View Full Version : my doctor is useless

01-10-10, 07:05
hi, my first post!

i have been depressed for about a year and a half now and severally depressed since jan this year. all started with living with my alcoholic unreliable selfish liar of a boyfriend. we then broke up four months ago and i have missed him so much that it has made me suicidal. i know that doesnt make sense after the way i described him but i love him. anyway. my gp is totally useless. i have tried 3 different anti depressants and because i have had side effects from all of them he says i am not depressed because if i was i wouldnt get side effects!!! has anyone heard of this before? it just doesnt make sense to me at all. he says i am just stressed. i saw a doctor through work 2 days ago who said i have severe depression and that my gp clearly doesnt understand just how bad things have got and she is going to write to him.

01-10-10, 07:16
I feel your pain..Doctors sometimes are the ones that cause stress and anxiety themselves. I have known many of them to be self indulged unsympathetic hypocrites
that make people like us feel worse in some cases ,and then I have found others that
are the kindess considerate and concerned people in the world and you feel like you
are the luckiest person in the world to have them as your doctor.It seems the stats
run about 50/50.

The more I think about illness and going to doctors the more I think about my 85 year
old father in law. He says he goes to the doctor and pays for his services because
the doctor has to live. Then he takes the prescriptions that the doctor gives him
and goes to the pharmacy and buys the medicines because the pharmacist has to live
then he comes home and throws the medicines in the trash because he has to live.

He doesn't like doctors or trust them and he has pretty much did what he wanted
all his life. He has been told he had high blood pressure and numerous ailments but
will not take meds..Im thinking 85 he is beating the odds but seems to work for him.lol Take care

01-10-10, 07:22
Hi vicki2

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-10-10, 07:45
:welcome:Hi Vicki2 I'm sorry that your GP is not being very supportive. I suggest that you see someone else in the practice or even sign on at another practice. There is plenty of support available here on the forum. I hope that you begin to feel better soon. EJ.

01-10-10, 10:23
I dont think there is a person alive that doesnt get side effects from AD's. However its whether you can tollerate them in relation to the good they do.
Im on seroxat which gives me terrible night sweats and nightmares, but helps my anxiety. So i see that as a fair trade off.

Vanilla Sky
01-10-10, 11:10
Just wanted to welcome you to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

01-10-10, 11:53
totally with you on that i was once told by a very military type doctor that i pull myself together its all in my mind and i should get myself a good woman hope your ok

01-10-10, 12:45
Hi Vicki2 - sounds like you've had a very stressful time without the added problem of a GP with that attitude. I hope you find some comfort and reassurance here as it's a very supportive forum :)

01-10-10, 13:12
:welcome:its so hard when a gp does not understand...we have a few of them in my practice and i avoid them like the plague!.....i hope you can find someone else in your practice to speak with....maybe the receptionist could advise the best one to see with xxxxxxx

01-10-10, 13:27
HI and :welcome:..That GP obviously needs to read up a bit on his facts .I ve never heard such a load of bull ..:lac:You need to persevere through the side effects and the end result is worth it .You will get a lot of help and support here to help you come thru the other side .Take care luv Sue x

Fly away Katie
01-10-10, 18:57
Hello love and welcome to the forum x x x

evil monkey
02-10-10, 00:12
was wondering if its worth a thread (not to bash doctors too much, just to get some information round) about info that people have been given that theyve found out wasnt correct ?

02-10-10, 08:49
Hi Vicki2 welcome to the forum:welcome:I agree with you lookin4answers its finding the right Dr I have tried 4 at my surgery 1 shouted at me and 1 refused 2 see me again, the other 2 were rubbish, they pull rank I think. I was only asking for help. You might be better going to a another practice Vicki. Best of luck.:shades:

02-10-10, 15:26
Hi,Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment. I agree with Elizabeth Jane. Is there no one else you can see at the practice.
I think every one has side effects to A D.as any other drug.
Myself I am on citalopram .I must admit my memory is weird. but I feel quite a lot better. The higher dose I was given did not suit,but i have been given a lower dose. with all ADs it takes a few weeks to get into your system anyway.
Please don't let your personal life spoil living your life.
Take care and put yourself first.:):hugs:
From Nellie 123

02-10-10, 19:30
thank you for all your responses. to be honest i should change my practice but i am too down to go through it all as it will be such a hassel at the moment. but i certainly think i will.

02-10-10, 20:31
I feel the same it does feel like a mountain to climb to change practice x

08-10-10, 09:38
interestingly i recently joined a social club and last night met one of the members who is a psychiatric nurse who works in a crisis team. anyway, curious to find out what her thoughts were on the anti depressants and 'not being depressed as you have side effects crap' that i got from my gp i asked her that a 'friend' was recently told that by their gp. i hid my depression quite well last night so i really dont think she had any idea i was asking for me. anyway to get to the point...! she said most gp's havent a clue and she visits surgeries a to enlighten them and that she asks for people to be referred to the crisis team for treatment! just thought i would give an update. its nice to know that you are not going mad and that someone understands isnt it.

08-10-10, 18:48
Hi Vicki2 & welcome,

When I was first depressed/anxious many years ago I tried lots of anti depressants as most of them gave me unbearable side effects. I later found that my thyroid had stopped working properly and that really didnt help in that it had made the side effects worse.

Firstly try a different dr in your practice but also ask for a thyroid blood test. You'd be surprised how common low/high thyroid is and it's worth getting it checked out if you've suffered depression for a while.

Hope you make yourself at home here soon.
