View Full Version : Peeing Problems

30-09-10, 14:27
Hi all,

It all started around a year ago for me (see previous posts :)) but the one that really 'gets me' I suppose is my urination problem. I pee fine, quite regular but no less or no more than I ever have really but...

Around this year ago, I started to notice a urine smell in my boxers, trousers and shorts. I didn't think anything off it until one day I felt some urine against my skin after going to the toilet. Anyway, I then started to give it a really good shanke but it looked like it still dripped.

The past few months basically, I stand for around 20-30 seconds shaking/milking my shaft and then dabbing it with a bit of toilet roll. This seems to have done the trick but at 29 I don't think I should be like this!

Anyway, went to the Doctors around 6 months ago and he said it was perfectly normal, although I do not trust his opinion as he got my anxiety wrong before! He said some urine can get 'trapped' in the uretha and thats all this is.

I don't get up during the night to pee and only last week had a urine test for any infections.

I am safe to assume I am okay? Is the Doctor correct? What could it be? Can I fix it? Kiegel Exercises? Is this anxiety related?

Soz for all the questions!


30-09-10, 18:26
Hmm, well i dont own a willy, but the dribble should be shaken out by 20-30 secs of shaking!
Theres nothing "wrong" with you, but I can complete understand that smelling like wee is not a nice thing! The advice for women is to try and stop the flow of urine mid flow and then hold it for 10 secs and release. This will start to tighten up the muscles related to your bladder.
For a man though, I would say maybe its the same? I would google it and see if you get any tips :)

01-10-10, 10:59
Hmm, well i dont own a willy, but the dribble should be shaken out by 20-30 secs of shaking!
Theres nothing "wrong" with you, but I can complete understand that smelling like wee is not a nice thing! The advice for women is to try and stop the flow of urine mid flow and then hold it for 10 secs and release. This will start to tighten up the muscles related to your bladder.
For a man though, I would say maybe its the same? I would google it and see if you get any tips :)

Thanks Vixxy, anyone else?

24-10-10, 17:35
Sid you've probably already got your answers by now (just looked at the date of your post oops!) but just thought I would say, I am pretty sure that the human urethra is a slightly weird shape (slightly hooked or curved IIRC) and so sometimes urine can get trapped - which is why some people go to the loo and then five minutes later have to go again because there's still a bit left! A bit like water in a u-bend. It could well be that. :)