View Full Version : dublin57

30-09-10, 14:43
Hello! I'm new to this forum. Found this site as I have been feeling not the best lately. I have always been quite an anxious person and probably panic more than others. It has been worse the last couple of months as my son has just gone to university, albeit only local, but he has gone into halls of residence. I'm sure what I'm feeling is what a lot of people do, worrying about if he's okay, although he seems to be enjoying himself. One of the main reasons I looked for this site is that there are a lot of people who suffer from a lump in the throat and I was kind of reassured in a way because this is what I suffer from too, now I'm sure it is througn anxiety after reading some of the posts. Another feeling is when I am in a quiet room with other people, I feel my heart starting to pound and all I want to do is run, it's horrible and is getting me down. I've been taking stressless and kalms and trying to say to myself it's okay but the panic seems to take over any logic. I wish I could learn to control the feeling of dread that takes over. Hope to find some reassurance here.

30-09-10, 14:48
Hi dublin57

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
30-09-10, 22:05
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x