View Full Version : feel soo low

30-09-10, 18:10
:weep: no where to turn, gp no help, hoping psychiatrist can help in morning when they are back in, as they off today, i feel like giving up, ive tried soo hard too hard at times, and gp makes a promise then denies it and refuses certain meds

tried to punish myself and took some laxatives, no where to turn and feel like ive been left to suffer

30-09-10, 18:17
It might be a good idea for you to see another GP. Have you looked into swapping? You can find a list of GP's in your area on the NHS site.

30-09-10, 18:28
hello lonely,

i'm so sorry to hear you feel this way. i can definitely relate to what you are going through, you are not alone. keep picking yourself up & trying again, you are your own best friend, you can come through this, please don't give up :hugs:

thinking of you, take care xxx

30-09-10, 18:35
hi lonely,

you are not alone and defo see another GP. I know it might take a lot of strength to keep fighting but it will be worth it - you'll see.

Hang on in there - thinking of youxx

30-09-10, 20:34
Hang in there lonely your not alone on here,we all care mate:)

02-10-10, 11:10
psychiatrist was no help, i wasted all yesterday for nothing, ran up to hospital to ask to speak to mh team, what a waste of time that was :weep: i think gp must of spoke to him before i could get to them

in detail im on mirtazapine 30mg at night and sertraline 50mg morning, i was also on promazine, which they had been gradually decreasing until recently stopped, which ive not been happy with it worked for me, probrbaly the only med that did any good at all

i have mitral valve and regurgitation, a prolonged QT-interval and basically they are blaming my psychiatrict meds, to me my hearts always felt weird, it was only found last year that i had mvp but they try and blame that on my anorexia nervosa, im better then last year though

my pshycologit looked puzzled when i said they blamed my promzaine and where taking it from me, she said but ive been on it 3years why would it be a problem now and not 3years ago :weep:

the gp also took me off my omeprazole few weeks back but my tummy played up again, so they gave it me back a lower dose, only for them to take it off me again this week, blaming my symptoms on my anorexia :wacko: saying cardiologist says he wants me on no unneeded meds, he wasn't to worried when i saw him last year :weep:

i spoke to an A&E doctor yesterday he looked puzzled, he said omepraole won't affect the heart soo has no idea why they have stopped that med, and he didn't agree

my mum went out yesterday saying it was unfair they where leaving me like this and got me some kalms to take, i don't care anymore if im not allowed to take them or not

they keep saying im not willing to try, i couldn't be more willing ive been feeling worse since they decreased the promazine adn much worse since they stopped it

before last week gp phoned up saying i could have diazepam to help if and when needed but only up to 3 times in the week as they addictive, and then they turn around and say no they are not prescribing it, i hate it when they promise something and then deny it, i lose trust in them all

the mh team referred me to the crisis team, don't know what they do, don't really care anymore :weep: as they will be no help
i just get told to try and distract myself, i already do, i know all the techniques its easier said then done, when it gets soo bad, was out thursday and i just broke down and they say im not trying