View Full Version : Head and face are driving me mad

01-10-10, 09:47
My symptoms are really starting to annoy me now. I have been feeling nauseous for about a week now and keep waking up in the night feeling sick and off balance.

Last night I woke and felt really sick to my stomach again. I had a squeezing pain in the left side of my head, I felt the room was swaying and my head felt like it was going to explode it felt so full, as did my ears. I had to prop myself up in bed and eventually the feeling went away a bit.

I am still having cold feelings in my right temple, and the sin keeps feeling really tight and like someone is pressing their thumb down on my temple.

I am going out of my mind thinking the worst. Last night I thought I had a blood clot in my head and was just waiting for it to strike.

I have a GP app this afternoon and I am terrified of what they are going to say. What with the tingling/small numb patch on my lip I am convinced it is something awful, despite what people have said to me.

I hate this so much.

01-10-10, 11:30
Hiya, i get the numbness and tigling aswell. How did you get on at the drs? xx

01-10-10, 13:02
I get tingling on a small patch on my back, let us know what happened with the Doc!

01-10-10, 17:06
Well I've had a going over, heart, bp, visual tests and all were normal. Cranial nerve was intact which is apparently a good thing as I would imgaine it would be. She didn't think I had a tumour/MS or stroke and thinks it is all linked to a virus I had or could 'just be anxiety'. I feel a bit better as I know she has looked at my eyes etc but the numb patch is still there a bit and bugging me somewhat. Plus the sparks in my vision could be a migraine or nothing at all.

I am having some bloods so that should rule anything nasty out, but no doubt I will worry until they come back all clear.... grrrr....