc for reassurance.

Your right Jane, It is rare, Not extremely rare but rare. And the form of MND i am worried about accounts for between 20-25% of all cases, I think 2 in 100,000 people develop it.

04-10-10, 02:14
Hi Eggy,

I’m sorry you’re struggling so much with this at the moment. I’ve been reading some of your posts but couldn’t really find anything to add that hadn’t already be said. However, I think I can see what’s really happening here. I don’t see a person who is seeking reassurance that they don’t have a serious illness, which is what everybody is trying to do. Instead I see a person who is seeking proof that they do have a serious illness.

I don’t think it’s intentional but somehow it seems like you may have convinced yourself that you have this illness to the point of actually ‘believing’ it. And when a person ‘believes’ something, it then becomes, to them, the unquestionable truth.

And another things with any beliefs – be they religious, scientific, factual, whatever – is that the mind then becomes very selective. It no longer needs to worry about all the information it’s bombarded with because it already knows what’s correct and true. So to make the person’s life easier it tries to help by filtering and disregarding everything that doesn’t support that belief – because it’s incorrect and therefore irrelevant. At the same time it draws attention to everything that does support that belief because it’s correct and therefore important.

Can you see what’s happening Eggy?

It struck me while reading a very reassuring reply from ElizabethJane, whose mother sadly contracted MND. She listed some very real reasons based on first hand experience why the pattern of you’re symptoms simply didn’t match that of the real disease. But none of that stuck because it didn’t support the belief that you hold. However, one very insignificant line did seem to grab your full attention – that her mother passed away 22 years ago, so possibly she might’ve been quite young. Now that one tiny shred of evidence does support your belief that somehow you too may have MND.

So I would suggest two things for now. Firstly, that it’s not necessary to keep trying to convince everybody else that you do have MND. Whether you have or have not – and for what it’s worth I believe you have not – isn’t in dispute because you’ve already convinced us that you believe that you do. You don’t have to keep telling us.

And secondly, the way to change an unhelpful belief is to use facts and logic against it. It’s a bit like a see saw where all the weight is currently on one side, and we need to shift some of that weight to the other side. So I’d like you to read back through all the replies on this thread – all 13 pages! – and to write down EVERY SINGLE FACT AND PIECE OF EVIDENCE that proves that you DO NOT have MND. Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe a word of it, just do it anyway. Do you think you can do that for me?

Then when you’ve done that, read through it and see if some of it just maybe makes a bit of sense. Shifting some of that weight towards the other side of that see saw. Then once you begin believing some of it, it gets to the point where it’s more or less balanced, and things could go either way. “Maybe I have or maybe I haven’t... I don’t know any more.” Then if you can find some more evidence to support the alternative belief that you’d prefer to believe – that you don’t have MND – the see saw will tip the other way and it becomes easier to believe that instead.

So is it worth a try Eggy? Re-read ALL those replies and make a note of all the reasons that prove what it is that you’d rather be believing.

Hope this makes sense – it’s gone 2am :wacko:

Take care,

04-10-10, 16:18
The muscles in my face and mouth feel like they are going or wasting away, I get a constant pressure feeling in my face and when i eat i get a really bad ache in my face/cheekbones, I have excessive saliva/phelgm in my mouth which i can't seem to clear and feel like i am choking on it making me think my throat muscles are weakening/wasting.

I am hoping to see a doctor tomorrow or Wednesday about these problems.

04-10-10, 16:24
Great reply Nigel - pity it is ignored like all the other replies lol

04-10-10, 16:29
I am not going to address this directly to Eggy as he clearly will not read it nor take any advice from it, but I am incredulous that Nigel - amongst many other kind members here - has taken time and care to write an informative, helpful, supportive post and YET AGAIN it has been BLATANTLY disregarded by Eggy, who has posted another 'all about me and my suffering' post.

Yes, he is in the grip of a severe HA but it also appears he is suffering an incurable case of rudeness. Even if you cannot believe what so many of us are saying when you have HA, that does not mean that you need to show a TOTAL LACK OF REGARD for help offered and treat others with contempt.

I am sorry if this comes across as mean, but I am at boiling point now as I just feel everything is one sided here. WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS HERE, otherwise we wouldn't need the great support that NMP gives us, but the whole idea is we all support each other otherwise nothing would be achieved.

I am incredulous frankly.

04-10-10, 17:10
Hey Eggy - have been in your position - worn the t-shirt the whole lot - I was consumed by HA and convinced myself regularly that I had a whole tranche of terminal illnesses.

Until one day, my dad said to me "look girl, what is the worst that can happen?" Yep, you got it - you die! In some ways it was a real turning point for me and lessened the grip that HA had on my life, which quite frankly at the time was quite a severe grip!

You really do need to see that seeking constant reassurance is not good in the long run because no sooner have you been reassured about one illness than you are in grip of another dreadful terrible illness that you are sure you have got.

I know it is hard - I have been there and still have dodgy periods where I convince myself that I have x or y wrong with me but you do need help to get some perspective on all of this and you really do need help from your local Mental Health Team to give you some strategies to use when you are like this.

Quite simply, you are not listening to any of us who do understand your problems far more than you think and who are trying to give you help. Eggy, trust us - we DO know what we are talking about !

04-10-10, 17:33
I am not going to address this directly to Eggy as he clearly will not read it nor take any advice from it, but I am incredulous that Nigel - amongst many other kind members here - has taken time and care to write an informative, helpful, supportive post and YET AGAIN it has been BLATANTLY disregarded by Eggy, who has posted another 'all about me and my suffering' post.

Yes, he is in the grip of a severe HA but it also appears he is suffering an incurable case of rudeness. Even if you cannot believe what so many of us are saying when you have HA, that does not mean that you need to show a TOTAL LACK OF REGARD for help offered and treat others with contempt.

I am sorry if this comes across as mean, but I am at boiling point now as I just feel everything is one sided here. WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS HERE, otherwise we wouldn't need the great support that NMP gives us, but the whole idea is we all support each other otherwise nothing would be achieved.

I am incredulous frankly.

I do read everyone's posts thoroughly and even if i don't reply to it it does not mean i have not read it or thought about what they have said.

It is extremely hard to not think that i have this disease when i have the classic symptoms of the PBP form of MND/ALS which includes difficulty swallowing and difficulty chewing, The only thing that gives me some hope is the fact that it usually starts with slurred speech which i don't have or haven't had as of now.

I know that most people are over 40 and usually between 50 and 70 when they get this but plenty of people in their 30's and some in their 20's have developed it.

I would rather have MS than have MND and that's saying something, The type of MND/ALS that i am worried about progresses so rapidly that you die within 1-3 years most people don't live more than 18 months.

I know from reading several things that MS affects 100,000 people in the UK and MND/ALS affects 5,000 people in the UK.

I am convinced i have it because the type of MND/ALS i am worried about affects the fasical, mouth and throat muscles first and rapidly make you lose your ability to eat, talk or swallow before paralysing the rest of your body and killing you.

I would rather die right now than have that kind of disease and i am terrified really terrified at the moment.

04-10-10, 17:55
Hi Eggy,

“The only thing that gives me some hope is the fact that it usually starts with slurred speech which i don't have”

Well done :yesyes:
What else gives you hope?

Have another read through all the replies and find one or two more.
Think about all the things the various doctors said to you, and about all the negative test results.

Something that struck me was when you said – “The muscles in my face and mouth feel like they are going or wasting away.” I’m not a medical person but common sense would tell me that wouldn’t happen – not over the space of a few days. Could it really happen that quickly?

And think about the fact that you were dying of various forms of cancer two weeks ago but have since made a miraculous recovery. Real illnesses don’t change like that... but thoughts do :winks:

Take care,

04-10-10, 17:57
Eggy, everyone is sick and tired of your self-obsession, I believe it is time for you to leave this site! I may add that this will be my final post as you are making me ill!! Get your head out your a***. I think you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start considering the feelings of others. Or preferably go live on a desert island

04-10-10, 18:01
I believe he just wants someone to say "yes you have it" so there you go, i said it. Now what?

04-10-10, 18:08
Eggy, everyone is sick and tired of your self-obsession, I believe it is time for you to leave this site! I may add that this will be my final post as you are making me ill!! Get your head out your a***. I think you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start considering the feelings of others. Or preferably go live on a desert island

You said before you wouldn't post again, I'm sorry you feel that way but all i would say is don't read or reply to my posts if it makes you feel like that.

04-10-10, 18:09
I believe he just wants someone to say "yes you have it" so there you go, i said it. Now what?

Wrong! Definitely not! Why would i want someone to tell me i have something like that?, It's bad enough thinking i have it and having these horrible symptoms without someone telling me i actually have it.

04-10-10, 18:10
I don't want to cause arguments or problems on here but if some people are annoyed by my posts then maybe it would be better if those people didn't read or reply to my posts.

04-10-10, 18:19
Sooner or later EVERYONE gets sick of reading your self-pitying bullshit! We all have monumental psychological and physical issues, but the rest of us are supportive of eachother.... You don't appear to give a flying f*** about anyone else! It's all about me me me. Perhaps if more people were honest with you, it may spur you into helping yourself rather than bringing all of us down to your pitiful level

04-10-10, 18:21
I don't want to cause arguments or problems on here but if some people are annoyed by my posts then maybe it would be better if those people didn't read or reply to my posts.

...but the fact is Eggy, even people who do read and reply to your posts aren't helping really are they? Even you must see that.

If you cannot believe that all your symptoms are down to HA, but then you are saying that you don't want to be told that you are right and it is MND or a form of it, WHAT ARE you seeking when you post and how can we help you???

I for one would hate to be seen as bullying, I REALLY FEEL FOR YOU, but I just feel that you are not putting in as much as you could to offer advice to others too.

I know what anxiety is like, God knows I wish I didn't. It is a plague and a curse and I wish I didn't have it every single day, but I get a lot of pleasure and a lot of satisfaction out of offering what little I can in the way of advice on NMP and it really helps me detract from my own woes. I am also so grateful to everyone that has done the same for me too.

Please try this Eggy. Just taking a step away from yourself is very helpful.

04-10-10, 18:43
If you don't think Eggy is appreciating your replies or reading this thread is making you worse, then don't reply or don't read it - certainly DO NOT simply reply to argue or name-call.

04-10-10, 18:51
I am not going all me me me but i'm just going to list all of my symptoms to see what you think:-

Face/Mouth feels weak.
Feel like i have difficulty eating/chewing like my muscles are too weak or tired.
Pressure/Ache in my Face/Cheekbones which is worse when eating and eating feels tiring.
Jaws feel weak.
Tongue feels weak/odd.
Neck pain/stiffness (Had this for over 5 weeks now.)
Pains on and off in the knees, elbows and back.
Tingling in the Tongue, Face, Arms & Legs.
Twitches in the Face, Arms, Legs, Hands, Feet.
Pins & Needles in my Hands & Feet.
Difficulty Swallowing and feel like something is stuck in my throat.
Occasional ringing in my ears.
Shortness of breath.

04-10-10, 19:02
Wrong! Definitely not! Why would i want someone to tell me i have something like that?, It's bad enough thinking i have it and having these horrible symptoms without someone telling me i actually have it.

Ok, you must understand though that many many people have given you their opinions on the liklihood of you having this illness. Nigel has given you a very useful task to go through and pick out all the for and against arguments that can prove your thought.
I suggest you actually do what he has asked and make a post in reply to this thread about it. So that we can all help you to push past this.

As it is we've now had 14 pages of you talking about your symptoms with lots of people replying and giving you alternate reasons for those symptoms. I dont think there is anything else that anyone can say to you that hasnt already been said.

This needs to come from you. You need to change your thinking patterns and realise that the liklihood of it being MND in comparison to it being anxiety, an illness you have been diagnosed with, is so tiny that it is not worth spending all these days on it!

Stop sitting online searching for websites that confirm yours suspicians and get out there and have a life. As soon as you get active these thoughts will go away. Sitting there being preoccupied by this illness wont make it go away.

I also want to echo what others have said about helping other people out too. All it takes is a small post to offer some advice or even just to give them a hug. It will go a long way. As it stands people are going to stop replying to you as noone wants to help someone that doesnt return the favour. All it takes is a thanks now and again. You dont even have to agree with their posts, just "thanks for posting" would do.

04-10-10, 19:07
Face/Mouth feels weak. This is from holding your facial muscles tight.
Feel like i have difficulty eating/chewing like my muscles are too weak or tired. This is from holding your facial muscles tight.
Pressure/Ache in my Face/Cheekbones which is worse when eating and eating feels tiring. This is from holding your facial muscles tight.
Jaws feel weak. This is from holding your facial muscles tight.
Tongue feels weak/odd. This is from holding your facial muscles tight.
Neck pain/stiffness (Had this for over 5 weeks now.)
Pains on and off in the knees, elbows and back This is from holding your muscles tight.
Tingling in the Tongue, Face, Arms & Legs. This is from holding your muscles tight.
Twitches in the Face, Arms, Legs, Hands, Feet. This is from holding your muscles tight.
Pins & Needles in my Hands & Feet. This is from holding your facial muscles tight and/or nerves firing off incorrect signals due to nervous exhaustion.
Difficulty Swallowing and feel like something is stuck in my throat. This is from holding your facial muscles tight.
Occasional ringing in my ears. This is from holding your facial muscles tight and/or nerves firing off incorrect signals due to nervous exhaustion.
Shortness of breath. This is from holding your facial muscles tight.

All of those symptoms are directly related to your muscles. You may not think youre tense, but you are. Trust me.

04-10-10, 19:59
Has anyone else on here actually worried that they have MND? I know people worry about MS on here but what about MND?

I wonder what the chances of me getting MND actually are? Apparently 2 out of 100,000 people develop it every year, Most people are over 40 or between 50 and 70.

04-10-10, 20:11
I am just amazed at how many replies there actually are to your post, and yet you seem to have have ignored everyone and are still obsessed with MND, if you genuinely believe you have it please see you GP to put your mind at rest! You still haven't acknowledged that you have read the link to symptoms. Everyone here is trying to help you, you have had tremendous support from fellow sufferers of HA. We have all suffered with similiar symptons at some point or another yet you still choose not to accept this!

04-10-10, 20:18
Sooner or later EVERYONE gets sick of reading your self-pitying bullshit! We all have monumental psychological and physical issues, but the rest of us are supportive of eachother.... You don't appear to give a flying f*** about anyone else! It's all about me me me. Perhaps if more people were honest with you, it may spur you into helping yourself rather than bringing all of us down to your pitiful level

Wow. Feel better for that rant do you?

I have no intention of answering to Eggy's posts anymore because at the moment the info and advice given is not sinking in, I also get annoyed by the fact that he gives no acknowledgment for the help and advice people have given.

You know that's the truth Eggy.

But anyway Kibbutz..if you don't like it don't read it. And don't answer it.

And it is most definitely not up to you whether someone should leave the site.

I can see the way this is going and I think the thread will probably be closed. :lac:

04-10-10, 20:26
I am just amazed at how many replies there actually are to your post, and yet you seem to have have ignored everyone and are still obsessed with MND, if you genuinely believe you have it please see you GP to put your mind at rest! You still haven't acknowledged that you have read the link to symptoms. Everyone here is trying to help you, you have had tremendous support from fellow sufferers of HA. We have all suffered with similiar symptons at some point or another yet you still choose not to accept this!

I did acknowledge that i read the link to the Symptoms page quite some time ago.

04-10-10, 20:36
When i see my GP this week i'm going to write down my Symptoms and hand them to the GP.

I am hoping that the GP doesn't just refer me to a Neurologist, I am hoping the doctor will either tell me i am worrying for nothing and not refer me or if they do refer me i would like to know why and what they suspect.

04-10-10, 20:46
Sooner or later EVERYONE gets sick of reading your self-pitying bullshit! We all have monumental psychological and physical issues, but the rest of us are supportive of eachother.... You don't appear to give a flying f*** about anyone else! It's all about me me me. Perhaps if more people were honest with you, it may spur you into helping yourself rather than bringing all of us down to your pitiful level


I'm quite sure you are quite able to add your opinion without lowering the tone with your potty mouth lanuage. No-one deserves to be sworn at so please refrain from doing so in future.


04-10-10, 20:52
When i see my GP this week i'm going to write down my Symptoms and hand them to the GP.

I am hoping that the GP doesn't just refer me to a Neurologist, I am hoping the doctor will either tell me i am worrying for nothing and not refer me or if they do refer me i would like to know why and what they suspect.

Of course the GP will tell you you are worrying for nothing. You've already had extensive neurological tests carried out which would have picked up a neurological abnormality indicative of MND.

These neurological diseases present themselves in much more dramatic ways than the symptoms you're getting. Drs are trained to look out for these signs and symptoms.

Alas, you will still not believe anyone, and even if you do, you'll end up focusing on another serious illness until you address your HA :lac:

04-10-10, 21:01
Of course the GP will tell you you are worrying for nothing. You've already had extensive neurological tests carried out which would have picked up a neurological abnormality indicative of MND.

These neurological diseases present themselves in much more dramatic ways than the symptoms you're getting. Drs are trained to look out for these signs and symptoms.

Alas, you will still not believe anyone, and even if you do, you'll end up focusing on another serious illness until you address your HA :lac:

Thank you for your post, I sincerely hope the GP does tell me i am worrying for nothing.

I'd like to ask you something though what makes you think i have had extensive Neurological Tests? Extensive Neurological Tests are done by a Neurologist and when they perform EMG's etc etc.

A doctor did do some kind of Exam on me last week but as i said previously the GP never explained exactly what the Exam was or why it was being performed, Only after reading on the internet i discovered that it sounds like some kind of Neurological Exam.

I have to point out that PBP the form of MND i am concerned about only presents itself with possibly difficulty swallowing, talking, eating and talking at first before destroying those functions and moving elsewhere in the body.

I have also read that it is very very difficult to diagnose as there's no specific test for it.

I received your PM, Thank you, I have emailed the Neurologist who is on here for some advice.

04-10-10, 21:10
Was what i had an actual neuro exam?

It consisted of the following:-

Following the doctors finger.
The doctor looking into my eyes.
The doctor making me walk like i was on a tightrope putting one foot forward then putting the other one in front of that.
Standing up with my eyes open then standing up with my eyes shut and my arms held out infront of me then turning my arms over then putting my finger on my nose.
Then having my knees, arms and feet hit with a rubber hammer.
Then being asked to grab the doctors two fingers and pull the doctor towards me.
And having the doctor touching me and tickling my feet asking if i could feel it.
Also, I was asked to bend my knee whilst keeping the other leg straight.

No tests were performed to do with my mouth or face.

This is what a neurologist would have initially carried out. All GPs are trained in this too. You seem to have had the full works as many doctors would have just carried out a few of these tests (perhaps the Romberg test).

Only if they felt there was a serious abnormality in one or more of these tests would there be cause for concern (but even then it doesn't necessarily mean MND).

04-10-10, 21:15
Thank you for clarifying that.

Well obviously when i had the Neuro Exam done i wasn't worried about MND at the time but i have more or less the same symptoms i have now apart from the fact that i have had more twitching recently and my tongue is numb, I did mention to the doctor at the time about my lips tingling, but i only had this exam done 6 days ago and i guess i wouldn't have developed something like MND over that period of time.

Thinking back i think a few other tests were done during the exam so i will go over it again, I think this was everything that was done:-

The doctor looked into my eyes.
They made me follow their finger.
I had to stand up on the spot then close my eyes and hold my arms out in front of me and then turn them over and then put my finger on my nose.
Then i had to walk as if i was on a tightrope and put one foot in front of the other.
The doctor was tapping my legs, feet and arms with a rubber hammer.
I had to bend my legs whilst keeping the other one straight.
Then they were touching my legs and seeing if i felt it and also tickled my feet.
Then i think they made me screw up my eyes and felt my head, cheek and chin.
I think they made me stick my tongue out and say aah as well if i remember correctly.

And a few more that you initially forgot to mention.

04-10-10, 21:17
This is what a neurologist would have initially carried out. All GPs are trained in this too. You seem to have had the full works as many doctors would have just carried out a few of these tests (perhaps the Romberg test).

Only if they felt there was a serious abnormality in one or more of these tests would there be cause for concern (but even then it doesn't necessarily mean MND).

I have reiterated this point to Eggy in an earlier post too Melancholia. That what he had is a full and basically diagnostic neurological exam and unless doctors note anything sus they will not follow through with more extensive screening/testing.

It fell on deaf ears sadly.

04-10-10, 21:22
I have reiterated this point to Eggy in an earlier post too Melancholia. That what he had is a full and basically diagnostic neurological exam and unless doctors note anything sus they will not follow through with more extensive screening/testing.

It fell on deaf ears sadly.

Hang on a second Debs! The face, mouth, throat wasn't really examined it was other parts of my body, When i see my GP next i will have all my problems written down and i hope they will examine everything this time round.

04-10-10, 21:23
Until he deals with the anxiety behind it no matter of tests and results will shift the worry. The problem isnt the MND its your HA.
Until it comes a time that I feel like peoples advice is actually being taken on board I wont be replying to anymore of your threads. There are so many people on here crying out for help and we're all focused on you. Its not fair, so im going to take my help to people who actually seem to want it.
Good luck at the doctors. not that you need it, you dont have mnd.

04-10-10, 21:27
Eggy, if you read my original post I did talk about that.

They don't have to focus on your specific area of concern. They are focusing on looking for a neurological problem that could cause or be related to the symptoms in the areas you are complaining of - mouth, throat, etc. Neuro is neuro, be it messages to your leg, arm, gag reflex, facial feeling....whatever.

04-10-10, 21:36
Dear Eggy I would suggest that you seek out the autobiographies of people who have contracted MND and have since died. These famous people include Jill Tweedie, David Niven, Don Revie to name but a few. There are also stories about real people on the MND website who have contracted the disease and have since died. Your story does not match those. As I have said previously I stand a greater chance of contracting MND than you do as my Mother died aged 61 of the disease and I am nearly 50. Even in the early stages her motor control was poor. She would not have been able to sit up for long periods and type on the computer as you do. Her illness caused me enormous distress to lose my Mother at such an early age to know that she would not be able to see me married or her grandchildren. This is not what is in store for you.You are a young man with a full and active life ahead of you. I hope that your neurologist writes on a piece of paper 'this young man shows no signs on MND'. Take care Eggy.EJ.

04-10-10, 21:45
Dear Eggy I would suggest that you seek out the autobiographies of people who have contracted MND and have since died. These famous people include Jill Tweedie, David Niven, Don Revie to name but a few. There are also stories about real people on the MND website who have contracted the disease and have since died. Your story does not match those. As I have said previously I stand a greater chance of contracting MND than you do as my Mother died aged 61 of the disease and I am nearly 50. Even in the early stages her motor control was poor. She would not have been able to sit up for long periods and type on the computer as you do. Her illness caused me enormous distress to lose my Mother at such an early age to know that she would not be able to see me married or her grandchildren. This is not what is in store for you.You are a young man with a full and active life ahead of you. I hope that your neurologist writes on a piece of paper 'this young man shows no signs on MND'. Take care Eggy.EJ.

Your message and time is very much appreciated and i can't imagine what you went through.

I mentioned to you that i was worried about the PBP form of MND which does not affect arms, legs, hands, feet or anywhere else until later on, The early stages effect only the mouth and throat causing problems with speech, eating, swallowing and talking, Eventually it progresses into other areas of the body causing total paralysis.

05-10-10, 12:03
Hi Eggy,
Wow it took me a while to read through everything but I finally got there.
I am so sorry to see you going through such a rough time, it is crazy how our HA can take such control over us.
I don't deny for a second that you are feeling all these symptoms, they are definately real. If there is anything I have learnt from my HA is that the symptoms are real and you do feel the things you think you feel. The only thing is that I have now come to understand that having HA can make you feel these things without actually having anything wrong. That is a massive mind shift that took me a very long time to come to terms with and accept.

I hope that your app with the GP gives you some comfort.
I am curious though, after your appointment and you recieve the fantastic news that you are OK, what will you do then? Will you be able to accept this? (always trying to be positive these days)

All the best eggy !!!!

paula lynne
05-10-10, 14:10
Hi all, missed you all, hope everyone is ok. I would like to say a public THANK YOU to the one and only Eggy, who has sent me a personal message saying thanks and giving appreciation for my help. Saying I was lovely was nice...saying I was beautiful was over the top hahah Eggy behave...Im married love!! haahhaa, joking aside, it was a nice thought, and I do appreciate it. Also thank you for appologising for ignoring many of my posts. Anyway, all the best at the doctors Eggy, hopefully you can find a light at the end of your tunnel at last!! x:yesyes::yesyes:

05-10-10, 15:07
That was a very nice thing to do Eggy .I wish you well with your Drs appointment . luv Sue x:hugs:

05-10-10, 17:28
Hi Eggy,

Just read what Paula said and it made me smile. That was so thoughtful of you :)

I know it’s hard sometimes when we get so totally wrapped up and obsessed about something that we can only think of ourselves and our own problems. And although it may appear selfish to only think of our problems, sometimes it’s hard not to because they feel like the biggest, most important issues in the world. And in a way that’s true, because they’re ‘our own’ issues.

I read something else that made me pleased too...

“I wonder what the chances of me getting MND actually are? Apparently 2 out of 100,000 people develop it every year, Most people are over 40 or between 50 and 70.”

That’s brilliant Eggy :yesyes:
It’s a real shift in mindset.

And the chances are extremely remote, aren’t they, when you take age into consideration too.

So that’s three pieces of evidence now:
Apparently 2 out of 100,000 people develop it every year.
Most people are over 40 or between 50 and 70.
And from the other day:
The only thing that gives me some hope is the fact that it usually starts with slurred speech which i don't have.
Why not write them all down together? Perhaps you can find another one to add.

Take care,

05-10-10, 23:34
I went to the doctors today, I was only in there about 5 or 6 mins, It seemed like a bit of a waste of time to me to be honest, It is a Locomb GP who i had never seen before.

They said that 11 days ago the GP who examined me did a Neurological Examination on me and that there were no signs of any Neurological problems.

I told this doctor that my face/mouth was not checked so they pushed down on my shoulders and asked me to resist and push my shoulders up which i did, I then had to close my eyes and resist them trying to open my eyes.

Then they made me grind my teeth, They then touched my face in 6 different places before making me stick my tongue out and they didn't say anything about a referral to a Neurologist.

I already have an appointment for next week booked with my usual GP so i will talk to them about my problems and make sure that there isn't any signs of anything.

I have got to have a full blood test tomorrow which is what was ordered by the GP that i saw last week.

I am having problems chewing though and talking does feel tiring, Plus the fact that my face/cheekbone seems to hurt/ache almost all the time and seems worse sometimes when i talk but when i eat it seems to ache much more and i'm not sure what is causing this, It's something i have had for a few weeks now and i am getting some pain in the mouth and my neck still hasn't got any better.

05-10-10, 23:35
Hi all, missed you all, hope everyone is ok. I would like to say a public THANK YOU to the one and only Eggy, who has sent me a personal message saying thanks and giving appreciation for my help. Saying I was lovely was nice...saying I was beautiful was over the top hahah Eggy behave...Im married love!! haahhaa, joking aside, it was a nice thought, and I do appreciate it. Also thank you for appologising for ignoring many of my posts. Anyway, all the best at the doctors Eggy, hopefully you can find a light at the end of your tunnel at last!! x:yesyes::yesyes:

You are very welcome anytime Paula, It is my pleasure :D :D :D

05-10-10, 23:36
That was a very nice thing to do Eggy .I wish you well with your Drs appointment . luv Sue x:hugs:

Thank you Sue :bighug1: :D

05-10-10, 23:38
Well that is great news then Eggy - 2 separate docs have said the same thing - nothing to worry about and you did have neuro exam as well so I would say there is nothing to worry about now.

05-10-10, 23:48
Hi Eggy,

I have followed your thread with some interest, and lots of empathy. I too at my worst could not hear what people were telling me, and insisted that I was correct about my diagnosis (be it MND, MS, cancer, Parkinsons etc).

But the one thing that did help, temporarily, was when I visited the doctor and they were unconcerned. This was the reassurance that I needed. Now admittedly, that reassurance was short lived as it always is! If you read the forum it is full of posts saying - hurray, my tests are all clear, followed by threads started by the same posters who have let doubt creep back in... but you are not even reassured for a moment!

Your doctor would not ignore MND, even if he is a locum - you have no symptoms (well not of MND).

Can I ask, and I am sure we have already covered everything on this thread! what makes you post on a HA forum? If you have MND, this is not the right place for you...you need treatment and palliative care, not reassurance!!

I think you know it is HA, so deal with it..like the rest of us have to..hard work, talk therapy, CBT etc etc... there is no quick fix. But if we don't deal with it, well, we might as well all have MND.

PS compare the length of time of your symptoms to your 6 month life expectancy... you are doing well to still be posting :)

05-10-10, 23:48
Well that is great news then Eggy - 2 separate docs have said the same thing - nothing to worry about and you did have neuro exam as well so I would say there is nothing to worry about now.

Thanks, I am still concerned about my mouth though :weep: The GP i saw last week obviously wants me to have blood tests done for some reason which is what i am having done tomorrow, The GP i saw today said the other doctor want's to look at a few things on a blood test including White Blood Cells, ESR, CRP, Thyroid, Diabetes, Liver Function and a few other things.

I saw something on the screen about the Neuro Exam, It said things like sensations normal and heel to toe walking normal etc etc.

As you know i was worried about the PBP form of MND which starts with slurred speech and difficulty swallowing and chewing, I seem to be able to swallow food ok most of the time and my speech isn't slurred otherwise the doctor today or the doctor i saw last week would have noticed i'm sure so i do really hope i can try and believe that i don't have MND.

I might ask the GP next week straight out about MND just to see what they say rather than keeping it bottled up.

05-10-10, 23:50
I tried that once, they looked staggered - it is that rare (and I am 39 - ha ha well old)!

05-10-10, 23:51
Why didn't you ask this today - I thought that was why you were going?

05-10-10, 23:56
Why didn't you ask this today - I thought that was why you were going?

I went with a list of symptoms which i handed over to the Locum GP, They said they would make a note of my symptoms onto my medical records, I went today because i have new symptoms and because existing ones are still troubling me.

I was going to ask about MND but i didn't feel that comfortable asking a GP who i have never seen before, But 2 weeks ago i booked an appointment to see my usual GP and i see them early next week so i will definitely ask then.

06-10-10, 00:00
Well it may have been better to ask a stranger as he/she would not automatically assume it was nothing and may have looked into it more but I understand.

I am sure next week your own GP will say the same and that it is not MND

06-10-10, 00:04
Eggy I feel for you Dude. It's good to see you opening up and sharing your thoughts with people on here. I hope you feel better soon, I'm sure there will be light at the end of the tunnel for you.

06-10-10, 17:18
Hi Eggy,

I think it’s encouraging that a second independent doctor has also found nothing wrong. I know you keep saying that they don’t appear to check out certain things but I’m sure they do without you realising. It’s something called ‘experience’, and it’s something that cannot be put into words, hence why reading facts on Google only gives half the story.

I can’t speak medically but I did tell you what I used to do as a job. There were thousands of things I just ‘knew’ through experience that were hard to explain or put into words. One thing I always did – almost without thinking – was to brush the back of my hand over the TV screen. Being able to feel the static meant that the part of the TV that produced the very high voltage must be working, and if that was working then several other parts must be as well. I could begin to rule things in and out without the customer even realising I’d done anything. How could I know... I hadn’t even taken the back off!

See what I’m getting at? Just by looking at you and listening to how you describe your symptoms, your doctor can use his years of experience to be fairly certain about a lot of things.

You also said – “I am still concerned about my mouth though. The GP i saw last week obviously wants me to have blood tests done for some reason...”

I think you’re wearing the poor man down, Eggy :winks:

Again, I can’t speak medically, but from time to time we’d have an insistent customer who was convinced something was wrong with their TV when there was’t. Eventually we would take it into the workshop and ‘pretend’ we’d done something. Other times we contacted the manufacturer for confirmation of something we already knew to be true, simply to give the customer a second – and higher – opinion.

You might find this is as much for your doctor’s sake as yours :winks:

Hope you’re feeling better today :)

06-10-10, 17:21
Hi Eggy,

I have followed your thread with some interest, and lots of empathy. I too at my worst could not hear what people were telling me, and insisted that I was correct about my diagnosis (be it MND, MS, cancer, Parkinsons etc).

But the one thing that did help, temporarily, was when I visited the doctor and they were unconcerned. This was the reassurance that I needed. Now admittedly, that reassurance was short lived as it always is! If you read the forum it is full of posts saying - hurray, my tests are all clear, followed by threads started by the same posters who have let doubt creep back in... but you are not even reassured for a moment!

Your doctor would not ignore MND, even if he is a locum - you have no symptoms (well not of MND).

Can I ask, and I am sure we have already covered everything on this thread! what makes you post on a HA forum? If you have MND, this is not the right place for you...you need treatment and palliative care, not reassurance!!

I think you know it is HA, so deal with it..like the rest of us have to..hard work, talk therapy, CBT etc etc... there is no quick fix. But if we don't deal with it, well, we might as well all have MND.

PS compare the length of time of your symptoms to your 6 month life expectancy... you are doing well to still be posting :)
Dear Stressbunny you would not want to have MND. Trust me I know. EJ

06-10-10, 17:53

I have offended you, and I have read your posts and would never ever had done that intentionally. I was just pointing out that while we (and I include myself more than anyone) fret about other diseases, anxiety is ruining our life anyway.

I am so sorry, Elizabeth, I was flippant and that was very wrong.

06-10-10, 18:09
That is ok I know that this is a post about health anxiety and not really about MND. MND is a horrendous illness and I would not want to watch anyone else die from it as to date there is no cure.Thank you I'm still very sensitive about the illness and the circumstances of my Mums death. EJ.

09-11-10, 14:22
Have just read this loooooong thread. I take it by now Eggy will have been to see his normal GP. What happened??? Does anyone know??

09-11-10, 16:10
It is not sorted yet Miggy. I don't think he has been referred to a neurologist either - he is going to see an ENT specialist.

Rach J
09-11-10, 16:20
I really feel for you because I have been the same in the past, but I have learned since that a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. I found that if I read about symptoms I would manifest them and end up convincing myself I had the disease or affliction then end up wasting my doctor's time. Please, please, please try and keep away from medical websites and stop googling medical conditions as this will go a long way to helping you get over this.:hugs: