View Full Version : Coping with stress physical symptoms

01-10-10, 13:01
I have been suffered worse anxiety for a few months however it's been more stress related recently..

My symptoms are:

Sleep: Disturbed sleep, late nights, going off early to sleep but not getting to sleep until late, sleeping on too long due to part time job.

Eyes: Heavy eyes, sore eyes, flickering eyes.

Head: Headaches, pains, veins and so on.

Whole body: Feeling strained, knackered, weak, burning up, burping, IBS, chest pains.

Mood: Anger, Low moods, more lazy days than active days.

The thing that seems to be getting me stressed is the future. I can't relax at the moment even relaxation tapes is not being effective enough. I feel better in ways with less panic but alot of physical stress..I've had a hard few months as I always feel these physical symptoms and it's no fun feeling lousy all day.

I know there's times I force myself into stressful situations. I'm back to the driving lessons again trying to look at the long term reward. I was thinking the other day about uni students. They go drinking to relax there lifestyle as it must be pressuring exams at that level. However I have alot more time to dwell on things working part time. At the moment I'm sat in 4.5 days of the week.

I can read some reassurance and an hour later the worry is as strong as ever..so it may be interfering with any relaxing. I feel constantly under pressure for little reason. I put my self under it 100% nobody else to blame.

Another issue is stuff I can do to relax I can't always do as I have this tackling nature..just stay online another 10 mins and before you know it it's 2 hours. I have little tolerance that way...same with healthy eating and exercise can only do it in very small moderation.

Maybe I'm just hoping it will blow over like it has before..but i'll be onto another set of symptoms in a few months..it's weird to say I'm less anxious than I was before but more stressed..can't win..can't I feel some normality? :unsure:

evil monkey
01-10-10, 13:52
just for one thing something that might help sleep is coconuts or coconut milk.