View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer

01-10-10, 10:37
I am really scared that I have this :weep:. I have ME but for the last while have bee getting 1. Back Pain (Lower and between shoulders).
2. Bloating and wind
3. Heartburn and indigestion.

I have had various bloodtests and they all came back normal but I have convinced myself that I have it and its really upsetting. I am too scared to tell the Doctor as he knows what I am like and worry about everything. I was there the other day and he has referred me for physio.

Please can anyone help me? :weep:

01-10-10, 10:49
This could be me writing this!
I have the ovarian cancer gene in my family on my dads side so it is always something I need to be aware of. I have the same symptoms as you, my abdomen is so bloated that i look nine months pregnant, I have terrible wind and the sharpe pain in my lower back is pretty much constant (its there now).
I also have seen a change in my periods, they are irregular and extremly heavy. I worry endlessly. My GP carried out some bllod tests and he explained that the results showed I do not have cancer in my body. I didnt even know there was a simple blood test to determine this but he explained that the screening they did would show dysfunctions in my blood cells if I had cancer. I have started to relax about this now. My GP knows I have OC in the family and he knows that i relate alot of my symptoms to this disease, i reckon he would not ignore this and if he thought I might be at risk he would carry out further investigations. What is your appetite like??

01-10-10, 10:59
Thank You so much for your help. My appetite is fine although I read that you can feel full quickly and when i leave food on my plate I worry I have been full to quickly. I am really worried. My back and hips are sore and also down my right leg. My Doctor thinks its Fibromyalgia and isnt concerened about heartburn and indigestion. The bloodtests I had done were liver,kidney,thyroid (I have an underactive thyroid), full blood count,sugar and inflammation. They were all normal but as far as I know none of these would show ovarian cancer. Does anyone know if this is true?


01-10-10, 11:38
Hi there

There is definitely a blood test which would show the presence of ovarian cancer. If I remember rightly, it looks for the presence of a substance called CA125. Very simply, if this substance does not show up in the test, then you don't have the disease.

The other reason your doctor might not be concerned is your age. If you're currently under 50, then ovarian cancer is very rare indeed.

01-10-10, 12:16
Hi There, I am 36 but am still scared! I had blood test for inflammation which was normal. Would ovarian cancer show up on this? I know its not the standard test though.

Thanks for any help. x

07-10-10, 17:08
I am worried sick. I've had no period for 2 months but always feel like it's just about to start. Cramps, bloating and running to the loo alot. I also have ME and fibromyalgia. Talked to my GP about it and he feels it is all stress related. Just got an email (one of the ones you're supposed to forward on to everyone you know) and it's about being aware of symptoms of ovarian cancer. Well that's it - I have myself diagnosed. GP doesn't seem concerned. Just said if my period didn't come this month they would do blood tests to check hormone levels incase it's the start of the menopause :ohmy:. Meanwhile I have myself dead and buried!