View Full Version : OH MY GOD

06-03-06, 18:31
this is gonna sound so pathetic. Ive just watched Home and Away and some guy on there had been getting nausea, headaches and belly aches and he just found out he had skin cancer i know its a tv programe but now im looking at all my moles thinking i might have that, i cant watch anything like holby city or casualty anymore cause i always think i have what they have and 'ive not checked for that yet' its driving me f*****g crazy if i didnt have sypmtoms and just felt panicky i would worry so much but cause i feel ill i think im physically ill


06-03-06, 18:46

There is absolutely no reason to believe that you have the same condition.

It is just a tv programme so try to see it as that and don't relate it to your life - real life.

Try to calm down and see things rationally.

Are the moles itching? bleeding? have they grown in size recently?

I am sure when you calm down you will realise that it was just an initial overreaction.


06-03-06, 19:26
katy nic is right.

dont watch things that make you worse but if you do remember they are not real

anxiety is very real though and you have it. but you do not have skin cancer i promise you

06-03-06, 19:40
nothing is itchy bleeding or getting bigger. i just think with how i feel i must have a physical illness its all driving me crazy i need to think rationally dont i
thanks guys anywy take care x

06-03-06, 19:41
As I said in my PM Katy just try to relax I’m sure you will be okay and I’m sure you don’t have skin cancer.


07-03-06, 08:30
Hi Katy. Take is from someone who has had a melanoma - do not panic! Yes, people get skin cancer. I did. But it was superficial and had not spread. If you are truly worried about moles and stuff just go get a checkup. Take comfort in the fact that if caught in the early stages it is nearly 100% curable.

For that guy on TV to have had a problem he would have ignored a dodgy mole for a long time.

Mine was a very obvious change in colour and size. So don't look for things that aren't there - know your body but also know that moles are perfectly normal to have.

I know how you feel about TV programs though. Just think that the symptoms you described could also be attrinuted to someone with gastric flu!!

I definitely avoid any current affairs programs, medical related programs, and anything that might over-educate me now. I have decided that ignorance is bliss!

Hope this helps!


07-03-06, 12:56
thanks leigh, much appreciated yea i need to chill out basically im a freak when it comes to worrying but im sure everyone know where im coming from

07-03-06, 22:00
More than you ever know. I was just relieved to find this site and give it a name - Health Anxiety! Before that I thought that I was unique and more to the point had some wierd premonition or something. The number of hours I have spent worrying about symptoms are quite ridiculous!

But of course knowing that doesn't stop it creeping up on you. Thats why I turn to this site.

07-03-06, 22:57
Katy mate,love ..one day you will look back and laf at your self.. im exactley like you.. i have heart disease,lung cancer, brain tuma, i have had it all over the years....my biggest obsession is my heart... we are all the same.
I watched this morning the programme with phil and fern on in the mornings-- and there was this guy he was a fit healthy guy full life with a lovley wife and kids, and he dies from a sudden arrthmia(oops spell check) its to do with the heart anyway...well that was the best programme for me to watch wasnt it, you can imagine,,, i then get thoughts in my mind of collasping on the floor... katy you are not alone...
but try , try your best not to do that to yourself, otherwise like i said(ooh listen to me -like i do what i say) before you are feeding the anxiety its pleasure food..... fear..

ash x

07-03-06, 23:08
im surprised your still suffering ASH because you give wonderful advice u should try listening yourself xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx