View Full Version : New To Panic Attacks

01-10-10, 17:45
Hey All, this is one of a few forums I have joined looking for other suffers, so hear is my story...

I will try to be as brief as can be, about 3 yrs ago I suffered from the scariest thing in my life as everyone knows what that is, its called a Panic Attack. I never knew what it was back then and was so scared but thought it was just exhaustion and treated as such, after that nothing that I was aware of happened for 3 yrs until now and thats where I am at..

The beginning of August for no reason that I can think of, I was jolted out of bed about 2:30 am, Dizzy, Lightheaded Heart racing, feeling sick, no tight chest and could still breath, Thank goodness my girlfriend was here to say "Your having a panic attack", she has them, but I didn't want to believe it, I thought I was having a heart attack and ready to call 911.

I ended up going to the Hospital the next day with another one (smaller) and told them what was going on, I wanted to have my Sugar levels Checked and it was normal as I thought maybe I was feeling this way due to that. I had 2 small ones after that and said NO MORE am I gonna let it run my life and it didn't for 2 weeks (best 2 weeks of my life, thought It was done...Also figured it was because all blood work came back normal (except B12) and Holter monitor results were normal (24hrs) that was making me feel more at ease.

Jumping ahead this past Friday, week ago I had one minor, but enough to start me having them again on regular basis, I tried to take a 10MCG of Cipralex as meds are new to my body and it almost or felt it almost killed me (never took another one since), I had worse attacks one every 2 or 3 hrs at night woke me up and have been fighting them ever since, last night I only and I say ONLY loosely one Panic attack that woke me, felt so scared but knew what my body was going through and got up for a few mins confused, but went to bed as I felt I should.

I have lost 8 pounds in this week, throat for the first time feeling abit tight, but I am so glad everyday last week I FORCED myself to eat (minimal) and drinking lots of water so I don't dehydrate...

Sorry for so much description and thats what has brought me to this forum, because all my time in bed I spent reading on my iPhone and Symptoms of Panic Disorders, found it reassuring others are going through what I am going through...

Thanks All

01-10-10, 17:46
Hi Estranged

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
01-10-10, 18:15
Hi Estranged and welcome to you. Give the columns on the left a read, great place to start x:welcome:

Fly away Katie
01-10-10, 18:58
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

Vanilla Sky
02-10-10, 11:59
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

02-10-10, 12:47
Hi Estranged :)

I suffer from severe panic attacks too and they can be terrifying can't they? I'm so glad you have an understanding girlfriend to help reassure you. Hope you find some comfort here too - plenty of us in the same boat.

02-10-10, 13:09
hi all i suffer with anxiety and panic attacks now for some time i have set up a facebook page called anxiety panic page if ur on facebook feel free to join