View Full Version : hello i am a newbie and suffer panic attacks

01-10-10, 08:45
i am so relieved to find this site i am two weeks into suffering what i think are panic attacks i have an appointment with wellbeing team next week re cbt have been so scared .i have had four attacks so far two quite bad.

the doc has given me citalopram 20 mg but i have read about the side affects and am to frightened to take them..doc also gave me diazepam 2mg to take only if i couldnt handle the more severe attacks..have taken only two so far..i am trying to fight this without medication..i am off work at the moment with chest pains possible angina {yet to be confirmed}.i go back to work on monday and am dreading getting an attack when i am there..nothing seems to cause the attacks they seem so random.

like everyone i am lost as to know how i am going to handle what lies ahead,i am 52 and have never experienced anything like this before..

any advice /help you guys can offer would be so appreciated..

01-10-10, 08:50
Hi fergael

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-10-10, 09:25
Hi Fergael,

Welcome to nmp.
You sound like me random panic attacks at work from nowhere.
The welbeing team are good ive been twice now and they seem to calm me down
I wish you all the best and feel free to message me anytime. xx

paula lynne
01-10-10, 09:47
Hi and welcome :welcome:There is excellent info on panic and anxiety in the left hand column, a good place to start x Good to know you x

Vanilla Sky
01-10-10, 10:47
Hi and wlcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

01-10-10, 12:50
Hi Fergael :)
I have random severe panic attacks too and they can be terrifying but there is hope! This forum is very reassuring and you are among people who understand how you're feeling - however 'mad' these feelings can sometimes feel. No doubt the wait for angina results are adding extra anxiety for you so I hope you get that clarified soon.

Fly away Katie
01-10-10, 19:02
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

02-10-10, 09:28
Thanks everyone for your warm response..

its such a scary time..never thought i would have such horrific feelings.

i am going to start taking the citalopram but start with 10 mg not 20mg as doct suggested..however i have the diazepam 2mg as well {28 tables}.

if i take the citalopram and find the side affects tough can i take the diazepam as well..basicaly can i take both..my plan is to take the citalopram and have the diazepam as backup if my panic attacks heighten,

but scared of mixing them