View Full Version : Dizziness! stop....i want to get off!!

01-10-10, 09:28
My main symptom when I have anxiety is dizziness/off balance/wobbliness, call it what you want. I get fatigue and lack motivation, not a great combo with a three year old to take care of. I feel like i'm ready for another symptom now. I want the dizziness to lay off and i'l have a dose of neck pain or something....just to give my head a rest!! Does anyone else find themselves thinking like this?? I just figure that if i'm going to have anxiety then i might aswell have a mix up of symptoms. A bag of dizziness is like a bag Jelly babies.....ya just get sick of them after a while. I am sat writing this at my laptop, all my anxiety is in my head at, swishing around and tormenting me. I cant concentrate for very long and I feel as if I am going round in cirlces, I get waves of feelings that I might pass out. My head aches from it all. I just want it to stop, its like a ride where you get so dizzy that you cant focus and you just want to get off before your mind shuts down. The more I fight these feelings of dizziness the more tired I become. If I didnt have my 3 year old (who is off nursery sick) i would be in bed now, hiding away under my duvet. I cant let him see me like this so I have to act normal. Its so not easy!! :weep: :weep:


01-10-10, 09:37
Well, if you want my two pennyworth on this, I think acting normal is probably very helpful. It's one of the things that I make myself do when I'm suffering badly, as if you "act normal" for long enough, you often to start feel more normal yourself.

Have you been to see your GP lately? Are you on any medication at the moment? If not, is it worth asking for something to tide you over while you're feeling rough?

01-10-10, 09:47

my main anx symtpom is this horrid light headed feeling which is always there, it makes me panic so much that it brings on all other anxiety symptoms.

I have to carry on as normal as im a single parent and i dont want my daughter to see im suffering. I suppose this is the best thing to do as the more you ignore it, the better chance it will go away quicker.

love mandie xx

01-10-10, 09:53
This is the single most awful thing that starts getting me down in my daughter. I desperately want to be normal for her, I love being with her and don't want to not be here with her. I want to play with her and enjoy her company, but this interferes with normal day to day life. At my worst I have felt incapable of looking after her properly at times. Sometimes I have just thrown myself down on the floor and played with her to try and make myself feel better. It does work but it takes an awful lot of effort. I am suffering from dizziness at the moment and haven';t had it like this for a long long time. It is awful and is making me feel sick.

01-10-10, 11:03
DoDo: I can so relate so your 'throwing yourself down on the floor to play with her'. This is generally how I get through my bad patches, I just lay down and colour/draw/playdoh with him and often find this theraputic (not that the dizziness disappears though) I reckon that by keeping him safe and fed and watered I have done enough to keep him alive until his dad gets home but unless I have played with him or chatted to him or educated him and taken him places then I have'nt parented him properly. My mother was alot worse than me in relation to anxiety (hers was chronic) she says she did her very best by me but i dont see what she did has been 'enough', will my son feel the same about me when he grows up i wonder?
The dizziness is driving me insane, its so bad that its causing panic attacks (not had these in such a long long time)
Mandie: My mum would have panic attacks in front of me as a child and tell me how bad she felt, I refuse to do this with my own child. I dont want this viscious circle to continue in his own mind.
Blueangel: I am contemplating meds but I am reluctant as last time I managed to fight off my anxiety with determination and perciverence. I dont feel as strong this time though, the dizziness is so bad that I think it maight be the only way forward.

Thankyou for all your caring replies xx

01-10-10, 11:40
Hi pinkpiglet - I'm currently resisting meds at the moment as well. I have had them a number of times, but I know that they only really treat the symptoms and not the cause, so I'm working on the premise of only going for them if I get desperate.

My GP (who is absolutely brilliant) has recommended an online CBT course which I'm going to try. Not sure whether I'm allowed to post the link to it, but if I find it helpful, I'll PM it to you.

02-10-10, 10:01
Please Please please do Blueangel. I wasnt deemed as been desperate enough for CBT, although god knows why when I have had to live with anxiety all my life (my mother had it chronic anxiety as i was growing up). This sounds just up my street. I would be more than grateful if you could send me the link x