View Full Version : Hairs Falling Out!

30-09-10, 15:56
I was washing my hair in the shower the other day and my hair was coming out in my hands, not loads but enough to worry about, it wasnt on or two strands, it was like five or ten. And when i wake up in the morning my hair is all over my pillow!

Ive never had this problem before im very worried on what this might be, i dont want to brush or touch it because im scared i'l start getting bald patches. Its really not a funny subject im very worried!

:weep: Any ideas what this could be? Ruby.

30-09-10, 16:00
have you had your thyroid checked as over active can cause this to happen and heart to beat fast

30-09-10, 16:05
My hair fell out in a patch at the back of my head when I was 16/17. A lot would come out, especially in the shower or bath like you said but the bald patch was only about the size of a 50pence coin and it was easily covered by the hair growing from the top because of where it was. It was cuz I was so stressed with a very mean boyfriend, hard college work and difficult family issues. When I got happy again my hair grew back!

I don't think you should worry yourself because like I said LOADS would come out but I didn't go bald and you couldn't tell my hair was falling out by looking at me, you could only see my bald patch if you pulled my hair to either side like in pig tails or something. You probably won't even get a bald patch to be honest, I think it was an extreme case cuz I was seriously VERY upset at that time in my life. That was 3/4 years ago now and I've got a full head of hair and no bald patch so don't stress! You're ok :) xx

30-09-10, 16:06
hi ruby....you and me both xxxxx i posted a thread about 1/2 an hour ago xxxxx

thank you gypsywoman....i will get this investigated....but i think maybe its lack of a good diet...plus all this blooming anxiety!...but thank you oh so much and i will speak with the doc xxxxx

ruby.....of course its not a funny subject xxxxx dont ever ever think that xxxxx

paula lynne
30-09-10, 16:06
Hi, agree with Gypsywoman. x
Also, hormones can make this happen, stress, and medications. If its a lot in one go, maybe seeing your gp will help to give you reassurance. x Im sure it will be ok x:)

miss diagnosis
30-09-10, 16:07
i had this before. turns out was low on iron.

also if you are the pill yasmin this is one of the side affects

30-09-10, 16:19
Thankyou for you replies, and how quick they were.

Well my mum has an underactive thyroid. And her hair falls out alot, and i think she knows thats what im getting and shes buying low cholostrol kind of butter, and shes getting all these vitamins in slowly. I think she doesnt want to admit ive got what she has. Im VERY stressed right now, (which i will explain in a reply to PokerFace in a min) So i think gypsywomen could be right. I dont like to admit it and i wish it was just stress. Ive always been worried to get what my mum has. It makes you very ill if you dont take medication for it. I must go to the doctors. But recently i dont want to eat or sleep or GET OUT OF BED. I just dont feel like doing anything, my diet isnt well. And i always got this.. bitter nasty taste in my mouth which i cant explain..

30-09-10, 16:22
My hair fell out in a patch at the back of my head when I was 16/17. A lot would come out, especially in the shower or bath like you said but the bald patch was only about the size of a 50pence coin and it was easily covered by the hair growing from the top because of where it was. It was cuz I was so stressed with a very mean boyfriend, hard college work and difficult family issues. When I got happy again my hair grew back!

I don't think you should worry yourself because like I said LOADS would come out but I didn't go bald and you couldn't tell my hair was falling out by looking at me, you could only see my bald patch if you pulled my hair to either side like in pig tails or something. You probably won't even get a bald patch to be honest, I think it was an extreme case cuz I was seriously VERY upset at that time in my life. That was 3/4 years ago now and I've got a full head of hair and no bald patch so don't stress! You're ok :) xx

Ive been through alot of stress too, with my boyfriend, college and family. And i hope to god this is all that it is. And i dont want to go out or do anything, your post helped alot and its really reassuring. Im sorry you went through that i can understand because im going through similar things, he lives 100 miles away and i cant be with him because of college and we argue all the time! Theres hardly any trust there but we're trying. Anyway its getting me down cos my hair is everywhere. And its SO embarressing. Im not sleeping properly either. Nor eating, cos i feel ill when i eat. And keep feeling like im about to be sick all the time. My doctor gave me blood tests for anemia but i want one for my thyroid too i think. X Thanks for your reply X Ruby

30-09-10, 16:27
Aww Ruby, all these things combined together are awful I know, I really feel for you. I know it's embarassing and if you're anything like me you're EXTREMELY self concious about it thinking you have a massive bald patch and everyone can see it, but you don't and they can't! I really hope stress is all it is too!

I've been feeling sick a lot after eating latley too and I have a weird taste in my mouth a lot. Kind of like a bitter, dirty taste is quite horrible but I've been told it could be acid reflux caused by anxiety! xx

30-09-10, 17:00
My hair, at the fringe has gone really thin but mine is the dreaded menopause! As everyone has said it can be a number of things and we do shed about 100 hairs on any normal day but we dont notice this as its either in the shower, brushing or just landing on your clothes. Try not to worry too much as this in itself is a problem, take care.

30-09-10, 17:32
This link is very helpful ,Check out the vit page www.stophairlossnow.co.uk (http://www.stophairlossnow.co.uk) Sue

01-10-10, 19:39
I started losing a massive amount of hair a couple of years ago. It was a few months after I'd moved from Australia to London. I had blood tests which all came back normal. The doctors just said it was stress but I didn't feel stressed at all at the time. Another doctor said it was due to lack of sunlight which leads to lack of vitamin d. It got so bad that you could see my scalp in places. I don't think any of the treatments or vitamins particularly worked, think I wasted a lot of money on them. My hair all came back after 3 months. I've had a couple of recurrences but not as bad as 1st time. I think it's often just our hair growth cycle getting out of whack and shedding too much, then it corrects itself again on it's own. When it was really bad I got this stuff called nanogen fibres off the Internet and it covered up the little thin patches really well, it's amazing stuff.

I'm sure yours will just fix itself on it's own if youve checked and your thyroid and vitamin levels all ok,sometimes just takes couple of months.

01-10-10, 19:42
I lose quite a lot of hair daily but we apparantly lose like 100 hairs a day, I notice mine cos they're jet black but my hair's still as thick as ever :S

01-10-10, 19:44
How much hair loss is a lot?
I've always found quite a lot on my pillows, say if I look on there now there'll be about 10-20 but I've had that pillow case on for 2 weeks lol and when I wash my hair there're about 10 in the bath and sometimes they come out when I rub my hands through my hair.
Never clumps just one or two at a time.

01-10-10, 20:29
I have the same problem but I had a baby just over a year ago. However I did think it would slow down and it hasn't. The Dr is checking my vits and liver function etc just to be sure but she's pretty sure it's hormones.

Going home
01-10-10, 23:34
Ruby it could well be your hormones, didn't you tell us you're pregnant some while back? so it could be this.

Anna xx