View Full Version : need reassurance now please - my child.

30-09-10, 21:35
My three-year is lying next to me and has a really bad cough.

I know the cough is a normal cough - just a bad normal cough. (not whooping, wheezing or choking sounds). Now normally I can reason with myself that he is ok, tho I hate hearing him in any distress - but like all mums can see it through and be strong for him.

Daddy got him out of bed and we decided it was best he stayed with us. But I keep worrying that he may stop breathing...and I am really really anxious - the more he coughs the more anxious I am getting... he is just trying to sleep through his coughing - bless.

I am stressing and worried overly I think...

30-09-10, 21:42
My three-year is lying next to me and has a really bad cough.

I know the cough is a normal cough - just a bad normal cough. (not whooping, wheezing or choking sounds). Now normally I can reason with myself that he is ok, tho I hate hearing him in any distress - but like all mums can see it through and be strong for him.

Daddy got him out of bed and we decided it was best he stayed with us. But I keep worrying that he may stop breathing...and I am really really anxious - the more he coughs the more anxious I am getting... he is just trying to sleep through his coughing - bless.

I am stressing and worried overly I think...

hi ambers.....he is safe with you both i am sure..but if you feel more comfortable call nhs direct and explain his symptoms they will be only too glad to speak with you....thinking of you all xxxxxx

30-09-10, 21:50

Your little one will be fine - try and prop him up on some pillows so that he is not lying flat. Put a bowl of hot water and Vick (if you have any) in the room you are in - but not where anyone can knock it over and get burned.

Another good tip if they are coughing a lot and sound congested is to run the shower on hot for several minutes with the bathroom door closed and then both of you go and sit in there inhaling the steam - it seems to soothe the airways and reduces the coughing. I spent many hours in a steamy bathroom with my son when he was little - we used to sing silly songs just to make sure that he was breathing in the steam!!!

Plenty of drinks and calpol and lots of love and kisses will make it easier - he will find his sleep and the coughing should reduce.

Good luck hon, I am sure he will be better in the morning.


30-09-10, 21:59
Thank you thank you... I know I am overly worried but the love and kisses I can do abundantly. He hasn't coughed for 10 minutes now...but I know it's gonna be a sleepless night of worrying for me.