View Full Version : Its all coming back again! Your views on Life after death

01-10-10, 11:07
Hi all I have been away for a while but its all getting on top of me again. 2 years have passed since I joined the site, I am 25 now and had another baby this year so now have two Sons and a beautiful baby daughter.
All has been ok since I stopped my Meds when I found out I was pregnant but recently my darks thoughts has been pestering me again.
I am still scared about dying but what I am trying to figure out is what happens after you die. I do NOT believe in life after death, it seems silly to think that when all your organs stop working that we float away into another life. We were a nothing before we was born so why would we carry on after we are dead.
I think the fact that a don't believe in an afterlife makes me fear death even more but its not as simple as just telling myself to believe.
Basically I am asking you all for your opinions on life after death, do you or don't you believe and for what reasons.
If anyone has any personal experiences they would like to share then I would love to hear. I really want to believe!!!:unsure:

paula lynne
01-10-10, 11:25
Hi Noa..nice to meet you. x
I believe that death is like a candle....when you blow out a candle..where does the flame go??.......it doesnt "go" anywhere...its simply not there anymore.
Im sorry you are having thoughts about it all time, but you do recognise its back and thats good. Maybe its time to talk to a friend, counsellor, gp?. Wish you well x:noangel:

01-10-10, 13:33
With all my heart and soul I really do believe that Jesus is there at the moment of death for those that trust him.
I have really looked into the history of the bible many years back and there is so much evidence for the bible being the true word of God.

I trusted Jesus about 24 years ago and he has proved himself time after time to me over the years.

I get panic attacks and think I am about to die.
I think I am more scared of the dyeing it self bit how does it feel to actually go will it be a struggle with me trying to hold on to life.
I pray I will die in my sleep really.
I am not scared about after dyeing cause I know my Jesus will be there,
The bible says before we where born the Lord knew us.
If there is no God how did life itself come about.
Something to think on

01-10-10, 18:46
I really love paulas idea there, a brilliant analogy. Remember, you won't still be anxious when you are dead. I think some people imagine being stuck in a kind of cluastrophobic black space for all eternity, but that wouldn't happen. You won't have any ailments when you are dead. So yay! ...in fact, in the words of some person I've heard of, "Don't look forward to it, don't dread it, just accept that it will happen when it happens and rejoice!"

01-10-10, 18:55
I have had this fear on/off for ages and have posted many times about it.
When my anxiety is worse than so is the fear, however I think I have exhausted the fear, because it doesn't bother me so much as it once did. We do not know what will happen after death, but it may be good and nothing to fear...
To fear death
is nothing other than to think oneself wise when one is not.
For it is to think one knows what one does not know.
No one knows whether death may not even turn out to be
the greatest blessings of human beings.
And yet people fear it as if they knew for certain it is the greatest evil.

~ Socrates ~

02-10-10, 08:18
Funny you should write this post.I have just read about 5 books on near death experiences,three books on reincarnation and two books about life after life.I can give you a list but none of them just really convinced me of anything.Very skeptical too myself.. But one quote by a famous man soothes my soul and thoughts on the subject.

His name ...Mark Twain ..American Author Samuel Clemens. He said " I do not fear death as I was dead billions of years before I was born and it never was an inconvenience that I know of "

I don't know why but this kind of makes me feel better.The books are very interesting and I can give you a list.I want so much to believe but still the jury is out.

02-10-10, 12:20
looking for answers- your so right but i hate the thought of just not existing and dying young so my kids would have to grow up without me. It would at least be a little more comforting if I knew that if the worst did happen that I could still watch over them but like you I can only find things that actually make me believe less.

Carly Lou
02-10-10, 14:30
Hey Noa..... I have been having thoughts about dying and death for a year now... It is a thought that i have everyday... and it seems to be worse when i go to bed at night... I cant help but think.... what will it feel like when i die... and what will happen after... all i imagine is everything goes black and then there is nothing... just nothingness.... and that petrifys me... Im only 25 also and i have been having these thoughts since my son was born nearly 2 years ago.... i have tried to watch things on ghosts... life after death... i try to believe it is all real... but then think there is nothing after we go.... i cant bear to think of not seeing my family again.... and i get so upset and have panic attacks when im really thinking abt it... i dont know what to do either to get these thoughts out of my head.... i used to say to myself when i was a kid.... if there is such thing as heaven or life after death... i will see my grandad in my sleep... this must have been when i was about 12 or so... he never came in my sleep ? and he died before i was born... i dont know if that makes any sense... im just rambling on now....
When i went to see my step gramps the day he died in hosp... he looked so peacefull... he was just sleeping... and i thought i hope this is what happens, that it is peacefull and you just slip away.... but he was on alot of drugs to keep him like that ?? Arghhhhh i just dont bloody know... but you really arnt alone with these thoughts...
just what on earth happens when you die ??? i dont believe either in all this heaven/ sitting on fluffy clouds stuff.... and because i dont... i then stress if there is life after death i certainly wont be welcome there as i never believed in it whilst i was alive ???
Im talking rubbish now lol....
So nice to see others think the same... xxxx its really comforting xxxxxx

02-10-10, 17:05
I dont believe in life after death sorry and i am a firm believer that this life is not a practice for something better to come,with the greatest of respect the bible is about as real as peter pan, fairy stories written by people who wanted to control and put fear into people nowadays people are far more educated,darwins theories are far more scientific and can be proved,i believe that if some geezer called jesus existed he was the best paul daniels around at the time.If you are a religious person please dont be offended that is not my intention,i just cannot see one scrap of realistic truth in any religion,that is another subject how many religions are there?which one is the right one?in years gone by civilisations worshiped dogs,turn the word around you have the word god,there is so many different ideas its each to there own:)

02-10-10, 17:52
No offence taken OldFella, I am not religious at all, just curious on everyones opinions as its the one thing that will never be proved.

03-10-10, 05:58
Sorry to butt in here again but ok...I read another book today.The author was a skeptic 28 years ago and a professional Psychiatrist. He had always scoffed at near death experiences and reincarnation and anything along that line. He was a true man of show me if it exist.28 years ago he was doing hypnotist on a woman that had terrible anxiety and depression and had for all her life and had terrible fears of everything and everybody,

He put her under and hypnotized her to help her remember her childhood to see if there were things she could bring to light that happened to her that caused her anxiety . Sure enough there were but something strange happened ,he brought her back to another time in another life. "Yes I hear you " I am skeptical too but read on.

This guy thought the woman was making most of this up and fantasizing about different lives but soon found she knew things about him that she could not have possibly known. Also with out hypnosis she didn't even have the beliefs about living before and also was a devout Catholic..Hmmm got to wonder here.. where the story is going.

I honestly believe that this man is on the level and he believes what he is reporting.The book has been translated in 46 languages and has been a best seller for 28 years. It at least makes for interesting reading and actually he brings up things that most people don't even know .Like the Bible had 26 books written about reincarnation that was taken out of it about the time of Constantinople because like
the person above said here,the Bible was being used to control people and Constantinople didn't want anyone to know the truth because it gave them to much time to repent.

As the book goes it makes you think.The author's name is Brian L Weiss."Many Lives
Many Masters" As far as proof of the afterlife or what might be beyond its pretty fascinating. The more I have read about this subject on a scientific scale as being
researched..The stories that people have presented supporting such claims go almost
exactly parallel to most religions. Especially the Eastern Ones.. So who knows..if there is life after death and im sure that we will never know what happens till we are there
but in the meantime if you have a few hours to kill ,the reading is good for you and fun to entertain.

I am pretty much like the most of you .I am the biggest skeptic and won't even watch the shows about ghost or paranormal because I laugh all the way through them. I have been to many of the so called most haunted places in the United States and been in cemeteries all my life at all times of the day and night ..Mostly photographing tombstones with different lighting and never in my entire life have I ever felt anything
other than empty space and empty places with a lot of hocus pocus being put on them for tourism. .

But I took the day to day after my wife insisted to read that book since she had read it and somehow it helped me to feel lest worried and I intend to research this guy further and perhaps even try to communicate with him on a personal level.I have often thought about trying to get a past life regression therapy just for the heck of it and see what happens. At least for no other reason for fun..

Anyway excuse the intrusion again but thanks for reading.. Michael

04-10-10, 07:53
I think there must be something because my mum used to work with a lady that turned up to work one day and was telling my mum she was quite shocked at what her grandson had come out with over the weekend, She had been in the car with her daughter and grandson when he just said "stop here" which they did thinking something was wrong he said "I used to live in that house there, I always remember having my picture took with my little dog"! he even described what the inside of the house used to be like, when they got home his grandma dug some old pics out and sure enough there was a pic of that house! and while she was rooting through another pic of her father with a little dog at the front door her little grandson that was only 4-5yrs old whilst he was saying this had never ever seen these pictures and when she brought her dads medals out the little boy went bersek saying "PUT THEM BACK! I fought in the war for them and they've never to be touched" she did put them back but he went on to describe every medal and what it was for, he was telling em all about his little dog! now neither her or her daughter can expain this and all she knows is that its freaked them out.

04-10-10, 08:06
Following my last tale there was a young boy on the news quite a number of years ago, he had been on holiday to Spain with his family a place he had never been before, one of his family felt a bit ill with sickness and said 'where will we find a chemist now' this young boy said 'oh I know where there is one' they said how do you know you have'nt been here before but he went on to describe where it was so they went and sure enough it was there, he also descibed other places in the area as if he had lived there years.
so make of it what you will but it is quite wierd.

i love tea
04-10-10, 09:12
Hi Noa, this basically sums up what I believe:

04 Oct 2010 Set Free from the Fear of Dying
'...set free... [from] the fear of dying.' Hebrews 2:15

Joe Bayly, who lost three sons, says, 'At the hospital after we buried our five-year-old... I saw a little boy playing on the floor. "He has the same problem your son had," the secretary said. I sat down next to his mother. "It's hard bringing him here for tests, isn't it?" I said. "Hard! I die every time," her voice trailed off. "It's good to know," I spoke slowly, choosing my words carefully, "that although the medical outlook is hopeless, after our children die they'll be removed from suffering and be well and happy." She replied, "If only I could believe that, but I don't. I'll just have to cover him up with dirt and forget I ever had him."' Bayly wanted to be alone with his grief, but he felt compelled to speak. 'I'm glad I don't feel that way. We covered our little boy with dirt yesterday, and I'm here today to thank the doctor for his kindness.' She replied, 'You look like a rational person. How can you possibly believe the death of a man or a little boy is any different from the death of an animal?' Max Lucado writes, 'Heaven enjoys a maternity-ward reaction... angels watch, the way grandparents monitor delivery-room doors... They can't wait to see the new arrival. While we're driving hearses... they're hanging streamers... Jesus came to "free all... who... lived... as slaves to the fear of dying" (Hebrews 2:15 NLT). Heaven knows no untimely death. David said, "Before I was born, Every day of my life was recorded in your book..." (Psalm 139:16 NLT). Fear and dread end when you know that heaven is your true home.'
