View Full Version : the sea terrifies me. ! i dont know why.

01-10-10, 19:54
i am having a bad day. i havent slept properly for days or eaten really. i nearly passed out at uni today. i feel so bad. my parents have gone away and ive never been in my family home this long on my own. i just went outside and with the weather been so bad i could hear a roaring and im sure its just the sea and i hear it all the time but ive picked up on it tonight and am sitting here scared that a tidle wave is coming or something. its something ive always been scared of. specially living near the sea/ and cause some things ive thought before have happened i think..oh god. what if!! ive had reacurring nightmares about the sea ever since the tsunami years ago. could that be stuck in my mind this long?!
i havent felt anxious for a long time. i went out drinking last night and then hardly slept. thats prob it. but what if all the good progress is going away again. ?
can anyone help.

01-10-10, 20:22

Try not to worry yourself...i too don't like the sea, i think it's because it is such a vast open space of water and very very deep you start to think how it could eat us all up.

There won't be a tidal wave or anything like that so just think no matter how bad the weather is with gales/rain that the sea won't come near u.

I have been on holidays in cottages in cornwall etc and stayed near the sea and had panic attacks thinking the same thing as u, just stay on the internet for a while and take ur mind of it.

Lynda x:winks:

01-10-10, 21:07

It could be cos you are tired that you are so anxious. I am always worse when I am tired. Go and have a nice hot bath and an early night and things will look better in the morning. Put some nice music on so that you can't hear the sea :)

Carol xx

01-10-10, 22:23
i agree, i'd imagine it has a lot to do with the fact you're tired and also with the alcohol in your system. be reassured that it is highly highly unlikely, near on impossible that the sea is gonna make its way to you in the form of a tidal wave anytime soon, just keep telling youself that, whenever the thought pops into your head. hope you're ok. feel free to pm me anytime if you are panicking or need to chat. xxx

01-10-10, 22:25
ps. i dream about massive tidal waves alot, i've always thought it's my subconscious feeling completely over-whelmed and stressed out. try and take it as easy as u can. i know anxiety doesnt leave u be sometimes, but just try and keep things around you as normal and calm as possible. xx

01-10-10, 22:42
Well they do call it the cruel sea, so I wouldn't feel too bad about feeling bad about it! But seriously, because you are anxious and feeling low then you'll be clinging on to the bad thoughts about the sea. That's what anxiety does, it magnifies things. No harm will come to you. You'd had come to harm by now living so close to the sea. When you feel more relaxed you will see these thoughts for what they are, anxious thoughts magnified. :flowers:

Going home
01-10-10, 23:45
There are certain places around the world that are prone to these tidal waves but as far as I know UK isn't one of them, the worst case scenario would be waves coming over sea walls etc. I lived in a town where the waves would come over the walls and run down the street every winter, and the prom road would have to be closed for a while, but it never got any worse than that. In fact rivers breaking their banks do more harm than the sea in the uk! I reckon alot of people fear the sea so you're not alone with that. I love it but don't like to be on it or in it! Try not to let your imagination run away too much, which can happen when alone I know. Try to put your mind to other things if you can, watch a movie perhaps...but not one about the sea!

Anna xx