View Full Version : another panic attack whilst sleeping :(

01-10-10, 01:15
was literally just dozing off, i was so so tired and then i wake up with my heart racing and feel panic stricken. trying to control it by breathing, and am not having full on panic attack because am reasoning with myself that i am not dying and that it will pass. have got up out of bed, put the telly on. just feeling so anxious, and im so tired and gotta be up early n i just feel rubbish, cant seem to calm myself down. just looking for some words of encouragement really. at least i have come a long way, i am much better at controlling it now. i wonder if it was because some friends of mine told me this evening they're expecting a baby? this wasnt a massive shock but i guess it was unexpected, it keeps popping into my head so i wonder if maybe it's that that's set me off. who on earth knows?!
thanks for listening, any encouragement would be greatly appreciated. my other half is fast asleep, dont wanna wake him. xx

01-10-10, 02:04
It's ok Sarah. I get this a lot too. Nothing I can put my finger on, that's what's so annoying. It's almost like while you are sleeping your conscious mind takes a break, and then as soon as you open your eyes, reality and anxiety hits like a truck. It's bizarre. Maybe it was your mind working too hard with the info of the baby due. The slightest thing can trigger panicky symptoms, even something non-threatening.

I had a weird experience like that last month. I was away for the weekend with family for my cousins 40th and we had arranged to all meet at her hotel room on her Birthday in the morning the next day with pressies at a specific time. Well just the knowledge that I needed to be there on time and the anticipation of that set off my panic. The night before I hardly slept, my heart was pounding and I felt edgy. SO ridiculous and illogical.

Anyway hun, keep with the deep breathing, watch some tv (nothing too loud and stressy) and have a hot drink. It will pass, honestly.xxx

01-10-10, 02:14
aw thanks Debs, u always make me feel better! been sat up for nearly an hour now, feeling a bit better. had some toast cause i think my blood sugar was low, especially after using all that nervous energy.
seriously i find my mind turning over things over and over again for no reason, stuff that isnt even important. i mean my friends told me tonight about the baby, she's only like 4 weeks or something, because they know im a midwife and want to pick my brains etc, but i found myself stressing all evening about, what if she miscarries?! because she's so early on. i mean how awful is that? i am delighted for them, but i just worry and i know it's my anxiety. it's a terrible thing to think.
like i say, i guess this i progress tho, that i can get myself up out of bed and almost talk myself out of it. still incredibly anxious but very aware that it is panic, not a heart attack or anything. hope ur doing ok anyway hun. xxx

01-10-10, 02:26
Hi Sarah,

You probably went to bed in a highly emotive state, re the news of your friends expecting a baby - well, that's my theory, but I'm tired, so probably talking a load of rubbish...which actually I do, most of the time! :wacko:

Anyway honey, I hope you feel a bit better soon...

Wishing you peaceful, slumbering zzz's...

Love Sue x :flowers:

01-10-10, 04:51
some times we can think of the worst outcomes :wacko:
hope your feeling better