View Full Version : Sooo happy..........

01-10-10, 21:31
I had to share this.
I was so miserable earlier, really down, bad miserable day, and then an advert came on television about Simply Red adding another date to their Farewell Tour - all others sold out.
I thought S*d it...Will pay now and save each month until December...Ring up and book one of the best seats...I love Simply Red and have done since I was young...so I rang up and booked...seats next to stage!!!! Yayyyy...something to look forward to with my boyfriend and my miserable mood has gone!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think having things to look forward to does help. Totally spontaneous or however you spell it, but its lifted my depressed mood.
Can't wait.............:D

paula lynne
01-10-10, 21:34
"Somethings got me started...you know I will lurrvveee yyooouuu!!" yippee, have fun!¬!!! xx

01-10-10, 21:51
Thanks Paula Lynne. Can't wait....just hope my boyfriend doesn't dance though :lac: Might need to put some drink in my handbag :unsure:

01-10-10, 22:04
Aaww, poppyc, that's great about your Simply Red tickets - yes, they're great. Without a doubt it does make you feel better to know you've got something to look forward to. It takes things like this to keep you going. Hope you have a great time. :flowers:

01-10-10, 22:06
Well done poppyc for being so determined.

It will be a great gig Im quite envious - lol

01-10-10, 22:44
Thanks everyone...I can't really afford it, but at the moment I am going through a bad time, and its just a group I have always wanted to see, and I know its nothing major, but it has made me feel so much happier. I was really down earlier.

01-10-10, 22:48
i just adore simply red....am i envious....YES I AM xxxxxxxx

you will have a fab time xxxxx :hugs:

Going home
01-10-10, 23:19
Simply Red has always been a fave of mine too...For Your Babies on the Stars album is a classic for me. I watched their last ever TV appearance last weekend on itv...great! Well done for having the courage to book the tickets and i hope you have a fab time. I'm much better with my anxiety levels than I was a year ago, but still couldn't face being in that kind of situation, being part of a crowd in a concert, but maybe one day....:)

Anna xx

01-10-10, 23:27
Hi both
Thanks for replies. I too watched the programme last weekend and it brought back all the happier memories from years ago.
I know I will hate the crowded situation, but I am going to have to have a few glasses of wine, plus a couple of drinks in my bag...:lac:wrong...I know, but otherwise I would not be able to face it. I am fed up with how I am stopping me from doing things :weep:
I would like to see George Micheal one day,however he is still in prison :unsure:

Going home
01-10-10, 23:37

Anna xx

02-10-10, 10:30
Woke up this morning, and thought what have I done!!!! I had too much wine last night. I am looking forward to going, but I hate crowded situations. :lac:
I will have to have a few drinks before. I am getting worried too about my drinking.

02-10-10, 12:17
:)hey, you will be able to go - it might be hard but then if it was easy you wouldnt actually have a problem in the first place - i know what you mean about the drinking thing - sometimes it can become a bit of a crutch? but your aware of it and you will prob take steps now to lower it? i dont want to say youll be fine coz it sounds lame, but although it will be a worry and hard to go, you will be fine and youll have a good time an dafterwards you will be soooo releived you went and feel really confident - getting well is not as easy as it seems:wacko::lac::weep::mad: