View Full Version : Why?

30-09-10, 16:42
Got up in a state, still am a state, dnt know if these feelings will ever go. spent all day in bed,crying,wishing i was not a part of life, cus this suffering is becoming to much to bare, ud think at least one day wud be better then the last but they aint, wot do I have to do.

I keep thinking the only way out is death, to be free of these nasty horrid alien feelings, i hate my brain, myself and everything i am.

I know that this life is so hard even though i have everything i need except for a peace of mind.

30-09-10, 17:19
I'm not very good with words jay but i just wanted you to know that i care...as do many of the lovely people here.
Hang in there. :hugs:

luv 'n hope

Jan x

30-09-10, 18:48
Please don't give up, as jada says we care about YOU!!

You are not alone we can all relate to how your feeling - its not pleasant but you can get through it.

I hope these words can helpx

30-09-10, 18:53
Sorry to hear you are not feeling to good Jay.
I hope your evening is better than your day.:hugs:

30-09-10, 19:07
Sorry you feel this low ,but most of us have at some time had these feelings of despair and have come out the other side .Is there anyone you can confide in ? seek help from the gp .Nobody deserves to feel this way and i am sure there are people who care about you ! dont give up ,take each day as it comes and know you are not alone !!x

30-09-10, 19:22
Hi Jay
I read your post and had to reply. I just want to let you know that exactly 1 week and a day since , I was exactly where you are now and I know how alone and desperate you might be feeling. My first step was my GP, I had been low for quite sometime time before i got to where you are right now and had been trying to seek help to no avail. Please believe me when I say help is out there as it is on this forum . I won't go into detail about my personal experience but I will tell you that once I found the right help , I am learning slowly how to face the days again, in just one week. It is a slow process but do-able and no matter what life throws at you or how hard it gets, nothing is worth giving it up for. You are not alone and we all understand just what you are going through so please, just hang on in, post your worries on here and try to see your GP as soon as you can.
I will look out for you on here and check in when I can to see how you are doing. Just hang on in there Jay because you are worth it.

30-09-10, 20:18
Hi Jay
I am sorry to read how you are feeling. It made me sad to read.I just wanted to add to the other messages. Is there anyone you can turn to for comfort and support. JB63's post is so right.
Have you been to see your doctor about how you are feeling? are you taking any anti depressants to help? There is a lot of help out there for you.
I, can understand to an extent how you are feeling, as I am sure a lot of people on this site do, as I have felt many times like you are feeling, but one thing that happens is that eventually things do improve. You will not always feel like you do now. Medication has helped me so much plus counselling.
Death may seem like peace of mind, but you wont feel anything because you wont be alive. Who wants to be dead??? whats the attractiveness about it? It may end suffering but it ends any chance of you feeling happier and ends any chance of anything.
However I do understand that people feel that it will end their suffering, but they are giving up. How do they know that in the future they may be really happy and be glad looking back that they did not end it. I know that I have felt that way many times. I would rather be alive and experience emotions good and bad rather than be dead.
Please tell someone how you feel, be it family, friends, The Samaritans, your doctor. You can get help and you can improve eventually. You will not always feel as you do now, even though you may think that you will at the present time.
Sending you hugs.:hugs: