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02-10-10, 08:10
how many of us spend our life concentrating on our panic attacks? i am having a bad spell at the moment and i have noticed how much thought etc i am giving my anxiety even to the point where i will switch off the tv and want to be alone because i need to 'concentrate' on how i am feelin! this came to my attention last night as i became distracted from it and found my self laughin at something! and i suddenly realised i have been to busy concentrating on bein depressed to be happy! spending so much time stuck in my thoughts worrying about whats gonna happen tomorrow or am i gonna have a panic attack today or am i going mad...or can i cope with life? or am i gonna be able to look after my little girl? just think about it for a second how much time do you give your own panic attacks? i think me and anxiety need a little break from each other!

02-10-10, 09:14
Oh, well said lajjj!!!!! Time to take a break!:)
You've just brought it home to me! 32years ago, when I was suffering post natal depression, I refused to have the radio on in the house so that I could concentrate on my anxiety and ever since then, I find it hard to have the radio on. When I visit my parents, I even have to ask them to switch their radio off cuz it distracts me from my thoughts (mainly anxious ones). I only ever put my tv on to watch Xfactor or Strictly Come Dancing...they are the only two programmes that I can lose myself in and allow myself to enjoy!
However, I do try and make time to listen to relaxation tracks on my ipod. Also, I use my ipod for doing a session of cardio exersise...works wonders!!:)

02-10-10, 09:24
:D its a shame we couldnt put all this concentration into something more productive! of course we are gonna feel anxious if we spend all our time thinking about it. i cant belive i didnt notice before that i actually switch off the tele to concentrate on my panic attacks! no wander we get so anxious! i find the relaxation tracks very helpful. i have some from 'meditation oasis.com' they are so soothing really help me sleep i recommend meditation to anyone! when i first started i was pretty sceptical but they have been a god send x