View Full Version : Maybe a weird question

01-10-10, 21:51
This maybe a weird question, but is it possible to go through anxiety attacks and not even really know it? Meaning mild ones, I'm new to panic/anxiety attacks, not sure if it was possible

thank you

01-10-10, 21:59
Yes I think it is possible to suffer anxiety and not know it until you start getting symptoms

01-10-10, 22:00
Have you had anxiety attacks before or even just the one? It's possible that you know how to control an oncoming attack and so the symptoms are immediately dealt with. It could have developed into a defence mechanism and you do this without realising. I could be talking nonsense, of course, but on a few occasions I have felt what may develop into an anxiety attack and have managed to stop myself. I did this, however, knowing full well exactly what was happening.

01-10-10, 22:11
Yes. Looking back, a lot of my "dizzy spells" were mild panic attacks (IMO). Then I had a migraine with an aura (or was it?). Wasn't until my "heart attack" that i finally found out it was all anxiety. Ambulance paramedics were really lovely about it though.

01-10-10, 22:15
I have had them off and on, but last week I took my very first dose of Cipralex 10mcg and it was terrible, left me having anxiety attacks bout every 2 or 3 hrs for a few nights and kept me in bed feeling horrible, so I never took an since but I feel maybe cipralex reacted bad with me as well as maybe 10mcg was to much to start out with.

I acually maybe contolling them to a certain point, I do get brain zaps depends on how m sitting as strange as that may sound figured it was do to bad posture, eg. Laying in bed with my head tilted upwards using my iPhone to surf and type as I'm doing now

thank you

01-10-10, 22:26
Don't know about Cipralex side affects, why don't you do a search of the forums or post in the medication section to ask about it? Then you'll have more info ready when you next see the doc.

Yes, the brain zaps won't be helped by muscle tension!

01-10-10, 23:10
Thanks CCL I have read some side effects from cipralex but will read more in the Cipralex forums, maybe get a better understanding.

evil monkey
02-10-10, 14:21
i think so, like cat lady said,

i always just felt tense, i never knew how to describe it. till i spoke to sum1 i know a couple years ago who has panic attacks and thought to myself "yeah i get my own version of that"

obv what i had was the adrenaline/cortisol etc

04-10-10, 02:23
I have a friend who went through all sorts of tests for illnesses that he didn't have - at one time he was unable to get out of bed and doctors thought he had ME. In the end treatment for anxiety got him back to "normal".

04-10-10, 04:27
Yes you can have little panic attacks without realizing it .I have had many over a short period of time and not realized it till later..